Tfw when your country has been incredibly shitty throughout its entire history

>tfw when your country has been incredibly shitty throughout its entire history
>tfw there was never any regard for human life here
>tfw ethnic Russians are dying out and massively hooked on alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs (me included, I smoke weed lmao almost every day)
>tfw life here is so bad krokodil is still a thing
>tfw methanol poisonings and so forth are still a thing, because people drink glass cleaners and shit
>tfw we lost tens of millions of people during the WWI Revolution of 1917, Civil War, Great Famine, Great Purges and WWII and all of this was for nothing
>tfw our government spends billions of dollars on military while seniors are forced to rummage in dumpsters in attempt to find food because pensions are around $100-150 which is barely enough to pay the utility bills alone
When will we have our Golden Age? Or, at least, when will we live like human beings and not niggers from Africa? Putin is not based, Sup Forums. He really isn't.
>inb4 let me tell you about your country

Other urls found in this thread:

tell me about the tradition of russian boxing/wall fighting

can I self-bump here?

Only nuclear cleansing will save this planet. Humanity is a mistake. We must fulfill our role as a punishing hand of the Lord. This will be our golden age (more like a moment, but still)

arent those problems almost entirely societal rather than political though? though that being said trying to steer an entire country out of degeneracy such as alcoholism and drug abuse is almost impossible without somehow entering a golden age of economic prosperity

You're day is coming if Trump gets into office. While you guys are still butt-sore about NATO encroachment, it'll lax if Trump's calling the shots. Then hopefully, Putin can direct funds to infrastructure instead of military spending. I just hope Putin doesn't try to pull anything because Trump doesn't play games.

economic prosperity that every citizen from a oligarch to a vagrant, that is.

You guys basically made ballet and good theater. Don't sweat it dude, you've done your part.

Well your people are letting it happen so you deserve it.

>not mentioning the AK
you're disappointing me, Mike

Fuck your entitled pessimism.

>Are people drink and smoke there's no hope

ussrs collapse caused a major economic fall out. The retired or soon to be retired generations did. It have time to prepare or bounce back from this. However your generation does go out and build the golden age you think should have bee. Handed to you instead of bitching to a bunch of weebos and traps

Economical prosperity and societal change (and vice versa) go hand in hand, you really can't have one without the other... I really don't see Russia having either of those while Putin is still calling all the shots

And the SKS. Like the one on my bedside

Sounds like you should join the military

>amerifat tells us that our moment will come when THEY will elect trumplet

So, Trump will lift Russia from dirt and everything magically will become better. LMAO.

Is there anything more stupid than a trumplerina follower?

Not like it's going to happen anyway, seems like Shillary is on upswing and exploits a hell out of western bigotry toward Russians. You can throw the most outlandish lie and people will eat it.


You are either a proxyfag or a 14 year old.

Your country has made massive leaps since Putin came to power. Both in military and civilians areas.

Russia was pathetic under Gorbatchev and Yeltsin was a joke. A LITERAL JOKE.

At least now you have dignity and others respect you. Putin did that for you.

>but we are poor

No you are not. You are not hungry, without a home or naked. You have a home, car, phone, PC, all the modern day amenities. Stop complaining and dreaming of a Hiollywood life, it doesn't exist, it's propaganda.

You are at this spot, because the entire Western world is working against you, pressuring you with bases on your borders and sanctions for made up offences. They need justification for their military spending, so they use you as a bogeyman for their population.

>but muuh seniors

That's your personal responsibility. My parents are both 75+ yo and their pensions are 100 euro each. I take care of their bills, buy them food, anything they want. I even send them abroad on excursions once every two years. You should take care of yours.

Stop complaining, it is what it is. Russia inherited Byzantium's mantle of Christianity's defenders, act like it. You are on of the last bastions against rampant social degeneracy.

First the Tsars fucked you.
Then the Bolshevists.
Then the cronyist scum who hold sway now.

You were born to get fucked over and over again. Leave your dump of a country, embrace the west, eradicate the leftist inside of you.

This is why you can't have great things.

All those points you refuted

it's ok pal, we can be friends! the world is full of crazy shit.

all we can do is try to save money and help our friends and find somewhere peaceful and safe to live.

we can't think that anyone else will save us, whether they are good or bad

weed addicts always think they know the Truth and that the world is shitty and weed helps them live above it.

it's you that's fucked up and weed is making it worse.

i suppose it may seem like an outlandish lie when you refuse to look in to the impacts it would make on your country...

You're currently being fucked by sanctions pretty hard by Obama, that won't get any better with Hill dog comrade

>Shillary is on upswing and exploits a hell out of western bigotry toward Russians

Yea, the Boomer generation has been completely indoctrinated by reality and selfishness in a way that only Trump really reaches. You think the decades of, "RUSSIA BAD," is still a thing? Lol, I feel bad for you son.

I hope you enjoy your safe space faggot.

>weed addicts

lmfao read a book you sharia law faggot

i promise you not all americans are fat russia-haters!

most of us like russians a lot.

I'm Christian.

Only weed addicts deny its addictive properties in the face of research which proves otherwise.

>weed helps them live above it
When did I ever say it?


They're literally not forced. The only force in the equation is the force with which the pension money was collected with.

Entitled cunt.

At least your not China.

>You are on of the last bastions against rampant social degeneracy.
Delusion the post

that was the joke, your christian doctrine is no different from sharia

i have smoked precisely 3 bowls in my 25 years on this earth and i can promise you that trying to say "research shows weed is addictive and leads to degeneration" is as much of a myth as saying advil or toothpaste or vitamin c does the same


Yea you guys are alright

I would just accept the current standards if I were you, to sorrow does not have much use. Fortunately life leaves open options for all those with useful skills, at least in somewhat decent societies and I think Russia is among those still.

It seems to me that you're speaking from a position of false humility. "The world is awful, and I'm just another person trying to survive within it."

You're being dishonest when you claim that Russia has been shitty throughout its entire history. I don't believe you're stupid enough to think that.

There are people in every country that fall into sin, evil, or just plain despair.

I think you are trying to explain away your own failings by attaching yourself to these others.

>Russia inherited Byzantium's mantle of Christianity's defenders, act like it.


No different? Tell me, have you read the Bible? Have you read the Fathers? Have you read the quran? Have you read the hadiths?

Is there no difference?

You've tipped your fedora so hard it has blinded your eyes as well as your heart.

You know you're hurting yourself.

>because people drink glass cleaners
That's mostly meme if you're not Sibirean.
>WWII and all of this was for nothing
Dude Nazis LMAO
>When will we have our Golden Age?
> let me tell you about your country
Russia is wide as fuck even russians don't know shit about Russia.

Love russian religion, but man do they act like bullies and niggers towards other christians.


lmfao you really need to get a new hobby that isn't moralfagging on Sup Forums

>telling people what to do
>not believing in individual freedom

to be clear, of course, all of the pot smokers who live off of welfare and student loans are a joke

>do they act like bullies and niggers towards other christians
>"""other christians"""

I haven't told you to do anything. That's your conscience.

>"research shows weed is addictive and leads to degeneration"
He still subscribes to the old Jewish myths, perpetuated by dumb films like Reefer Madness and articles of "weed fueled degeneracies". It was from an era when sustained effects of weed usage in a well-structured consumer based society hasn't been well documented.

>Will weed alter our tax slaves' perception of the reality we've crafted for them? Will they all become hippies, revolt, and perhaps instate a new way of life?
Now that they've seen its beneficial effects (increases consumption AND makes them docile) so long as it is not seen as counter culture, but rather a supplement to their tax slaves' life, they are trying to perpetuate new myths.

>weed cures diseases! legalize it! use responsibly!
This is the new perception of weed they want us to internalize. It's mind boggling how with their control of media and politicians, they can change the perceived reality of the populace into whatever's convenient for them.

I never claimed weed leads to degeneration.

I think It's a drug like any other that is addictive and prone to abuse.

I'm more concerned with how weed is used to avoid personal growth (especially with regards to spiritual growth).

i agree, the statist media is so good at manipulating public opinion and crafting minds literally on an hourly basis...

the only solution is to move far away from their influence and stock up on what you need to keep your friends and family alive

>tfw even your shitty country is magnitudes better than east european shitholes

putins approval it at 90%. your probably just a butt hurt west ukrainian with a proxy

Not your country, I doubt that
Although the climate is nice and hookahs are cool

My bad, I was eager to note Jewish subversion of culture

It's the only way to raise kids free from their influence. Chapelle had it right in leaving hollywood and taking his kids on a farm, and the media pushed rumors of him being a crazy crack addict. Refuse to kiss the media don's ring and the cabal turns on you.

Chappelle's case is extremely interesting. The statist media is so hilariously paranoid and selfish that they will undertake a systematic campaign to discredit the opinions...

...of an averagely popular TV comedian!!!!

You shouldn't have persecuted the Jews and destroyed Khazaria, kek

Wages are much better here. Only people scavenging dumpsters here are syrian refugees and even that is a rare happening.

>Christian worrying about weed addiction

You are literally so far away from Christ, it's sad.

Read the Bible and the early Fathers for yourself and learn how ludicrous that and its ilk are.

Yeah read literally the oldest pieces of propaganda in history as apposed to the one person in the world who's had a chance to translate the oldest bibble in history and that wasn't a Vatican shill.

Your critical thinking skills are as good as your understanding of who Christ really was.

Do you think YOU have it bad?

>tfw the local buss service only goes every 15 minute
>tfw there is lots of taxes
>tfw some people are so poor they would have been homeless and starve if they did not get an apartment and money from the state
>tfw education is only nominally free... I still had to pay $30 per semester to the student union (for concerts and shit)
>tfw healthcare is not completely free we still have to pay for our own medicine (up to $300 per year if we have to buy lots of medicine)

If you view the Bible and the Fathers as propaganda, you've got a lot of growing up to do.

Many of the earliest Fathers wrote in Greek. You can learn it and read it for yourself.

I'm Orthodox, so I don't know why you're bringing Rome into this.

If you were actually Christian you wouldnt speak with such arrogance. Your 20th century author against the saints.

Are you really so determined to justify your drug abuse?

loser failing at life makes a post on Sup Forums why he is a loser
makes me laugh everytime

>tfw ethnic Russians are dying out
Shame because you have probably the qtest women. The caucasians that are going to replace Russians are ugly and Muslim.

How is "old women foraging in dumpsters" a bad thing? They're a completely useless demographic group. If they haven't been good enough to the men in their life that the men want to support them when they've lost their value, they should be allowed to die naturally. Women have all the advantages when they're young. If they abuse them, and the power they have over men, this fate fits them.

you are a useless cunt, regardless of your age.

> t. Butt mad commie

So my usefulness is based on my opinion of old women, rather than my skills, profession, net worth, charitable contributions, or other attributes?

Literal mother-fucking pussy beggar detected. I bet that if you tell your mommy you BTFO of an internet troll today she'll let you sniff her crotch, you disgusting little sycophant.

OP you could be in black dolphin. Could be worse

Whoa you really suck at match don't you. All the propaganda shit you read was written after 300AD. The Dead Sea scrolls were dated on average to be from around 100BCE. That's 400 years before your propaganda fathers.

Religion is nice but history is a bitch and I value truth more then dogma. Takes a bit of growing up to see the truth from lies.

Oh well, such is life.
I doing pretty much nothing and making over $1000 per month, more than enough for me to live and order anime figurines.

Lol I like you. My mum made 90 tendies for my snack tonight I will be willing to give you 15 tendies for being my friend.

>suck at match

we don't do whatever that is in america, so i don't know what that means brother.

when you said "oldest bible" I thought you meant the Christian Bible.

But now I see you meant the jewish bible.

I'm not as knowledgeable about that. I don't really concern myself with how Jews used drugs (although I don't think your new age sources are even able to prove that).

Please look inwards. You know that the drugs aren't helping you.

>You're day is coming if Trump gets into office. While you guys are still butt-sore about NATO encroachment, it'll lax if Trump's calling the shots. Then hopefully, Putin can direct funds to infrastructure instead of military spending. I just hope Putin doesn't try to pull anything because Trump doesn't play games.

absolutely pathetic

>others respect you

Nobody respects Russia.

Russian brahs, honestly, how is it over there?

It seems like Russia would be considered a 2nd world country (based off research I've done)/ almost 1st world if your country would allocate more resources towards production of quality of life (i.e. larger farms for food, better housing, better educational facilities designed to specifically encourage STEM type training/degrees, etc.).

I've always liked Russia (despite what the liberal media is always saying about it).

So how is it really over there brahs?

>making over $1000 per month

Damn guys we got a high-roller here!

Oh you don't say, seems you don't know shit about anything historically Christian then. Might know about religious Christianity but fuck you need to read some history textbooks. I mean if you think mushrooms and trees are drugs, you're obviously an idiot.

Stick to going to your local church where your pedo pastor feeds you your favorite 2000 year old propaganda.

Can't preach Christ on the internet where people have access to real knowledge.

Russian immigrant checking in. Born and raised in Novosibirsk, came to the US about 6 years ago.

If you can afford to come to America or are able to move here, DO IT. Life's much better than back in Russia imo, except all the nigs and spics running around where I live. The main difficulty for me coming here was honestly getting good at English, and that won't be a problem since you obviously are already fluent.

Just come to America or Canada. Russia's pretty much fucked, as sad as it is.

>(((real))) knowledge

No offense ruski but you eastern slavs were always savage animals. Your people are insensitive, cruel and peasant-minded. The only difference between a slav and a nignog is skin color and hot whores the russian breed has. You get to form a big nation just because the retarded bloodthirsty mongols killed everyone and caused a power vacuum in central asia. You have the great wise man Tolstoy though, he alone kinda makes up for your shittery

You filthy slav animal

>When will we have our Golden Age? Or, at least, when will we live like human beings and not niggers from Africa? Putin is not based, Sup Forums. He really isn't.

You won't get one, your people will die out in Siberia and be replaced by Chinese. Russian territory will shrink, but perhaps it may become a more manageable country. It's similar to what's happening to the American southwest, but fortunately we aren't bordering a country with a over a billion people.

>Alexander Shaikin, in charge of controlling the Russian-Chinese border, said on June 29 that 1.5 million people from China have illegally entered the Russian Far East over the past 18 months.

>Reported by The Moscow Times, Shaikin’s claim is likely exaggerated, but increased Chinese migration is marking a return of Chinese influence to these territories. And any territorial dispute could disrupt relations between Asia’s largest continental powers.

>coming from a roach

Kek. Go back to ranting about the Armenian genocide being a war, Mehmet.

You need to elect a leader who isn't a puppet for the Jewish Oligarchs. Sure, your GDP went up with Putin, but that was inevitable considering you didn't have an absolute buffoon in charge like Yeltsin.

golden age will come when the jew is removed

you are faggot, go suck american dick elsewhere

Also you will never succeed with the eternally pessimistic mindset of the average Russian. I don't understand why so many yearn for the days of Communism again.

Smoking weed beats shooting up heroin, which is what most of flyovers are doing these days. I guess shooting up heroin beats krokodil.

It's the banksters, man. They're the parasites fucking up the world. Fucked up your country a little more than they're fucking up here. Assholes in DC want to try to bring back the Cold War because they're tired of working to scam the flyovers like they used to could. Most people see the Feds more as another enemy than as anyone to trust.

As far as golden ages go - it's all a crapshoot. You deal with the age you're given or not. Maybe the best thing you can do is just stay out the way and smoke another doob man.

You can always make your lot a little bit better though. Instead of buying the weed, you can learn how to grow it yourself. Something broken in your apartment? Learn how to fix it.

So you're not actually a Christian. You just like the Christian trappings when they suit your habits.

In my vanity, I don't want to pray for you.

But i'm not worthy of determining who is worthy of salvation. I'll pray for you.

We don't whine about the wars burger. We just do our shit and move on. Oh also wash your mouth before you take the word "Turk" in your filthy artificial sugar ridden mouth you fat garbage %60 white non-country. There is no such thing as an "american" so show some respect when you talk about a real nation with history you kike flag ship

>>tfw the local buss service only goes every 15 minute
15 MINUTES AND YOU THINK YOU HAVE IT BAD? In North Norway they only go once a fucking day if you are lucky...

Please stop pretending you're a Turk when youre at most less than 30% Turk.

Return to the church of your forefathers. Islam is an intrusion upon your people.

what does krokodil feel like?

Like I said, I'm Russian. I moved to the US. And I wholeheartedly apologize for offending your beauteous, Tengri blessed people, oh great kebab overlord. Really.

Also, I never said "Turk". I used "roach", your proper name.

like heroin, only 10 times stronger

Isn't the situation in Russia fucked because of the moral failings of individual peoples? They have corruption on the level with africa. Everyone fucks everyone up and you can't trust nobody. Can't do shit in places like that if you don't have enough power to intimidate or enforce people to comply.

>When will Russians have their golden age.
>Grand Kniaz Ivan The Great.
>tsar Peter the Great.
>Tsarita Katharina the Great.

Don't you even try it Ivan.

No, I'm not a Christian. I'm agnostic. I do believe however that Christ found a formula for enlightenment and I follow his path. I don't give a fuck what his disciples, his other followers, or anybody else that claimed to speak for Christ says or wrote. I only care for the most true, unbutchered recordings in history of his teachings, which coincidently, happen to be the oldest versions of the bible which is not the 'Christian' bible.

But go ahead and pray. Ignorance is the deepest kind of faith.

Do it.

Can I get a Russia bro opinion in these vigilante youth groups that smash on drug dealers and degenrwtes.

>>tfw our government spends billions of dollars on military while seniors are forced to rummage in dumpsters in attempt to find food because pensions are around $100-150 which is barely enough to pay the utility bills alone

Old people should not fucking get welfare. It subsidizes people who are shitty to their children and further breaks up the family unit. Then you create a dependent class in society who endlessly votes to expand benefits and force young workers to pay for it.

As an agnostic who doesn't truck much with the theology you may enjoy Richmond Lattimore's translation of the New Testament. It's a scholarly translation that has literary value.

I'm sorry that I've been confrontational in so far as I've been antagonistic in bad faith. Despite our disagreements, I have faith that you're seeking the truth.