
which season antagonist did it best?

Briney was best. Fact.


That guy in the picture

2 season is my fav, but season 1 and 4 has the best antagonist

Prado>Trinity>>>>>>Brother>Doakes>>everyone else

Trinity, hands down.
He was miles ahead of the rest in terms of writing and acting. Some of the others were fun, but all had that "too corny for the big screen" feel to them.

>not including the best antagonist

Doakes>Trinity>Jimmy Smits>Dexter's btother>Colin Hanks>>>>>>>>>>>>the rape gang>the ukranian guy from Rome>FINAL BOSS>the woman

starkiller couldn't even kill his own mom

Since Trinity and Doakes are the only ones I remember from the series, I'd say either one of those two, the rest are trash and irrelevant.

Yeah, we'll go with this. Like , I pretty much only remember those two and Jimmy Smits.

I only remember the Trinity, so him. And the guy on the top left is his brother right?

>And the guy on the top left is his brother right?
yeah, brian, the ice truck killer

Trinity, without a doubt.

I didnt expect so many trinitys

Trinity > Doakes/Ice Truck Killer > everyone else.

Doakes > Brian > Trinity > Guy from S7> Whatever

Dexter could have been good if they hadn't replaced all the writers with fucking women

wasn't the nerdy intern masuka had in season 6&7 supposed to be revealed to be another brother of dexter's before he got written off?

can't smoke the doake

totally forgot Titus Pullo was in Dexter. Last couple of seaons were so forgettable.

The woman

Trinity is scariest, no question.
Isaak was a badass.
Dokes and Icetruck were cool.
Fuck the rest.

>another brother of dexter's before he got written off
Holy shit!

The writers just stopped caring after Trinity, right!?

Trinity was objectively the best. More research on actual serial killers was done for than any of the others so he felt more real and thus stands out on a show that is otherwise extremely unrealistic and goofy. And Dokes wasn't a villain. He was the hero we deserved, motherfucker.
I have no memory of this character.

yep, iirc he was gonna be the main antagonist of season 7 but the actor backed out so they had to pump out a rewrite, also jordan chase was gonna actually get away at the end of season 5 and season 6 was originally going to be about chasing him down and finally killing him

Which season someone should stop watching? 4? 2?

Stop after 4. 2 and 4 are the best seasons and it never gets better than mediocre after 4.

season 4 is usually regarded as the strongest season and the last good season, season 5 the writers all changed and the tone of the show goes down the toilet

6. Just put 5 in the background, or skip it, if you want, but watch season 6. It still obeys some degrees of logic, and has Colin Hanks and Edward James Olmos.

Seasons 7 and 8 are just monkeys typing randomly


>I have no memory of this character.
he was the first suspect for being the ice truck killer
>doakes wasn't a villain
well, he opposed the literally infallible dexter and thus had to die. Same thing happened to Paul, a decent guy but he opposed dexter so he got killed as a result

Arguably 5. There are some cool plot points worth googling after s5 but if you watch past there it just ruins the experience. I'd recommend the books though, they're pretty solid throughout

Honestly, all but the last season are watchable.
Except that Miguel shit.

>he didn't love miguel CITY FUCKING HALL prado

The guy from Rome was hot as fuck in this.

more like Migay lol

>well, he opposed the literally infallible dexter and thus had to die. Same thing happened to Paul, a decent guy but he opposed dexter so he got killed as a result

Honestly I don't think they would've gotten away with it if the series had been made today. If anything, Doakes would've killed Dexter and revealed Dex as a white supremacist or something and then Doakes and La Guerta would've gone on to become the new series leads.

>Edward James Olmos

I forgot about that

>I don't know... that truck seems pretty big
>It's not as big as GOD!

that fuckin gif lmao

season 1 and it wasnt even close

I literally forgot about the last 4 guys


John Lithgow and ITK. Doakes was pretty good too.

Doakes>Trinity>Ice Truck Killer>Pardon My Tits>Miguel>Gay European>Colin Hanks>other guys

You have shit taste or you're a fucking dirty spic

4 >>>> 1 > 2.

The rest are irrelevant.

doakes was underused

>Dokes wasn't a villain
He was still the antagonist, you mong.

Killing off Doakes that early was easily one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen in a show.

Trinity>Ice Truck>the rest. MIGUEEEEEEEEEL was fun in a campy way, gay mafia guy was the best thing about his season like Edward James Olmos and not Tom Hanks were the best things about theirs. Last killer was just incredibly forgettable and the british cunt gave me AIDs.

>Killing off Doakes that early was easily one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen in a show.
I don't know, them spelling out bryan being the ITK so early on after introducing him in season 1 was pretty fucking stupid

>Killing off Doakes that early was easily one of the dumbest decisions I've ever seen in a show.
This. He was like the Anti-Dexter. They should have kept him around till the end and make him Dexter's final boss.

No matter how good John Lithgow was, I just can't escape him in 3rd Rock from the Sun. Watching Dick Solomon crying in the shower was just too funny...

'member when Queen was supposed to be the next Doakes?

also is it true that RoboDoakes happens in the books?

literally who

I've been toying with the idea of editing season 7 and 8 to completely remove any scenes involving hannah or anything referring to her to see how much it would improve them
but I'm not autistic enough to actually do it