dude weed lmao
I see nothing wrong with this. The Hajib is part of their culture and it doesnt interfere with their ability to perform their duties.
Incoherent rage threads always make me laugh
I don't see the problem with hijab or burkini, i mean, it will be easier to shoot them during the Great Street Crusade
Captain Canada has to be the worlds worst super hero
>Muslim colonisation is fine as long as they "assimilate," whatever the fuck that means
OP, just take it.
Bend over, spread your cheeks, open your anus and just take it.
Canada C UCKS should be the name of one of your sport teams.
Yeah you're stupid. And an asshole.
Relax and have a kebab.
>implying anybody besides you ever cared about Canada
Just hold out leaf, when things get bad enough maybe we will liberate you.
Diversity is a code word for white genocide
>seek job of power with existing laws and dress code
>demand the dress code change for your religion
Let me just grease up the bottom of my sled first.
Muslims should only be allowed to wear the burkini if someone holds their head underwater while they swim
I can't fucking take it anymore
>Fucking Leaf
>Mad at Fucking Leaf
At least you aren't on fire anymore.
Personally I'm glad, the death of canada cannot come quick enough
It's Hijab you bloody kafir
Come home white man
2 Now I am applauding you that you remember all of mine, and are retaining the traditions according as I give them over to you.
3 Now I want you to be aware that the Head of every man is Christ, yet the head of the woman is the man, yet the Head of Christ is God.
4 Every man praying or prophesying having aught on his head, is disgracing his Head.
5 Yet every woman praying or prophesying with uncovered head, is disgracing her head, for it is one and the same as being shaven.
6 For if a woman is not covering, let her be shorn also. Now if it is a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covering.
7 For a man, indeed, ought not to be covering his head, being inherently the image and glory of God. Yet the woman is the glory of the man.
8 For man is not out of woman, but woman out of man.
9 For, also, man is not created because of the woman, but woman because of the man.
10 Therefore the woman ought to have authority over her head because of the messengers.
11 However, neither is woman apart from man, nor man apart from woman, in the Lord.
12 For even as the woman is out of the man, thus the man also is through the woman, yet all is of God.
13 Judge in yourselves: Is it becoming in a woman to be praying to God uncovered?
14 Is not even nature itself teaching you that if a man, indeed, should have tresses, it is a dishonor to him,
15 yet if a woman should have tresses, it is her glory, seeing that tresses have been given her instead of clothing?
On my way
Shouldn't leafs be happy about this shit tho
You Canadians have been a bit flighty recently.
Are you fuckers losing allegiance to our queen.
You elect a faggot loving cunt as your PM.
I have my suspicions that you're not loyal to Her Majesty.
Sort it out. I think you fuckers are turning French.
For fuck's sake.
I am. You and I each have common law. Common law tries and have unelected judges say what the laws should be. Why have a legislature then? In the Scripture I quoted messengers are angels. The simple fact of the matter is is that lilith on down and the male fallen messengers liked and like women. Period. If they don't want to cover their heads especially when praying then fine. But to ban women from wearing clothes is retarded. France has based Roman law however. Napoleonic civil codes. Baaaaased. The small mayors DON'T NEED TO LISTEN TO THE HIGHER COURTS. It can be meant to be a "precedent" but IT IS NOT BINDING! How is this not based. They pass whatever the fuck laws they want without First Past the Post and judges are bottom bitches. We are so cucked it isn't even funny. MUH GOOBERMINT! Eh buddy. In common law, politicians are figureheads. Oh and America is part of the beast system. You are not independent. We are all mountain "jews"
Thanks Ahmed. Admittedly, I'm not well versed on your Canadian culture
I hear Sweden has music saying mix it up insinuating ruin your pure Genes and make oreo shitskins. Really sad how social engineering is destroying the Fabric of quality civilizations.
John A Macdonald. Liberal Conservative Party. Every federal shitbag race since then has been won by either liberal or conservative. Every time the NDP (nice and libertarian here) gets close, we are reminded how they are literally not allowed to win. Every time. Destroyed at the knees by CuntKnockery. Every. Single. Time. At least Labour is fucking Real! The Fiberals suck balls and copy the NDP just to be like Tories. Tories have been around as meaning "bandits" even here. Since fucking 1695
Just think of what will happen in the long run with SJW and the PC crowd.
In islam, women can not work let alone be part of the police force. So by the liberal government """pandering""" to the Islamic groups, if anything, they are showing them that the Islamic groups need to imbrace diversity and accept that women have rights and can work along side men. So by the fact that the liberal government is willing to go so close to offend Islamists as to denounce their clear anti-women believes, they allow women to work as police officers and to be expected to wear these hijabs is honestly quite hypocritical of the liberal party.
Nice Dubs but my name came From Northern England Kings. Im sure id enjoy my life there more. Once the Wild West ended its been pretty lame here in commiefornia.
>canadian culture
is this what canadians really believe?
Got a problem in civil law? You can easily figure it all out. In civil cases you can claim protection. You must gather your own evidence. You can sue the government criminally but even then the rulings are short. It's all laws. Here it's rhetoric and hear say and precedent. The government has zero oversight over the courts. They do whatever the fuck they want and you better listen. Did they write down the precedents at least? No
Why doesn't anybody ever fucking talk about this? Fuck this
Canadian culture is that of the frontiersmen. If you want, you can also include the Aboriginal people culture, as its almost one in the same.
DAAAA common law marriage. Squatting rights. Suing everybody. Plea bargains. Expert witnesses. Oops you're not allowed to claim spousal privilege anymore in testimony. Hundreds years old convention. Aaaand it's gone. In two weeks a case starts just like in Quebec before to destroy the entire public healthcare system. Your hydro is a rip off. Nobody has hours or a house. Daycare is shite. Aaaaand. Fucking Bluedeau and Zioneve Zionarper. Who's since quit. Hope you got $15K/year the corporations included. Per employee. For new car-health insurance to go along with the new Canadian Pothole Plan and EI fuckery
Just end it Canada
>have uniform you should be wearing to represent your authority
>ignore it all for the sake of "cultural diversity"
ya'll completely fucked.
Do you guys even have terrorism up there? I never hear about anything happening to Canada. Or is your media just covering it up?
If they aren't, what's your secret, leaves?
Trudeau is a good pet, user. Good pet.
At present, combined debts are 4.5 trillion. By 2024 I predict 23.5
>The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is a progressive and inclusive police service
Guys, stop complaining and start rebelling.
Why aren't we revolting against the system? Or at the very least, protesting outside Parliament. I know plenty of people who have had it with Trudeau and the other phony politicians in this nation. Hell, I'm surprised their was no civil unrest during Harper's time in office.
For fucks sakes, even the EUROPEANS are protesting their government! And most of them are sissy's.
lol this place is a fucking hellhole
The only thing that was "good" about it was that its white. But noone in the country is willing to admit thats what made Canada nice, so it'll die sooner or later.
There is no right wing in this country at all, and I highly doubt there ever will be.