Post your plans for self-improvement, help out other anons, ask questions. No self-pity allowed, fuck off to /r9k/ if you want that.

Other urls found in this thread:

how to unNEET plz :^(

I just got back from ~1 hour of jogging. Feels good man. If you're of military age and you're not in shape, you're a disgrace to your country.

Find a job?

Get a part time job at the mall where you get to interact with girls constantly

Men and girls clothing store is the easiest, so is being barista. Just use your time there as an excuse to learn social interaction

then move on

Lived in an apartment that was just above a Coffee Shop a Cinema, and a clothes shop. Sent in CVs to all three, mentioned that I literally live next door. None called back. Not saying that I only tried three times and then gave up, but I should have gotten one of those jobs, and I don't know what I did wrong. I'm not living there any more, any advice for that situation?

*a similar situation

you should have asked harder and talked to the boss and told him you'll never be late or miss a day since you live in the same fucking building. you stupid ass potato.

Write step by step every thing you will do today and tomorrow. You must achieve every single task on time.
Something as simple as organizing your goals on paper and dividing it into steps will help you achieve them in an efficient way.

I'm on holiday but my list for tomorrow includes doing maths, lifting weights, keep learning German, keep learning about nutrition and health, and improve my Programming skills, which not even my career.


Thanks for the tip to improve this, my 3rd of 5 languages.

In the process of creating a self improvement plan based on the bill of rights.

>becoming the ultimate American

no problem

i can help you with the math too depending on what it is

Has Sup Forums officially become Sup Forums 3.0? Will the people who make off topic threads leave when the election concludes?

any movies to watch? im putting off improving till tomorrow

Maths is the right way to say it, don't mind that fucking leaf.

Yeah you're right, I didn't sell this idea enough to the Sup Forums crowd.

I have this exact edition I got from a resale shop for a dollar. Still haven't read it.

it sounds like you have a gay lisp, but i suppose eurocucks don't mind that

math is the correct way to say it in american english, and that's the only english that matters

7 months with mono fatigue. give me shit to do that isnt to taxing. sooo sleepy.

im going to eventually kill myself so i dont worry about things. self improvement is for faggots. you're the one with the fucking problem, what are YOU going to teach yourself? you're the reason you're in this mess

>Sent in CVs to all three

Jesus Christ user.

>visit shop semi-regularly
>find out who the boss is
>chat with him when you see him
>mention you live in the same building occasionally
>keep being a customer
>eventually ask owner if he'll hook you up with a job

Then you would be 100% good to go. Its not too late to try. Sending in an app is useless and nobody wants to hire somebody whose only motivation to work there is 'i live next door'. I used to tell my friends to apply to my job and eventually my boss told me to fuck off because he didn't want to hire people just because they were my friends.

My dad made me rid this when I was 13. I was starting to act like a peice of shit at school. Of course he whooped my ass first to teach me that I wasn't some thug hard ass. I learned a lot from that book and that ass whooping.

I started microdosing mushrooms about 4 months ago. I take 0.3 grams once every 3 days. Then after doing that for a 9 day period, i take a 5day break. Rinse and repeat. My life has gotten way better. I lost 20lbs that i've wanted to get off. I've been lifting 6 days a week, running 5 days a week. Much more sociable I now bench 220lbs and am in the best shape of my life. Also killing it at work. Got a promotion 2 weeks ago.

The .3 grams doesn't get my high at all, it just tickles your brain enough to make it form new connections.

I started training to hike the pacific crest trail next summer. Gonna take 4 months off and do it. Can't wait.

Don't take advice from cartoonists. It just might work.

Also this video is comfy as fuck.

Fuck off faggot
look at these threads
and then try to explain how this thread isn't "Sup Forums enough"

Can someone recommend me anything to read? can be Sup Forums related or economics.

How do I stop procrastination?

I want to learn to code but I can't seem to just focus on it.

Make a plan with specific hours and tasks

Going on a mushroom trip in the desert 14 years ago changed my life for the better.

>like an electric porcupine stimulating you frontal lobe.

for fucks sake this guy tries so fucking hard to seem smart he sounds like brian from family guy

pick some free online class that has deadlines

theres a bunch on and


>can be Sup Forums related or economics
how about both? this is one of the most influential economic books in history

Scott BTFOs him when Stefan claims that he's logical and liberals aren't.

After starting to work with systems instead of goals, I have lost 20 lbs, got a job, and I just got my first date in 2 years. I also do affirmations every day. It's just a synthesis of every other self help book you've ever read, but the fact that I'd fallen so low that I had to resort to taking life advice from a cartoonist really put things into perspective. at that pont what do you have to lose.

reminder that George Lincoln Rockwell hated that book

Economic book in english, yeah sure i'd spent more time translating the words, i want it to be an enjoyment too

> barista

If you seriously call yourself a barista when all you do is press the cappucnino-button on the espresso machine at your coffee shop then you ought to just kill yourself.

if you seriously reach this far to make up shit to complain about you have no business telling others to kill themselves

Kill yourself.

I'm socially inept but I need a job and don't know where to start. Do I just walk into a shop and ask the manager if he's hiring?

What do you do that's so valuable to society?

Try a staffing agency.

Randstad for example.

Look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake.

What skills do you have? Worst case you can join the military for 4 years and then use your GI bill for free college and get a job with veteran's preference.

just look him in the eyes and give him a firm handshake

I sell propane and propane accessories.

Start by looking online, and make sure you have a good resume. Ask a friend or family member to look it over before you put it out there. If you're looking for a professional job get a linked-in account and probably a jewbook account too (you don't have to use it, just put up some basic info and a decent picture)

If you can get the golden combination of applying for a job online and then meeting the employer at a career fair, you have a good chance of getting an interview.

I joined the military to get out of neetdom. But I fucked up and went reserves, so after training I went straight back to mum's house.

Where's that muscly back that was posted in the last SI general?
I'm attached to it for sentimental reasons...

well at least you got a part time job.

Great book

In British English, it's actually correct to say 'maths'. Makes sense that a Spaniard would be more accustomed to British English

>im going to eventually kill myself

The rest of what you have to say immediately becomes worthless. I would tell you to kill yourself, but that's be redundant.

Intorduce yourself with a firm handshake whilst making steady eye contact and stating your name. Hand him your CV and tell him you're looking for work and offer to be an intern for the first month to get settled and show your worth. During your internship you work your arse off and you'll hopefully get hired and keep you hardworking morale up during this time. If he says that he'll contact you later regarding your job you have to make sure to send him an email or call after 3-5 days to make sure you're serious.

I am attempting the One-Punch Man workout.

Thanks for this.

Self help philosophies are just cults without a god.

Just work on shit you want to get better at.

How to hang masons & gas kikes
by Bane Carnage

Here's something similar.

Appreciate the input, Mohammed


This is the only book you need, just find a torrent of one of the more recent editions. Read a chapter every night, then next time you go grocery shopping pick up some veggies, fruits, grains, spices, fats, and meats and try to make something using what you learned.

I've done exactly this and impressed many people with my food. Additionally, food is a big expense and learning how to cook properly saves a lot of money.

Great thread OP, and keep these quality posts up!

Thanks user, I'll try that in addition.

>using anything other than the 5 volume Modernist Cuisine

It's really not self help in the modern sense of the word. The book gives a dozen rules, like "convince the other person that they want what you want" then gives examples of this is action. The guys long dead so just pirate the book and see for yourself.

starting a job soon with a split shift (5-10am, 3-6)

planning to just stay at work during the gap and spending the time reading and lifting. If I were to go home I would probably just play vidya and shitpost. Also I don't do that good lifting at home, I tend to dick around and not finish all my sets.

600lb deadlift here I come

>Got into Business school at college
>Down 45 pounds since the start of the summer
>Picking up reading as a hobby
>Just opened a TD Ameritrade account to start investing money in ETFs and other long term growth items
Can't wait for the semester to start lads.

What the actual fuck.

>Business school

he said pirate it you fool

you can just download a pdf, theres a bunch of copies on

Well he did say to pirate it though

A firm handshake and intense eye contact should do it

Well, yeah, I'll definitely pirate it at that cost. But still, who the hell is gonna pay SIX HUNDRED MOTHERFUCKING DOLLARS for a cookbook? They're pretty much ASKING for people to pirate it.

Good idea, but have days where you go out with friends too. Add variety. Youll probably spend an absolute maximum of 2 hours in the gym, 3 or 4 days a week. Treat that down time the same way you'd treat after work hours, so you aren't in work mode for 13 hours a day.

Finish college, maybe get into politics in the short term. Gun purchases and associated training might be in order too depending on what those "second amendment folks" get up to in the next few months

Absolute idiot.

it's a textbook for chef school

I agree with you bro. Not everyone can fix themselves. Some can but some of us are mentally disabled and quite frankly better off dead.

What's wrong with jogging?

It's technically a textbook -- that's why it's so good. It teaches cooking from the perspective of somebody beginning to cook professionally. It's not written by some mom, it's written by cooks.

I have the file but don't really know how I would share it with you guys. Any good upload sites I could host it on?

No problem, Bogan.

I've got a lot of lifting experience. I'll probably continue training 6 days/week and use some of the extra down time for stretching, yoga, foam rolling, etc.

I think it will be a lot like college- I used to go to the rec center during long breaks and just sit and read or prepare for my next class after gym. It was a good feeling- I was on campus 8am to 6pm coming and going from class but I was progressing in books and fitness the whole time as well

Yeah your right user you genuinely shouldn't even try because everything is stacked against you and everyone is out to get you, boo hoo just give up.

Disregard this post see >

No matter what job your going for make sure you give the person in charge a firm handshake and look that person straight in the eyes for the duration of the conversation.
If your french make sure to give him a kiss as well

I really don't have the interest in a hard STEM major, and Finance is still a quantitative subject (Or at least at my school it is). Can someone please fucking explain why Sup Forums thinks Business schools are a meme? I'm at a target school as well, not some literally who college.

If it suits you then awesome, go for it.

His fucking island is too small to go jogging longer than 10 min. Fucking kek

Has anyone tried this book out?

The problem with cookbooks is they give you ideas, but don't give you a sense for flavor.

Be willing to go off-recipe. Improvise. Learn what things taste good together. Have three possible ways in mind to use anything you buy. This will really help you avoid wasting food.

So often people buy shit and then let it spoil because they can't think of anything to do with it. One case where my sister "didn't have anything for dinner" and so was going to go out despite being poor, I'm like "nigger you've got tomatoes, pasta, brocolli and parmesan cheese. If you can't think of anything to do with that you're hopeless!" So I made her a nice vegetable alfredo pasta thing and it was delicious.

If you don't feel comfortable just throwing things together, and like to have exact quantities for things, get over that now. For everything except baking cakes, the actual quantities don't matter. relying on them too much can also screw you over because sometimes your ingredients' flavor will vary.

You just add things a little at a time until the flavor starts doing what you want. Taste all your ingredients before you cook them (except raw meat obviously). This helps you learn how to discern how something is going to taste after it's cooked. It also helps you pick out good vegetables at the store.

That looks like something made by Tim and Eric


I'm about to go pick this one up lads

What am I in for?

been reading it/starting some of the exercises for the past couple days, so far it certainly doesn't seem like it would hurt to try

pfhfhfhahahahah good one burger, you win this time

There's no point to it. Besides shredding your joints it's a wasted effort if the goal is to lose weight. You're better off doing 30s full sprints 30s rest repeat for 10m than jogging. Or suicides. Or burpes.

If you do it for the purposes of clearing your head then that's something else, but meditation would serve one better, and most do it as exercise thinking it's better than weights burpes etc.

it's good but overrated. Marcus is jotting down bits and pieces of stoic advice that he's been given over the years. Basic stuff like get up early, don't cling to grudges, don't stress out over things you can't change, don't hang out at public schools, etc