Fuck, marry, cyka blyat, kill, behead

fuck, marry, cyka blyat, kill, behead

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Updated since I forgot about Poos.

Attached: Nordids.png (1654x471, 1.21M)

top 10 pokemon evolution charts

which one i am????

Attached: f.jpg (1265x1265, 907K)

See the small masculine eyes of the Finnic man? Masterrace

Attached: 200234403.jpg (1920x1280, 235K)

this guy has AIDS wtf

fuck, marry, marry, marry, kill

CHAD hunter eyes


not sure if Slavshit/Cyka Blyat or 56% Goblino

Far left looks like me

scandi looks like a bitch, rest of them look like chads

no u

My Polish dad actually looks like the Polish/Russian image

Attached: 1333558191477.png (197x187, 82K)

Which part of Poland is he originally from?

it's called Aryan

That phenotype is rare as fuck in modern Iran.

I look like Baltic/Slavic/Finnic but my hair a bit lighter

Attached: _____________.jpg (166x427, 11K)

Pure Sw*doid

Those phenotypes are very common among Russians. You can find entire villages full of people like you deep in Russia. This makes g*Rmanics butthurt, because they look like a bitch compared to a CHAD robust Russian.

Attached: Dementieva-elena-dementieva-7880398-344-512.jpg (344x512, 33K)

You might as well had posted your whole face user.
I had to mirror it, so you look uglier than in real life.

Attached: 1520978628912.jpg (331x427, 30K)

Still looks Nordid to me.

Attached: 4dde448cdbbe7_g1.jpg (610x458, 26K)

yeah i was born in a small siberian village and i have quite ordinary for those places appearance

> so you look uglier than in real life.

Finland also has many East-Nordids, the same kind that you can find in Northern Russia.

Attached: suomi.jpg (931x1521, 525K)

Yeah. They do. Some even more robust than Russian ones. The same ones that you would find in Greater Poland, allthough they're in minority.

Attached: ncm_chart.jpg (227x264, 18K)

The scandi one is accurate. I knew a Swede that looked a lot like that. Such handsome people.

Are you gay(faggot)?



Is he Nordid or Baltid?

Attached: 02.jpg (676x440, 40K)

Nordid. He has wide face due to roids.

>Polish dad

Attached: 1520750669926.jpg (181x182, 10K)

Don't bully.

I mean, he's from London but his parents are both Poles so he's an ethnic Pole.

Dunno where his dad is from, somewhere east but my grandmother is from near Warsaw.

Interesting. How do you look?

>It's that p*lackoid moron calling even the portugese ""slavic"" again

Fucking idiot, eastern nordids ARE germanic

Who the fuck do you think the varangians settling Gardariki were, learn2ethnogenesis rather than pushing this bullshit pan-slavist pseudoscience from czarist 19th century Russia

Phenotypes have nothing to do with modern nation states and there is no """robust russian""" phenotype just as there isn't a ""robust german"" one, you have no idea what you're saying

Pan-slavists are mentally ill

Attached: 1520720455721.jpg (1280x853, 312K)

Nordid /=/ Germanic

I know you're that Ukrainian subhuman that spams that stupid pasta, but you're still a fucking retard. Go off yourself.

ukrainian monkey please. nordid predates germanic people, it comes from corded ware. and there is no such thing as "gardariki" admixture among russians, it's not really our fault that you're a mentally ill pecheng rapebaby that needs to validate his ancestry by spamming UKRAINIANS = EAST GERMANICS bullshit 24/7.

like user above said, off yourself you patethic mongoloid creature.

ignore, fuck and marry, ignore, ignore, kill

Most beautiful men are from Baltics and Nordic countries

Most masculine men I've seen are from ex-yu countries. Montenegrins and bosnians by far are the tallest and most well built people I've ever seen in my travels.

Brits are by far the ugliest, which makes no sense to me because I barely saw many butt-ugly Germans during my travela, and both are Germanic peoples.

t. Slovak living abroad

It was me who pestered the owner of that website to add the Corded Nordid phenotype by the way. At first he was reluctant, but in the next update around 2015 he added it.

Although i have no idea what pictures he used to create the morph.

why do the scandi ones look so feminine?

Attached: 653473.jpg (226x223, 16K)

which one am I????

Attached: SF9vjp9.png (665x1795, 877K)

Fat balding manchild, aka a finn

Where is your mom from, ethnically?