>rewatch Mad Men
>realize Don was about to kill himself in episode 3 of the first season
tip top kino
who was the most unlikable character in the show?
>rewatch Mad Men
>realize Don was about to kill himself in episode 3 of the first season
tip top kino
who was the most unlikable character in the show?
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This show is pure art.
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
Actually I cannot remember a single completely unlikable character. Pete was unlikable in S1 and most parts of S2, but then turned into Don's most loyal fella.
However, while I really liked Joan in the first 5 or so seasons, and thought of her as a strong respectable person, I lost all respect when she decided to rat on Don. Especially given that Don (and Roger) were the only people who really ever watched over her and tried to protect her. Disgusting bitch.
The only unlikable character with no redeeming features is the fat toad Head of the Dealers association guy.
I really disliked Crane for some reason.
Yeah, now that you say it. I always thought he was weird. Kinda soulless. Hitting on Don's ex finally proved that this man also had zero integrity.
you're retarded
>This is where I grew up
I get chills every time
No u.
During this scene I really hoped he'd go full Patrick Bateman. Just imagine that for a brief moment. American Psycho stretched into eight seasons.
pretty obvious that is the implication at the end of the episode. crane or what's-his-face mentioned a train suicide earlier in the episode or in the previous one as well.
Peggy and Don loved each other. They tricked themselves into thinking that they could never be together because they were just too different but deep down they were both made of a lot of the same stuff, relentless and big players in the industry
Should have acknowledged their feelings instead of repressing them
I agree they loved each other, but I really don't think in a sexual way. They fell in love with each other's mind. I really hate that word, but they were the closest to soulmates I could imagine.
Nah, I think it was more of a mutual respect thing. Don understood what she was going through when she got pregnant and kept that secret for her, and I think she reciprocated by respecting him for who he was despite his faults.
It's a tie between Fat Betty and Late season's Crane
>tfw Crane is the mirror of Campbell
Don "nigger lover" "cheater-cuck" draper was the most unlikable character on the show bar none.
Woah are you me?
I'm willing to make myself sound like a pleb, in full truth I've re-watched Mad Men three times and just yesterday I watched that exact episode and had the same realization.
>t. faggot who missed the entire point of his character
You're thinking of Pete and Peggy, but that worked out fine because Pete still got a wife he in no way deserved.
They were all unlikable. But Don was the worst by far.
>Fat Betty
She wasn't unlikable. She was tragic. I'm a sociopath, but even I felt for her.
t. nigger sympathizer. Niggers and spics should hang from trees. And don draper with them. The only point of his character was to be "lol so progressive lmao". Any other interpretation is trying to make a square peg fit a round hole.
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
Incorrigible, self-righteous, smug,
false bravado and some false sense of him being a fucking creative genius. YOU COME UP WITH CATCHPHRASES FOR A LIVING
Oh and him nailing the hottest piece of ass there is and then falling for some jewess and some other kike beaks
also lane did nothing wrong
The only successful relationships with women Don ever had were platonic ones (Peggy and Anna)
Let me guess... you're fat, white, have acne, are in your mid-twenties, big fan of suits and supernatural, female, feminazi etc. right?
Maybe in the beginning, but ultimately it goes well beyond that. In The Suitcase Don lets himself be vulnerable and show emotion in front of Peggy that he has never shown to his wives. When Peggy tells Don to "come home" at the end of the series, she is not speaking on behalf of anyone else. Peggy might imagine herself as a Stan kind of girl ie younger and more ~free idealistically, but inside she's like Don.
I think Don was really only capable of loving women with whom he was not in sexual relationships with. Like Peggy, Sally, and Betty once they are divorced.
>false bravado and some false sense of him being a fucking creative genius
Yeah, because being responsible for the single most successful Ad campaign in the history of mankind is something every hobo can do, right?
No, brown, no acne, late teens, I do like the supernatural, but wrong on everything else. What does any of that have to do with the show? I didn't like any of the characters because I have these things called morals and self-respect.
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
That's right. Capitalism.
Everyone else was its victim.
How can you not like a single character from the show? Yea, most are shits but they are also complex and grow over the course of the show. Only 1 or 2 are truly horrible.
Anyone who doesn't like Roger is a fag.
I agree. Only one or two of them are really horrible, but that doesn't mean I have to find to find any others likeable. I can understand why some of them made the decisions they did, but that doesn't mean I have to condone them.
I agree, Roger is GOAT
I hate the season 7 finale
One of the worst on the show. Anyone who does like him is only because they are an narcissist like him.
Lane would've been alive if it weren't for capitalism.
Look what capitalism has done to a poor person!
>muh marlboro man
did Don invent that in the series though? Let's look at the data
It's been a long time since I've seen it but what makes you think Don was about to kill himself
No, the final Coca Cola spot. Did you even watch the show?
You are the least likable character
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
>Can't empathize with somewhat flawed characters because he is "too good of a person"
Next Supreme Gentelman in the works fellas
Do you even belong here or are you just trying to discredit the board?
what did your grandpa do?
made a coke jingle
our world man
You mean when he's sitting watching trains go by?
>discredit the board
ALT RIGHT faggots are 99,999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 % of the entire board,
It seems like YOU are the one who don't belong here.
How much do you get paid to try and discredit the right?
>the right
"The right" usually does this without any intervention from the outside forces whatsoever.
ok reddit stop larping as one of /us/. it's cringey
You are the most blatant, most idiotic, shill I've ever seen.
This is a television and film discussion board, retard.
nazishit russkie dicksucker kill yourself
Obviously it's ambiguous but it makes more sense that Don wanted to run away, like he always does
>You are
I am another person.
Maybe they'd finally grow some balls and give us a rat scene.
>most unlikeable character in mad men
Paul Kinsey.
He's just a hack that follows trends, and reinvented himself at Princeton to pretend like he was a WASP but really was a jersey boy on scholarship.
How butthurt are you on a scale from 1 to 10, conservatard? SIX MILLION?!
Top tier
Great tier
>Bert Cooper
>Lee Garner Jr
Ok tier
>Stan Rizzo
Garbage tier
Should have killed her off tier
>queen of perversion tier
Ms Blankenship
I watched it all when I was drinking heavily and forgot much of what happened. Is it still really good when you're sober? most things aren't
ugh the alt-right is so last week.
I don't see myself as better than them, but I also know right from wrong.
The only characters I can say I liked were Ken and Sally.
how do you have an friends irl then? oh wait
It's actually better drunk
>if you find a character in fiction compelling that means you condone all their actions
hello police, I've been trolled
Duck was the most unlikeable.
I agree
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
Peggy and Crane are pretty close
Why does everybody hate based Crane
I want that car chase scene with the hobo taxi driver
Never liked Peggy. Too ugly to look at
You are now aware that for all his faults, Roger was actually an excellent father while Don was a terrible one who was actually willing to abandon his children to run off with that Jewish woman, who had to guilt him into not abandoning his family. He also frequently neglected and ignored them. Roger always supported his daughter no matter how shitty she was and actually listened to her and did what was best for her, including taking care of the child she abandoned.
Roger's daughter and Don should have gotten together, they deserved each other.
Whiny fat boi. Literally unbased in every way.
trying to casting couch bizoubizou was pretty disgusting imo
That's because she is of Norwegian descent.
Megan should have been killed off, Harry was shit tier and Stan was great.
>spending 96 hours rewatching a boring shitty show
Norwegians are not ugly you fucking kike
>Stan was great
Pre beard Stan was great. Post beard Stan was a faggot. His personality changed.
Another ALT RIGHT faggot GITTIN' assblasted on Sup Forums.
How (un)fortunate...
He want from James Dean to betabitch.
He didn't change that much, we only really saw him through his relationship with Peggy and he just changed towards her. I like that they threw in the detail of him visiting Ginsberg at some point too.
The "romantic" ending with Peggy was complete and utter bullshit though, just pandering. They were better off as just friends.
Roger was the best, always cracked me up. Even kept a cool head when he and Joan got robbed.
SJWs hate him for caring about business after MLK died and being a heterosexual, white man in general.
>James Dean
James Dean WAS a bitch. LITERALLY.
Or because he was a whiny, useless, pathetic rat.
Pic unrelated.
She grew on me eventually, although I did nearly drop it when I started cause she was uggo
>before the beard
Puts Peggy in her place, cracks jokes all the time, a really fun, cool guy
>after the beard
Boring "nice guy"
But an alphabitch. Still better than a betabitch.
Is that the last we see of Ginsberg? I don't remember. He cut went nuts and cut off his ear or something, right?
Yeah, his last appearance. And it was a nipple. But Stan does mention visiting him.
Was he the only one in the whole office who visited him?
What happened to the fat guy from the first season that eventually showed up as some hair hair krishna cult guy? I mean was there a reason why they cut him out like how they dropped Sal? Actor asked for more pay or he just wasn't needed on the series anymore?
They are a bunch of pussies who can't appreciate a guy who invented his own job and after constantly being shit on for doing a good job told his bosses to fuck off. Maybe if he slept his way into success people would like him.
That's what she says but she doesn't look like it. Her nose looks Jewish.
It's just a couple of leftist faggots LARPING as "alt-right" and acting cringy.
Sal was GOAT
>who was the most unlikable character in the show?
harry started off likable but by season 5 they decided to tank his character and make him an asshole
joan came off as pretty unlikable too once she became partner and stabbed don in the back. didn't feel bad for her getting forced out of mccan at the end
i don't think there was any major character who was 100% unlikable throughout the show tho
You gotta be the most cringy retard I've ever seen on this board.