they call me argon
They call me argon
Why was this part so funny? Am I a nazi?
it was one of the few funny sketches, along with the David Duke one and "How to make tap water".
>12-year olds think this is funny
what are the other guys on this show like irl? are they as unhinged as sam?
I've never watched this quickly canceled show. I do feel a little bad for Sam though, getting canceled for his political opinions. Post these funny skits.
charls is very calm these days and ignores all thoughts of anger
Nick is a very fufilled man as well
Charls is a low key serial killer and Nick owns a antique store and is the most normal one.
>the wall show
>the toss it project
>wine party
>school bullying
>the artificial insemination one
>He went from having a show on AS to living in his car and shitposting on Sup Forums 24/7
Oh Sammy, you could have been so much more....
nicks breakup was funny as fuck, catches me off guard every time
Early...and often.
nick is CUTE
He's a monster.
something tells me you drove here doing 80 and eat a jar of hellmans
good for them.
I want more World Peace ;_;
sam said self funded "sucessor" to world peace is on the plate. but everything from the crew is long term now. charls said just last week that mde is NOT defunct, and that he's in contact with nick
Really? That's awesome.
Yeah dude. Theres a video on sams insta where he lists his newer projects. I was most hyped for the used car review series and the jaihoo book
charls streams on twitch regularly, hes not increadibly entertaining but its nice to have him as background noise
*hides snickering
he's more entertaining than most streamers
this sketch would have been funnier if the audience knew he was supposed to be a quadroon.
Sup Forums/Reddit kids really do try way too hard to be funny. This shit is embarrassing. Just a bunch of unfunny memes and references splurged out as quickly as possible.
>You lie to me once, Imma put yo ass through a fuckin' wall.
>You lie to me twice, Imma start screamin'.
That's legitimately funny.
don't sperg out you double chinned commie
Sam is more JUSTified than Brendan Fraser.
hehe, waifus... and the frog named pepe. NAZI VIRUSES! pure comedic genius
you must be 18 or over to post on this website
what sketch is this from?
one of their best lines ever tbqhfam
relax man, stop being so obsessed
this is what happens when autistic children with echolalia get the impression they can be comedians by warbling on about their tedious and impotently offensive political beliefs
stop shilling this fucking loser here
The one in the OP.
I know right why can't they be more like pickle rick
Wall show what the best thing from the show imo
>calling alt right nerds unfunny is enough to hurt their sense of identity and provoke passive aggressive meme spergouts
I always wondered, is Sam wearing panties on his head in that sketch?
what are you talking about man? what's going on with you
just think, this was supposed to be funny
t. limp wristed leftist
Sad to see Bob Odenkirk doing this. Still like him in most shit, same with other celebrities I like doing it, but it's still sad to see.
>look at the big words I typed! I'm so smart!
His wife and his wife's son are Jewish, what do you expect.
I call myself black man
Andy Kaufman wouldn't be at this rally.
If Andy Kaufman were still alive, he'd probably be a moderate in real life, but he'd be going on every talk show talking about how Trump is a great man and he's making America great again.
Like Tim's tweets are any funnier. Even if he was joking about "helping" them out that isn't even funny at all. If he was serious then the memes just turn it into a joke.
>tim heidecker in charge of being funny
the garbage wave of live action le antihumor is why I stopped watching adult swim desu
they call me go go nuts
why do people always compare Tim Heidecker to sam hyde? Tim is actually successful and has been on Adult Swim for more than a decade
How to Make Tap Water is one of the best things I'v ever seen broadcast on TV.
I wasn't comparing him to Sam Hyde.
I agree
I also think Dinosaur Teacher is also one of the best pieces of dystopian satire made
The jail one is good too.
but Tim's name is always brought up when someone makes a thread about sam's losery ass
lol. you much watch a lot of gay shit
you owe me 2000 dollars :)
It's literally kino about how useless the state can be, even though you fork over heaps of taxes.
Fucking top-tier rebuttal, my man. I see you're really putting in work on expanding that 8th-grade vocabulary.
Tim basically got his show cancelled.
You've seen these school shooters. Pathetic beta males.
they call me doorway
Dude, Tim's a grown man.
i am, forgotten
>nobody even remembers where this came from
>sam hyde and mde threads daily, almost as much as rick and morty and GOT
what did they mean by this
Nick, you really wanna go through the whole rigamaroo...
Those are all before World Peace though
Do we have any evidence of this, apart from Sam calling Tim and accusing him of it?
No but I like saying it so that people will argue about who is better.
OK that's cool, I just wanted to know
Best WP moments?
>SUPER busy right now
>when the people get angry, they get real mad, they gotta vent their frustrations, sometimes going so far as to >>>KILL POLITICIANSsnake eyes (you rolled a 5 and a 1) hell ya
>I call this guy CHIGGER. He's... A little dark...
>And your secret name, that neither I, nor nitrodubbz will call you, shall be... David Duke
>My mom said that Donald Trump is bad so I have no choice but to believe her
They call me Pink Dress
>I think you've had too many accidents
Long time MDE Fan,
favourite video by them so far is probably College Cunts.
the part where nick just says "CHUCK" still makes me laugh
a week's worth of Tim Heidecker's tweets have more comedic worth than the entirety of MDE
>first week: black history month
>second week: holocaust
>third week: tests. BIG tests.
charls seems a bit psychotic, like calm but he could snap at any point
nick has an antique store in rhode island
too bad tim couldnt make a good show if his life depended on it
I doubt that Charls is psychotic.
I think he's just very, very angry.
how do you mean
also are the three of them still in contact or did they drift apart
>tfw the jews shut down mde because the goyim were waking up
My favorite one