Honest thoughts on XRA?
Honest thoughts on XRA?
So fantastic I bought every episode individually, on the PSN, and regularly watch them on my PS3
i dont get it
tryhard lel so randumb xD garbage
some episodes are great, others are just kind of retarded
it's hit-or-miss
One of my favorite shows, but some of the episodes are dull.
I make infinity look like a 4
wonder showzen is better
epic countermeme, you have truly destroyed the power of the lolrandumbs by using the (teh) sarcastic funnywords that are definitely 100% original and not the result of the mindless parroting you are arguing against
proud of you
saw the pilot on an adult swim sample disc, detected no humor at all, thought the animation was shit, thought the character was dull, thought "he says long words to dumb-asses" wasn't much of a hook, dropped
They say every slice of bacon takes 5 minutes off of your life
difficult to watch
Where do they take it?
>I know that I was moving my hot dog in and out of Peterson's wife's buns last night
m-my wife is dead
>i never said it was consensual
What did he mean by this?
Stupid people may have trouble keeping up with all the jokes.
I thought i made up this show in my mind when i was a child and just recently thought about it and now im seeing this shit everywhere.
What the fuck this happens to me all the fucking time.
I've been saving myself for marriage, or at least consent
Don't go down the rabbit hole
you can watch the entire thing for free on AS website and youtube
The glue/stapler gag is more intelligent than any R&M scene.
life is just death in drag
Which episode was that? I've been rewatching the series