White women are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to vote

White women are stupid and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

i really hate false equivalence and logical fallacies. Literally women are fucking garbage at thinking which is why they struggle in all philosophy and logic classes

That looks like a tranny

>catholic terrorists
excuse me what

>Most people are stupid and shouldnt be allowed to vote

ye what the fuck is this? Were people stabbing people in the streets yelling "God Willing" "Deus Vult"?

I almost agree.

Yeah, remember when those people who's faces we could already see were allowed to keep wearing things that didn't cover their face? That's totally related to what's happening now where radical islamists are using burkhas that cover their face to disguise themselves and hide their identities. God, I wish you alt-right shitlords would just think for once.

>that god awful compression

Probably referring to the IRA.

IRA were Catholics who did what they did because of their religion?

Also there are enough men that have these same ridiculous SJW beliefs.

Is she talking about the IRA?

Only the didnt do it because they were Catholics
Well maybe only a bit

This is an 18+ board.

The voting right should be earned not given to be quite honest with you family

She is right tho
Making Muslim women remove their veil is bullshit. They are not hurting anybody

Yup. Their motivations weren't religious though.

>They are not hurting anybody

They are banning the veil shit because its an opressive rule by the islam, nothing to do with clothing taste. I thought pol hated islam?

Please don't talk about things you have no knowledge about. Entire Troubles started because of Anglican/Catholic divide.

I think he means that they weren't blowing up nail bombs in the name of Jesus. It was both a religious and political conflict.

>blowing up nail bombs in the name of Jesus

>implying this wasnt the MI5

the whole thing needs to be banned
they need to fucking literally gather up all the books, burn them, and make it illegal to have the fucking religion

because its a blight on humanity & more than just a religion, its a fucking system of government

it needs to fucking go away, the ultimate goal of it is to make whatever place it infect into an archaic hellhole

Don't let white women vote, or you'll end up with another Trudeau

You can blame the cucks for giving them that right.

I lost IQ from reading this

>Around 3 years and 4 months until you can get him out of office

but she is right. The only reason i support the banning of the burkini is becuse i hate musslims and want them to leave europe.