The upcoming Witcher tv series on Netflix
I hope it will not become something like Supernatural tv series with a medieval setting
The upcoming Witcher tv series on Netflix
I hope it will not become something like Supernatural tv series with a medieval setting
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>something like Supernatural tv series with a medieval se
just like the books and the game
>I hope it will not become something like Supernatural tv series
I would rather have bros traveling from comfy medieval village to comfy medieval village while killing monsters than Edgy Teleporting Feminism.
I'm just in it for the Yen/Geralt sex scenes.
>polish european folklore
Which character gets to be afroamerican?
Why do they all look like men?
>I hope it will not become something like Supernatural tv series with a medieval setting
It will
I will however be greatly disappointed
Why Geralt of course.
yeah, I cant wait for like half of the cast to be brown people and the story to be some shitty allegory about Drumpf
Idris Elba for Geralt
inb4 foltest is literally ronald glorp
>Keira in da bathtub
I put Keira to the sword
who did she think she was fucking with
supernatural is fucking awesome.
so, that actually sounds pretty sick
>shoehorned niggers and sjw shenanigans
no thank you
Well, of the characters in op's pic, less than half are not sjw, and it wouldn't be a stretch to turn 2/3 of the non-sjw's into sjw's.
So did I first time round.
The shittiest show still running.
fuck off roastie.
Claiming waifu
If GoT has taught us anything, if they stick pretty close to the books they will do well.
>witcher books
>witcher games
Gene Wolfe TV show/Game when?
>playing video games past the age of 20
Why are they making a show of this when they already have an award winning interactive movie based on the books
Phillipa is the hottest sorceress. Prove me wrong.
Why Triss?
>The Witcher
Netflix is clearly aiming to edgy virgin weebs. Seems like it's working. The philosopher's stone but with cheetos dust
Witcher seems like fun but I can't be arsed to play the video games. Shall I read the books? Watch some youtube fag play the game?
t. Tumblr
>muddy prose
>mary sue main character everyone likes to pretend isn't just a slightly better kvothe
>have to read online analysis to enjoy it
back to /lit/
dont be a scrub
books are for faggots, play the games (or atleast 2 & 3)
>wearing papyrus as apron
lmao only on the west
Bacl to reddit!
you gotta go back
why is she wearing a towel in the tub
My computer is only good enough to play the first one
i started the /sffg/ anti-rothfuss meme and was awarded 550 Sup Forums points for it. begone, whelp
>browsing /sffg/
voices were perfect
so good
books are fairly generic fantasy with some neat inter species politics and kingdom stuff.
games are pretty fun, 2 and 3 are excellent. 1 is good but it's less open.
only to bully wolfecucks like you
I finally saw that shit a few weeks ago
It's overrated. It's too fucking short (basically a pilot) and a lot of the plot points are cliche or pants on head retarded.
The visuals/lore are the only good things about it. I hope they do a better job the next go around now that they know the interest is there.
How many black characters will there be?
You're posting on Sup Forums not Sup Forums or /lit/
no bully pls
>games are pretty fun
I don't play games, though. They are a waste of time.
>shani's voice actress
would nut inside
Golden rule: If a fantasy series' budget and production values aren't on par with Game of Thrones, it ain't worth a self-respecting person's time.
Triss is such a cute little slut desu
I get that anime animation isn't entirely smooth, but jesus, even the "action" moments are janky
The only thing good about Supernatural are the creature of the week episodes. All the arcing storylines, the meta eps, and God/angel shit are fucking abysmal. So bad that they are nothing more than soccer mom pandering.
Its going to be shit. I can't imagine Geralt, even book Geralt, just strolling around with company constantly to quip. Dandelion won't work in a show IMO, atleast not as a constant party member.
Running around with sorcerers would be bullshit too.
It's netflix.
It will be a mess.
They canceled Sense8 because they moved all the cast and crew from it to the Witcher.
So we can all agree that Empress Ciri was the best ending, right?
Why didn't Geralt fuck her?
Yeah, the cheapness of the production shows, but I guess I just appreciate the artstyle enough that I could live with it.
Even the janky animation is better than the script.
Shannara Chronicles was good guys, really
Geralt isn't Bojack, user.
Bc she was basically his daughter
And if ur not sexually depraved youd be disgusted by incest
>not having ciri live the life she wants to live
>best ending
it was cringey gay shite but I liked it
it will be shit just like the game
Kino scene
How are they more of a waste of time than a TV show or shitposting?
>not liking space combat simulators
well, they're video games
>something like Supernatural tv series with a medieval setting
first 2 seasons could be a good fit
I tried, she has everything I would look in a waifu but she was too much of a bitch in the books
If we don't get that fucking unicorn and best girl Yen I'll off myself.
not even her dad wanted to fuck her, so why would geralt? Canonically she is all cut up and used
acting was shit and some plot points could have used more polish
it wasn't great but it was entertaining
like a budget lotr
They're polish, user.
more like YA lotr for girls
Who is going to play Keira?
>all those beautiful waifu material ladies
>plus the blood and whine chicks
>barely any animated sfm and most of it is animated like garbage
They canĀ“t possibly have enough CGI for all the monsters. I expect they burn through their budget right away and then we will see mostly human villians and lovestorys.
inc shitty drowner and hag costumes
Every single thumbnail of keira looks like a man in drag.
>blue eyes
>red eyes
>green eyes
>spiky ears
>a lot
>blue forehead
Don't you mean rape? Typical white male cis chauvinist scum, with your rape culture. All benis in bagina is now illegal and can not be made into tv.
Supernatural is for women and children.
giv ciri gf
It'll be shit even CDPR don't want anything to do with it and wished them luck.
>Thinking (((Netflix))) will allow an ALL EUROPEAN cast.