Marvel movies don't have memorable the-

>Marvel movies don't have memorable the-

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If it was memorable you wouldn't have had to post the link, you dolt shill.

Give me a memorable theme from the DCEU without posting it

Capeshit is for children and people who work at subway.

haha this is such an "ant" song
fits perfectly

>tfw a fan made a better spider-man theme than the official one for homecoming

Yeah but that's their only good th-

It's a fucking crime that this wasn't actually used in the movie

Honestly I prefer characters of DC in general but the DCEU is fucking awful so far.

Regardless of this, most will probably remember the wonder woman theme, even if just for how retarded it was.

Yeah it's memorable for all the wrong reasons. Me and my friend started laughing when it played in the theatre

The Avengers theme, Iron Man 3 theme (for some odd reason).

>(for some odd reason)
That cover for the end credits was pretty groovy

This is fucking amazing.

eh, never really liked Giacchino's work.

Man of Steel's main theme and "First Flight" theme
Eat shit cunt

I sincerely do not remember any of those

Then you sincerely have ADHD

Calm down, man. We lended you Joss to fix your mess of a universe, it's going to be okay.


If it wasn't DCEU, I would use Molossus or the Bane in a Plane music.

I have always like whatever genre music this is. Mission Impossible.. the Incredibles.. big-band jazz fusion Whiplash type stuff. Does anyone else have stuff like it?

>it took two reboots to finally stop dancing around the classic theme and just make it the movie's theme
The other two themes were great, but come on. Everybody knows the fucking Spider-Man theme.

When do we get a cool orchestral version of the '60s Batman theme for the DC movies?

>When do we get a cool orchestral version of the '60s Batman theme for the DC movies?
THIS. I wish DC had the balls to do it

Man of Steel and Wonder Woman. Don't remember from the others.

The music that plays when Bruce first falls into the Batcave. Superman's theme. Wonder Woman's theme.

The part when he comes back from the subatomic zone is my favorite moment in any Marvel movie.