Ayo hol up
We wuz starfirez n sheeit
I guess they can paint her skin orange, give her green contacts, dye her hair red, and do her makeup to make her look like a teenager instead of a 30-year old woman...but maybe it would have been easier to just cast a young redhead whose skin could be made orange with a spray-tan?
Okay seriously though. They could've gotten some Brazilian bitch to play the role.
hahaHAHAHAAHAHAH its like they want to fail
>What is this chicken of fried watermelon that you humans enjoy? It's amazing!
How about not make her Black OR White and just hire some Mexican, Latina, Brazilian, etc.?
Imagine the outrage if they blackwashed beast boy.
>actress who looks 40
>"Teen" Titans
really activates my almonds
They didn't just have to get a colored woman like a Latina or something that would be easy to work with makeup and hair-wise. Nope, gotta get the darkest ass sheboon with a wide nose and face that looks nothing like Starfire in any incarnation. Thanks Hollywood.
I guess that could work too, the skintone would be pretty close.
>not Trans Titans
fucking shitlords
"""""""teen"""""" titans
would've given a left nut for Rosario dawson but she's for movies
>pretty close
It'd be damn near identical, way better than some pasty ass white girl or some bitch painted obsidian
They don't make entertainment for white people anymore, because they're cucks and will go see/read anything to prove they're not racist.
>it'd be damn near identical
No it wouldn't be. Starfire is literally orange.
>way better than some pasty ass white girl or some bitch painted obsidian
There are literally millions of women in Brazil alone who fit those descriptions.
Sorry but what the fuck is wrong with you user?
Acting like diversity could mean something other than only black people is pretty damn racist. Go back to Sup Forums
>black and white latinas don't exist
>he fell for the "divershitty is our strength" may may
I don't mind diversity, but when it's white washing or black washing characters or phoned in Diversity I cringe hard.
hahahahaha .... hahahahaha etc
seriously when was the last time "actors" bothered to even put on the right colored wig?
AND dropped
you seem like you need this right now
Why is it that only redheaded white girls get replaced by blacks? What does Hollywood have against hot ginger girls?
Robin better still be Asian like in the Anime
She is a very physically attractive black woman whose womb I would gladly colonize - with the only stipulation being that I'm not required to stick around and raise the child.
>orange alien
>white girl
It's not just girls, look what they did with Jimmy Olsen and Wally West
well she did not have nigger lips. you forget that there is more to black people than their skin color
It's like they know the future of this shit is limited as fuck. Casting people who are nearly dead to play teenagers expecting not to get renewed.
>well she did not have nigger lips
She did not have white lips either. She's an alien.
she looked like a hapa
Ridiculous miscast. Starfire is a light-medium brown, they should have chosen a Latina.
If they want diversity, why not a latina?
Do DC and Marvel really think casting black actors will increase their viewership? I feel like it's more a detriment.
Latinas and Asians don't count as diversity anymore. Just Blacks
You're retarded.
holy shit this has gone to far
are you pretending to be stupid? out of the 2, what she looked more like, a black girl or a white girl? Im going to go with Brazilian but be honest
shouldn't beastboy be the nigger?
He was not the one who cast that bitch for starfire.
He was white before the powers