> Great movies forgotten by time.
Great movies forgotten by time
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They should remaster this one and put it in theaters again. I'd love to see the response it gets today.
This movie was on the Disney channel one time back in the 90's completely unedited. It boggles my mind.
Never see it mentioned in Con movie threads.
Cutter's Way
Not a great movie but it was a lot of fun.
At Close Range
still the best live action Little Red Riding hood.
Mfw I make a thread about this but I don't get a single, sad (OP)(You)
>Midnight Run
Yeah if you have shit taste which most of you have.
What are you talking about? Hannibal Lector and Buffalo Bill are one of the most revered horror villains in cinema history.
I'm basically keeping the thread alive by myself if it makes you feel better
i got that on vhs about 10 feet from me. i aint forget shit you newfag.
We have to face facts that there are a lot of young ones on this board. All we can do is point them towards quality.
it's weird because it was so well known
oh shit this is what the rick and morty episode was referencing
what's it about?
I know that feel, thanks for the (you). Rewatching or discovering old gems is a good feeling, too.
On a sidenot keeping on great movies forgotten by time. I think Treasure Planet is one great animation film, if not one of disney's best. Aged perfectly, compared to my second favourite Atlantis, which in comparison, again, aged like milk. Not very old, but probably the cornerstone of my childhood. Disney forgot about it completely.
You see it talked about on /tv? No all we do anymore is argue over black actors, game of thrones, and what actresses look like tranny's or fridges.
The only movie where I actually liked Chris Tucker.
Also I don't post the cover because it's cringey as fuck. Does not live to the animation one bit.
I think it aged pretty well because it uses minimal CGI. I think disney was transitioning back then. Same reason Atlantis aged so badly. It used more CGI even if released one year prior.
I mean, great is definitely a big stretch but
Amazing movie. That shootout at the beginning with shotguns that shoot explosive bullets.
You sound like a tripfag that forgot to put the trip on.
I love this movie's score
they really worked wonders with what they had, it's one of my favourite B-movies alongside Razorback
Do yourself a favor and watch Extreme Prejudice.
we kind of have an action movie theme running here but I'm gonna break ranks for a minute because this is legitimately one of the greatest comedy movies I have seen and I happened upon it completely by accident.
if anyone has anything to recommend along these lines, i.e. high-concept but played more or less straight with no actors winking at the camera that comedy has become completely obsessed with lately, please: fucking lay them on me
Literally johnny mnemonic as if it were directed by kathryn bigelow
also Johnny Mnemonic belongs in this thread.
>Midnight Run
>Poster depicts a daytime scene
Most of the movie is daytime.
Nobody ever brings up The Contender around here. Which is weird since everyone hangs in Oldmans dick around here.
and they arent even running
The core concept holds up but it def. is dated.
Satisfying revenge movie coming through.
Right. Does no one think the thing would have aged far well without the special effects, like, at all? I think the mind-fuck of not knowing who was the thing at the end because you couldn't tell if you were seeing the actors' breath in the cold was way more terrific than seeing the thing eat someone's arms as the body's chest split open. Really, it felt cartoonish and cheesy. It aged horribly. I wish the prequel hadn't made the same mistakes, and went for the psychological terror approach. It is sad that the original itself couldn't have worked this way because the main attraction seemed to be the special effects, when it had much more potential the other way. Just look at what alien did, just giving us brief glances at the alien, compared to the newer films in the IP. Or how the start of the thing worked, with the dog being the thing, but only being able to tell by its behaviour rather than by seeing it transformate like later on the movie.
Sorry for the rant, just expressing my opinion on what made this film age horribly, still a cheesy classic, and I would say, fit for this thread.
Good day.
Yes, or no?
what are you fucking retarded or something?
one of the best con films, james woods is based
My old roommate thought the "oh billy" scene was originally from The Cable Guy, and Homer getting arrested at the airport was a throw away gag.
I blew his mind with this movie.
No but you clearly are.
Yeah, i wish more people knew about it here
Right and Ted fucking Levine played the most renowned villain in cinematic history. You are clearly a fucking retard and probably the most retarded person I've seen here all week.
Helps to name the movie. All I've seen when it comes to Tom Selleck is An innocent man and Mr. Baseball.
Comfy buddy cop kino
I know it's babby's first indie movie, but it honestly is one of Matthew Lillard's best.
Why are you so mad about a simple fact?
Why are you so retarded and getting defensive about how people may react to your mental retardation?
Good movie.
Sorry, comfy fun adventure movie.
You seriously need to calm down before you have a heart attack. Also don't use the r-word, I get that this is Sup Forums and all but even we're above doing that. If you seriously must use it take it to Sup Forums.
Remember when they made fun movies?
OK retard have a nice day my condolences to your parents for raising a retarded child, retard.
I'm just going to shitpost a few more stuff from this film and then go cry or something.
Alright that's it I warned you but now you took it too far, at this very moment I'm sending an email to one of the administrators of this website about your activity.
Big fucking deal retard I am at the library oh boo hoo now other patrons can't look at Sup Forums how ever will they survive.
They still do but you all just screech about them being reddit.
>You sound like a tripfag that forgot to put the trip on.
I think the word you are looking for is "seem" user.
Pic related is best Loli. Fight me if you believe otherwise.
So now we have ban evasion to add on top of this... You're in really big trouble once Hiro finds out.
Greatest soundtrack ever.
nice, not him but I'll check it out
it's been a while since I've seen a good adventure flic
Thanks anonimato. I no speak inglés vato.
have you seen the sequel
I will drop the mother of all loads on his face it will make Nagasaki look like a Christmas light.
Midnight Express and Midnight Cowboy are two movies I've been meaning to watch for years and years. I finally got around to the extended cut of Once Upon A Time in America.
I saw that in a 95%-black theater.
>that scene at the end with the judge
>whole crowd of blacks is on their feet screaming
>the actor throws the chair at the judge
>every black starts hurling popcorn and shit at the screen
I've never been that scared before, desu.
Sounds like a nightmare.
Jesus Martin Donovan always looks like Andrew Mcarthy.
Also shame what happened to Adrienne Shelly. Just coming home at the wrong time :(
Based anthem, desu. youtu.be
No, and I don't think I would want to
yes y do u ask
Can you two faggots just kiss already. Stop shitting up the thread.
>that lineup where 4 of the 5 people are uniformed cops
>joey pants doing that fake radio call "ALL AVAILABLE UNITES WE GOT A UFO ON MICHIGAN AVENUE"
>Press reported on November 6, 2006, the arrest of a construction worker Diego Pillco, a 19-year-old Ecuadorian illegal immigrant who according to police had confessed on tape to attacking Shelly, and then staging the fake suicide by hanging her.[18][19][20][21] Pillco's original version of what happened was that when Shelly asked if the noise could be kept down, he threw a hammer at her and, afraid she would make a complaint that might result in his deportation
Ending to Mr. Holland's Opus always gets me.
LA Confidential
Death Sentence. Any Death Wish remake, especially made by Eli Roth, is going to be inferior to that.
Is that Ben Stiller?
>tfw I read don't don't don't before I read it the way it was supposed to be read
This was actually pretty good and Atonement is a shameless ripoff of it.
Yes, go watch it.
So are you saying Death Sentence is better than Death Wish?
Depression kino
*coughs gently*