Sup Forums explain your hatred towards Iron Fist, i just don't understand why everyone hates that show/character

Sup Forums explain your hatred towards Iron Fist, i just don't understand why everyone hates that show/character.

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He's a whiny little brat didn't you watch? The Defenders they explained all of that

Sup Forums users are mostly shitskins and shitkins default setting is hate and fear

>i just don't understand why everyone hates that show/character.
Putting aside the character for a moment, the actor is shit. He breaths zero life into Iron Fist. Don't blame the script either, the actor is a scumbag hack who puts in the least amount of effort possible. Which leads onto Iron Fists man issue.

The character is meant to be a kung fu master, but the actor has zero talent for any of it, maybe he doesn't care or simply can't get the hang of it, whatever the case it ruins any fight scene.

Iron Fist should have been made in the style of a kung fu flick, but it had to be done in the American standard. Close up shaky cam to hit the lack of talent.

Compare Iron Fist to any of the other marvel netflix series, and its easy to see that Iron Fists actor is by far the weakest, he has zero screen presence, no chemistry with the other actors and fails at the action, topped only perhaps by Jessica "Grab them by the collar and yank" Jones, but thats likely more to do with the shitty director not getting her to do anything else.

I know literally nothing about the comics.

>Daredevil is a master in hand to hand combat and a lawyer
>Luke Cage is bulletproof and super strong
>Jessica Jones is super strong, can jump really high (Or fly? Shits never clear) and is a smart ass PI
>Iron Fist is almost as good as Daredevil in hand to hand, and he can punch kinda hard for a bit on a days cooldown.

It seems Iron Fists main super power is being rich, the most notible thing he seemed to do in the show was buy everyone dinner.

>spends a significant chunk of his life in a monastery where he's trained to fight and suppress his emotions
>defeats a bunch of highly trained fighters in massive tournament
>defeats a dragon and plunges his fist into its heart to become the iron fist

yet he
>cannot suppress emotions and constantly throws tantrums and makes poor decisions without any regard for reason
>gets beaten up by both daredevil and elektra

thats now his power. thats white mans burden which all whites have

This. They try to give him this air of child-like naivete and it just comes off as retarded in a universe where we've seen the other hero's face off against a guy that smashed peoples' heads in with car doors, street gangs (however lame that actually turned out to be), and a rapist. He just comes off as a kid playing ninjas.

That being said though, after Defenders I kinda feel like he's growing on me.

>was buy everyone dinner.
that happened to be the best scene in defenders.

All they had to do was put him in the costume and they didn't.

>is cast as the greatest martial artist in the Marvel Universe
>does 20 pushups to prepare for the role


It doesn't even make sense to give his character a sense of child-like naivety given that he watched both of his parents die and he grew up in a monastery where they beat his ass with sticks all the time.

He should be like Batman without the gadgets and detective skills.

Because Danny is a fucking autist. Ward is the best part of the show.


They should quickly move onto the kind of stuff Fraction and Brubaker were doing. Also need to fix the choreography and the cast.

They should just stop.

I am the immortal Iron Fist.

ARRRRRRGH Save me Hot Pie

Don't listen to the geeks, this show is fisting kino.

>Asians hate it because it reminds them whitey is better
That's all I'm hearing.

his naive outlook and hate on corporations turns me off. The show itself lacked focus and was more of a personal drama. Ward ended up being the best character

let as not forget that he also had to hobo his way all the way to US. I don't see how such a journey would not kill any naivety. I give it a pass when he is a teen in a kids cartoon but come on


K'un Lun is an enlightened land, he most likely knew the sacred rule of gas, grass, or ass.

a kung fu series with amateur lvl choregraphy and cgi

Also the actors are terrible and the lines cringeworthy

I am the immortal iron fist

>show is called iron fist
>barely uses iron fist

Shang-Chi is better.

Not the greatest show but it triggered crybaby chinky SJWs something fierce, so it gets a pass in my book.

I like Danny a lot. If this were an anime Danny whould be the fiery mc. He's arrogant and pugnacious cause he's young and dumb. But IF s1 and Defenders were both poorly written. Defenders had better character work but the plot was super thin.


So with JJ its the shitty directors fault with IF even though they had the smallest budget the least prep time, a fucking ad company as the camera crew and zero chance to practice for fights, but no JJ was the directors fault IF its all the actor, fucking neck yourself

he should say it more desu

it looks gay as the fuck

This, and he should say it like he means it, not like he's trying to convince himself that he is the iron fist.

yea, say it glow fist make shit blow up, its not that difficult, whoevers making these shows are retarded

Iron Fist is the only netflix mcu series I liked. Actually Daredevil S1 was mostly good but I hated his secretary and lawyer partner. Damn that guy was a bad actor

The show was so bad that I feel myself getting angry whenever Danny pops up onscreen.

first four eps of s2 DD almost work like a movie to itself, its really good, then it isn't

>Be the Iron Fist
>Get knocked out for hours at a time

you mean when they gas everyone? although yea real IF knows all kinds of meditation chi shit that would make him wake up fast, or not even be affected by the gas in the first place, they really need to level up show IF

>they really need to level up show IF
Yes. He should have never jobbed to Matt that hard. I really hope season 2 has him leveling up a shit ton. Maybe Orson Randall can come in and teach him some shit.

they had him healing, going superspeed and leveling a floor full of bad guys in his own show, and then they just forgot about it

He's a shitty white savior cultural appropriation "white men are better at Asian culture than Asians xD" white propaganda bullshit

why are you LARPing as a SJW?

>getting triggered outside your alt right safe space
>implying this isn't obvious that everyone thinks it ridiculously stupid

back to TD

forget your meds again? shitpost somewhere else

something something jooz something something white genocide

the glowy fist thing is kind of retarded. i skimmed through the defenders episodes a bit too. looking forward to the new punisher series though.

>schizophrenic autists from pol telling anyone if they forgot their meds

lmao don't you have some pizza store to harass?

what are you talking about? really? go away

No. Keep getting triggered you autist :^)

ok satan, w/e you say

Nearly all super hero traits are kind of fuckin retarded you idiot.

*blocks your path*

whats the problem? everyone knows spinning is a good trick

I rewatched The Matrix recently. It's still a masterpiece of action cinema.

The Wachowskis:
>hired a legendary fight choreographer
>made their actors train hard, and it showed
>used great angles/editing to make fights feel dangerous

In contrast, in Iron Fist:
>choreography is garbage
>actors couldn't sell the fights for shit
>so many quick cuts, clearly intended to hide the crap fights

As capeshit, it's mediocre. For a "martial arts" tv show, it's fucking sacrilege

This was the perfect opportunity to give him his bandanna/mask and they still blew it. Why are showrunners so hesitant about it?

its weird, they must be saving it for IFs2

The main difference though is Keanu is known for being particularly dedicated to physical roles like that and trains really hard.

Finn Jones is a twink who got lucky off GoT and probably gives zero shits about this role other than the paycheck.

he was hired 2 weeks before filming started, and they had a 1/2 to practice fights before they had to stage them, Keanu would have sucked pretty hard in a similar situation

>protect muh city

So Luke Cage lectures him about not beating up lowly street niggers and now he's going to do exactly that?

sounds good

Maybe cast an actor who has the right experience then. Finn's acting sure as shit didn't make up for the weak choreography.

he can clearly learn to stage fight, they just didn't give him the time to learn, watch behind the scenes matrix stuff, as you said they had heaps of support form top pros in the field, plus wires if IF or any of the shows had gotten the support that DD s1 got, they'd be great, you can't put that on the actors, its the producers and to a lesser extent the writers

I only watched the first three episodes before dropping it, but it was a painful show to watch. I don't usually get up in arms about adaptations across media, but Iron Fist is something of a soft spot, but I was pretty sure I'd be fine with anything if there was cool action. But this who wasn't something I was okay with. Not because it ruined the character or anything, it's definitely not like contemporary or even old school Danny, but it's just bad.

The most immediate thing was the portrayal of the character physically and in the fight scenes. That first fight scene against the security guards in episode 1? So fucking bad. The actor is terrible with the choreography, he makes the fighting look all stiff and awkward, Plus, he shouldn't look like he's having trouble against 4 random security guards. There were only maybe three other fight scenes before I quit the show. Them treating his chi as a crazy special attack, even though it's the most used part of his super power skillset, aside from kung fu mastery, is fucking awful too.

I also hated the writing. Hamhanded characterization of Ward Meachum was so blunt and forced I almost rolled my eyes out of my head. Flashback to him being an unreasonable asshole over a game of Monopoly was comical. And then his actions made no sense to me. He sends his actual security force, the guards he has work everyday at the company, to try and assassinate someone. Then, when the sister successfully drugs him and he's subdued, they don't just kill him and dispose of the body. And then later, when they pay off an orderly to bring him to a cell where there are other paid off patients to beat him to death, just fucking spike his medication that he takes every day. Fuck, why was he even in the hospital still? For someone who needs to get out immediately, he could have easily kung fu'd the orderlies with no problem.

I hit the 2000 character limit without even chipping away at my problems with just the first three episodes.

yes the production was rushed, domino effect, don't think it needed 2000 words to say whats been said ITT multiple times, but ok

>let as not forget that he also had to hobo his way all the way to US.

There is no way pretty boy didn't get at least MOLESTED on his way across the country. Seems like he'd be hard to rape, but there's no way a bunch of dirty old men didn't start fingerdiddling him before he took off.

100% happened.

Is it bad that I liked the procedural aspect of S2 to the actual fightiness of it.

>Oh no, it's fucking ninjas! However will the main character survive THAT? /s
>But I could be watching more of the Punisher trial, goddammit!
>Foggy is also the most interesting character to me, because he's just some regular fucking dude caught up in it all.

>Train spiritually and physically with master mystical monks
>As a social pariah due to your outsider status
>Have to fight all kinds of crazy kung fu types
>Magical bullshit is your everyday life
>Have to fight a big metaphor for embracing personal demons, a giant goddamned dragon with a molten heart, in order to earn your place as the next in a long line of revered warriors

>Skip all this and just do a lame business drama where the main character has ptsd and family issues

Iron Fist is more or less fixed in Defenders you can skip his show everything important is explained in Defenders

>Lectures IF about not beating up poor people who are so desperate they have to work dubious jobs to get by
>When he spent the entirety of his series beating up people who worked for Cottonmouth who were probably in the exact same situation, but it's okay, because they're like three years older than the kid and we don't get to see their good Christian mothers
>Kid didn't even need that fucking job since they take time to show he has a bangin sound system, a whole bunch of really expensive looking shoes and eats out a lot, so the kid is making a fuckload of money compared to everyone else around him

I don't get the writing sometimes.

The whole first season should have been set in K'un L'un and have Colleen be the link on Earth. At the end, he should have come back to Earth chasing the Hand in the finale where he meets Colleen, then join up with the Defenders. Season 2 could have focused on his revenge against the Meachums.

>Keanu would have sucked pretty hard
Keanu was a master of multiple martial arts before filming started on The Matrix. He wouldn't have been fully capable in fight choreography without the year long primer he did in reality, but he could have made it work.

He can't fight.
He can't act.

If Finn gains 40 pounds of solid muscle, and spends the next year in a host of dojos Iron Fist S2 has a tiny chance of being good.

you seem to be missing the point, you wanted them to find a true matrial artist when they were so lazy they hired their MC two weeks before filming? take badlands for example, that chained together fight with NIck Frost and the MC, they practiced that one fight for two weeks, and used wires in IF literally 1/2hr practice before they would film. You have no idea if this guy can convincingly stage fight or not, saying the show rushed the fighting aspect is a massive understatement

>You have no idea if this guy can convincingly stage fight or not
He is on record admitting that he is very bad at it and has no real interest in improving.

It's easy to explain why everyone hates this character.

>Be in ~21 hours of TV show
>Only 6 minutes of footage where you use the only thing you're known for

I would have definitely been on board with a full season, or most of it, in K'un-Lun. I usually don't like origin stories, but his is so weird and cool that I'd be fine with it.

I don't even need him getting revenge on the Meachums because he should be above that. As someone who has seen the magical and mystical elements at work on the world, or worlds as he knows about the various planes of existence, he shouldn't really give that much of a shit about petty revenge against small people with small goals. It would have been great to see an entire S2 where he retakes control of his company with ease and aims to use the company's vast resources to combat the Hand, as he has lived disenfranchised for almost his entire life and would have a new appreciation for it (something obvious he learns from Luke Cage after an awkward white privilege speech in Defenders), but then the Meachums keep planning silly shit behind his back to sabotage him and regain control. And it comes to a head when he finally snaps at them that none of that shit matters, he came to terms with his parents deaths a long time ago and he has bigger fish to fry.

Although, there'd have to be other character stuff going on with that route because a protagonist needs some personality flaws. I kind of wish they gave him a drinking problem or something. Something that he turns to because he's so damned bored with the usual stuff that goes on in NY because he's dealt with way bigger stuff back in in K'un-Lun. Plus, something that would force some interaction with JJ in the Defenders stuff, because he basically never interacts with her the entire show.

kung fu show with no kung fu
not even wuxia
not even wirefu
not even xena tier
not even power rangers
its just drama
not even inciteful drama
theyre not even trying
they dont even have 1 reason why

Why the fuck do all of the marvel netflix shows have mandatory love interests for each character, this annoys me to no end.

Harold was amazing

The comic-book Jessica Jones can fly, although she wasn't very good at it in the origin story. She also wore the costume you briefly see her sister trying to talk her into as Jewel. It was the now-obligatory scene where the character rejects some of the comicbook stuff (e.g., Wolverine complaining about yellow spandex, Luke Cage "I look like a fool", etc). I don't think they want her flying around in the TV show.

Iron Fist would have been better if it had been more genre kung-fu in nature, just like Luke Cage was blaxploitation and Jessica Jones was, well, social justice warrior: the series. You can't get mad at them because they at least its clear what they are for and about. IF just seemed like Batman without Batman.

It's funny because, while Danny does get married in the comics, Colleen is not actually a love interest.

Seeing as Danny's still a child mentally, maybe he could use a Misty mommy in S2? That should bring the series closer to the comics.


He looks like a weeb dweeb, so I haven't even watched it.

go to sleep Finn jones

Yep. Also, this guy could actually fight, and should have been the lead.

I dont watch capeshit because I'm not stupid

He actually auditioned for it I think

the fight scenes were dog shit and the story was meh
mostly it was the fight scenes

they straight up told him, he cant be iron fist because he is asian


I don't really hate the show, I just wish it would be better.