How do we save Sup Forums?
How do we save Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
ban everyone that got here after 2012 /q/
remove swagshit and co.
what is a moot
Meme quality over quanity.
Ban GoT.
Promote sneed.
Ban Sup Forums threads
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums and all its run off boards
ban Sup Forums
ban Sup Forums
ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
ban redit
None of these users have contributed to increase the boards quality only to degrading it
ban the game of thrones general as they're not even staying in it like they said they would when they forced it
ban childrens media discussion
give youtube its own board
block european isp/ips from posting certain hours
a good amount of Australia can't post on Sup Forums because of that one guy so do the same here
convince hiro to do that thing where the site doesn't show up on google results or if possible just for Sup Forums
trial board: /superheroes/ or /film/
bring in the robot for a month or 3
1 hour cool down on new ips aka can't post for 1 hour
or:ban mobile network posting from the site/make it only people with a Sup Forums pass can post from mobile networks
Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
Sup Forums for Sup Forumsfags
reddit for redditfags
but Sup Forums for everyone
stop Sup Forums genocide
Who is this? Looks like Jesse Eisenberg.
The only board he legitimately hated was Sup Forums
More Bane
I feel like something important is missing from that list.
I'm not glad Moot's dead but I'm glad he's gone
you must have not been here lad
he absolutely hated Sup Forums. we should have been another ad cow like Sup Forums and Sup Forums yet we stayed slower than Sup Forums for years
We don't. The average user on Sup Forums today is incapable of moderating his own posting to allow for worthwhile discussion. New users think that the freedom for everyone to post is what 'makes Sup Forums 4chan' but in reality a surfeit of freedom paradoxically constrains the actual breadth of discussion and thought.
Sup Forums is at its most active period in its entire history yet it is now less equipped than ever to intellectually discuss its subject matter, and it's a great example of the kind of inverse relationship between activity and health. Logically we might think that:
new posters->new activity->greater capacity for creativity and fresh opinions
but it doesn't work like that. An endless barrage of one line threads shot off by the OP in 20 seconds or less places an irresistible downward pressure on everything that doesn't receive immediate and sustained attention. So what does receive attention like that? Generals, inflammatory bait and flavor of the month memes. The board gets buried by its most popular elements.
So much attention to given to FREEDOM TO POST that we ignore the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with posting which gives PURPOSE to that freedom of speech. The obligation to treat the board with respect. To weed out or ignore invasive or detrimental elements. To make the board a place where people WANT to invest effort. Without these elements 'discourse' becomes worthless, only the loudest and most garish posts make themselves seen. Posters who might have something worthwhile to see are turned off by want of an audience equipped to receive them.
This marks a huge difference to me in the outlook of older internet forum users and new users. The conception of being responsible for your own quality without needing a mod to pick up after you.
> excellent meme quality lately
> lots of larfs
> plenty of butthurt
what's to save? Sup Forums is doing fine
>Implying a slower board isn't a better board
Threads used to last for days on Sup Forums giving different people a chance to see it and comment. Now a butthurt faggot spamming the forced meme of the week pretty much forces every thread that isn't meme spouting b8 or fotm normie shit off the board in an hour.
Night time Sup Forums isn't even good anymore.
Ban Sup Forums
We could try having mods
Don't forget.
You're Sneed
i need a constant supply of new memes and shitstorms
slow boards are shit. I want lots of new threads constantly to shitpost in
>>Implying a slower board isn't a better board
i didn't say they weren't
i'm saying that he hated the board because it was a slow board even though the medium is even more accessible than videogames
>tfw he's a jew
/got already saved this shit hole
your shit's all fucked and you talk like a faggot
You idiots.
The problem with Sup Forums cant be solved by mods. The result of dedication moderation would mean a board that resembles a lobotomized husk like Sup Forums populated almost entirely by generals. The problem is that people want Sup Forums to be their personal shitposting chatroom and can't restrain themselves from posting shitty threads and replying to bait. The optimal thing that could happen is Hiro would replace visible sages, repeal the rules against announcing reports/sages, and remove (You)s so that posters could self-moderate their own boards again.
kill phoneposters
You do know that the reason Sup Forums is the way it is now is because the board got "Sup Forums'd" before Sup Forums right? ginger and his janitor friends stalked posters and kept banning them until they left. Even the flooding of the board/threads they didn't like with spam was the same.
>Sup Forums is the biggest problem with Sup Forums
>Sup Forumstards won't stay in their containment board
>doesn't ask to ban Sup Forums
rangeban american posters
It will eliminate the nonstop trumpposting
lol newfags actually believe this
>replace visible sages
>repeal the rules against announcing reports/sages
>and remove (You)s
Hey, two outta three ain't bad.
the problem is faggots coming to 4cuck expecting serious discussion
Thanks for the late reply!
Filter 'reddit'
Anyone who uses that word in their post is not worth hearing. Cleans the place up a bit too
>ban wannabe Sup Forums(aka Sup Forums)
t. Sup Forumstard
for real f&m trill shit
Make a /got/ board
>Being this retarded.
>remove (you)'s
Do you not remember when that happened for a few days and everyone lost their shit until they fixed it?
Just nuke Hollywood, Sup Forums will be saved as well
If you had half a brain, you'd realize that all of the "SJW"/gender/race crap bledover from fucking Sup Forums, because they have a hardon for such a thing.
More cartoon stuff bleed over also due to Sup Forums. You'd see this started mostly in 2014; more accidental Sup Forums crossposting, more intentional crossposting, more "what if __ was a movie" or "warcraft/etc" that are coming up.
Sup Forums moved in here in 2012; as early as 2011ish due to Big Brother threads "outlawed" due to "poor mean Sup Forums mods" that numerous posted have admitted (back then, not now, before revisionist history newfriends attempt to dissuade), and never left. They use memes to the extreme;, this is their Facebook, they don't care if they piss and shit in the same place they eat.
That's why you see half of this board is spam, also the moderation simply cannot keep up with the massive amount of spam unless you actually send reports. Even then, there seems to be some sort of favoritism with this "fourth round" of moderation (for Sup Forums, since its inception). They delete shit that should be deleted asap (cunny shit, shrek/just/bane [which took forever for them to get on too, the latter memes]), but some things take an awfully long time to delete, like Sup Forums blacked threads.
Stay new.
Then who the fuck are the faggots spamming meme threads hoping it'll be the next baneposting?
Autoban anyone who has posted on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and /r9k/ during the last 48 hours
Autoban phoneposters
The site is fixed
Because Sup Forums posters have never overreacted to any small change on the site before, right? I don't know why you think that matters one way or the other. It too shall pass.
There was a week where it would cause an autoban.
The sudden drop in shitposting was astonishing.
>Autoban phoneposters
You mean the only people who see ads? Doubtful.
>Then who the fuck are the faggots spamming meme threads hoping it'll be the next baneposting?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums mostly
>muh Sup Forums boogeymans
Nice blog.
New users that found Sup Forums because of it.
You can search "Sup" on twitter as well to see the type of person that posts here now
We were warned about these mexican memers, their groups and the type of parasite it attracts back in 2013 when bane was just taking off.
I don't even browse Sup Forums, but /po/ is far from being the worst thing here... Reddit, Sup Forums, tumblr faggots and pedos/cucks.
Sup Forums just helps create memes or make movie reviews and shitposter.
Hey, kiddos -- this board is not much worse now than it was 10 years ago. It's a lot bigger in userbase, which means there's not very much board culture, no personal connection (Game of Thrones threads have produced nothing comparable to what LOST threads used to produce); and the obsessive weirdos have been freaked by the humongous number of normies and left. Probably if you're reading this you're one of the dopey 15 year old normies who spams BANE? over and over to compensate for your lack of originality and wit.
This is a big post 4 u.
tfw no more lewis and cooltop
at least you're still here :)
lewis killed himself and cooltop works as a shoe salesman in Midwest America.
t. Sup Forumstard
what about ooo?
>lewis killed himself
wtf is it true
ooo is the cunnyposter although he denies it.
>Sup Forumstards are gud bois! they did nuthing!
Yeah. He had a job at a warehouse or something --something mundane and shit-- where he worked nights, and one night he went in, tied a noose and hanged himself from the rafters. Colton went down for the funeral and he was telling me lewis's family were in bits crying and it was the saddest shit he's ever seen. It's messed up.
sickooo, can't say I'm surprised
bobby b memes
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
how to spot homosexuals 101
>if you dont like my Sup Forums you are a gay
stop getting so triggered by the fact that even here on an anonymous website people hate you
The problem is the overwhelming amount of plebs: GoT belongs in the trash; the generals like /who/ belong in the trash; capeshit belongs on Sup Forums; people who respond to political or otherwise Sup Forums-tier threads don't even watch film (and Sup Forums isn't the problem, it's everyone who posts in such threads); phoneposters offer fleeting, low-effort discussion and should be banned somehow. And so on.
Basically, Sup Forums is past saving, and we need a well-moderated /film/ board with phoneposters banned from posting by default. This new /film/ board should have a cookie which is required to post on it, and said cookie tracks board posts. If someone has posted on, say, Sup Forums or Sup Forums in the last hour, automatically and silently ban them from /film/. If the cookie doesn't exist/is too new, you cannot post on /film/. It would be a haven for true cinefiles and patricians.
Yeah, let's go, ban Sup Forumstard. This board needs more diversity and a larger community to support the struggle of LGBTA+
Reddit and Tumblr welcome!
>implying Sup Forums isn't the_d*nald lite
whats the problem then when Sup Forums is full blown /r/movies and has been since 2014?
Btw, im a shitskin, white boi.
>everyone I dont like is Sup Forums
>.t redditor since 2k14
That wasn't even what he implied you moron
Stop being so gay and retarded
Real /spv/ action right here huh
Or murder them. There's no proxies in hell.
Yeah /po/ isn't a bad board but Sup Forums is a real shithole.
Pretty sure they're the guys who post the blacked threads here
>There's no proxies in hell.
explain Israel then
It's fucking annoying having 4 active game of thrones threads at any given time.
I also hate generals so I don't know.
I guess what I'm suggesting is to gas people who watch game of thrones.
it's a good show, it's just that the fanbase is insufferable
So 99.9% of the users?
Stop posting pics of yourself dumb iCuck user
>decent memes
>pickle rick, bane, we wuz kangs
muhpols (reddit/shills) bump shitty pol threads more than any Sup Forumsack ever could.
>it's a good show
Who the fuck thought that post was screencap worthy?
>decent memes
>pickle rick
lmao. So it really was Sup Forums spamming literally every board with that cancer
>t. rëddit
>ban Sup Forums
Wat did they do, they are harmless on non flag boards
I'd rather go to Isntrael
You are retarded? Sup Forums posting BLACKED here?
It's from Sup Forums
its a typical Sup Forumsedditor that infests this place that the mods love