Politics aside, why is he so handsome and majestic Sup Forums?

Politics aside, why is he so handsome and majestic Sup Forums?

Oh shit it's Denzel Washington!

That tan suit really did look stupid. I don't know what they were thinking.

he's a Leo

Seriously. It looks like he got some crappy suit from charity for a job interview

Is ctr back at it, or was Clinton's speech that effective?

The fabric is not the issue, at least not in my opinion.

However the fit is made awfully.

t. Tailor user

>be white person who knows no black people personally
>think ANY black person is cool and stylish because (((Hollywood))) and (((rap music)))
>He looks and sounds like Urkel
>nerd from Hawaii private schools

He'd be a promising shoe shine boy

Is your last name Schneider?

They've been here for the last three hours.

This. A bit charisma, good teleprompter reader and the media shilling for him.

Sadly not - its however inspired by another trade which is funny when you think about it.

Also I still can't get over how awful that suit fits.

Why is he literally Jesus?

>its however inspired by another trade which is funny when you think about it.

Was hattest du bei dieses gemeint?

girlie man

why are you such a rampant faggot attracted to old niggers?

He's really working that camera well.

It looks like he even lost some weight recently.

Because he was raised by the premier white banking dynasties in Hawaii. Nobility train their children to act as nobles do.

He looks like shit. i mean, like someone's shit dressed up in a suit.

>> Schumacher, Becker, Schmidt

One of those names. Schneider isn't the only family name in Germany that developed because of jobs.

I'm gonna get hate for this.

Obamas a cunt but he is a good at speeches and speaking.

Still a cunt though

Yes, I'm aware. Germany isn't the only country with family names that developed by jobs, either.

Also, neat.

I love how Schmuck means "jewellery" in German (and then Yiddish)

Puerto Rico is American you fucking CTR shill. The law says you have to pick an IP out of the country. Not that you faggots care about the law but at least try a little harder.

The guy is a fucking weakling. I wish Putin judo chopped his ass in half.

he looks like an awkward bisexual to me

Hes a faggot

>why is he so handsome and majestic?


funny how that's not enough to help michelle

>t. Tailor user
This you?