He'll be kill this weekend, and we don't know when we'll see him (if ever) again in another meme role.
RIP CIA. May the halls of Harrenhals welcome you
He'll be kill this weekend, and we don't know when we'll see him (if ever) again in another meme role.
RIP CIA. May the halls of Harrenhals welcome you
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Nah he's gonna win the game of thrones
i haven't watched GoT all year but if they kill off CIA (honestly he should be the final boss) the show is beyond redemption
His head is off the table as well
He's kill according to the leaks.
He ain't got no masterplan whatsoever, other than meme'd it up with CHAOSH IS A LADDAH
Well, well this is an historic day
CIA saved the "good guys" in Season 6 with his Vale knights. How come suddenly he lost all control of the Vale knights in S7? Isn't he supposed to be lord of the Vale? He would've massive bargaining chips with the Vale army, as opposed to having being pretty much the same spot as he was in S1, as slithering le chaoshman with no power/army on his own
Handsome man desu.
this nigga has popped up in so much shit there's just no way he won't have a career after GoT. He must have one of the best agents in Hollywood because honestly he's not that good of an actor. Carcetti was a pretty good character I suppose but I doubt you'll ever find anyone who says Carcetti was ever the most intriguing or interesting character on that show.
>7 years
Fuck bros, I'm not ready
The Vale cunts dont respect him at all because any authority he has is solely from his wife's son.
Aiden really isn't that bad of an actor. Yeah, the accent is really inconsistent but name a scene in GoT where he doesn't deliver his lines well. He holds his own against all the great actors of the show as well. He's literally playing a moustache twirling villain who people continue to trust for 7 seasons for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Not that easy
>He's literally playing a moustache twirling villain who people continue to trust for 7 seasons for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
How the fuck did he get away with it?
Dont do this DnD. Ive heard the leaks and theyve all come true but for this one time dont do it. I beg of you m'lords be merciful.
cause sansas a dumb cunt
Dunno but just for proof of how overt Littlefinger is in the show, in like the 3rd episode he appears in, he openly insinuates that the king's brother is gay in a medieval court. And 7 seasons later, he still has a fuckin army in Winterfell.
>but name a scene in GoT where he doesn't deliver his lines well
Like David Hayter in MGS he has absolutely lost his ability to speak, slur all his sentences and by the end has become the parody of his own character. At least he can speak like a normal person in S1 and S2
>Implying he isn't the final boss
His death will trigger hisultimate CHAOSH plan that will end with him as the hand of the Night King. Just wait. D&D wouldn't let the whole season leak like that if they weren't having a hidden impactful final scene.
>D&D wouldn't let the whole season leak like that if they weren't having a hidden impactful final scene.
Was the leak part of your plan?
The character has always been a parody though. I agree that a lot of characters/settings were better in earlier seasons but Littlefinger's character has been nonsensical for the entire run of the show. He literally acts like he's the equal of all of the high lords and ladies he interacts with, starting in Season 1.
He's been dead for two seasons. For such a key character, they haven't done shit with him since I can't remember when. I feel like him pushing Lysa out of the moon door was the last significant thing he did in the show and that was season 4. Nothing he has done since has made any sense and none of it has been interesting.
Just think, the person who instigated most of the events in this story is going to be killed trying to make two teenage girls mad at each other. Fuck this show has sunken lower than I even thought
for some reason i imagine the actor is drunk in almost all of his scenes. he is smart enough to know that his character is shit.
He controlled the Vale knight and his plan at least made sense till the end of season 6.
However suddenly he lost his grip on the Vale knights and back to become beta orbiter for Sansa. His plan of marrying Sansa to the Boltons also don't make a whole lot of sense, and achieves nothing other than THE RAPE SANSA THE RAPE as he later betrayed the Boltons.
Nah he was trying to manipulate Sansa to use her army agasnt the battered remains of the north. It would've worked, but too many Starks were alive and they all want his blood. With Sansa's claim to the throne and the army of the north he could've taken the iron throne easy (if winter wasn't coming).
wtf was his endgame?
That's not the last of him. He joins Stannis and Bobby in this totally not gay fan fic i'm writing. It's super straight and super secret so keep it lowkey and also no homo.
He single handedly took down Ramsay Bolton by coercing Robin Arryn to order Ramsay's execution, which unintentionally saved Jon and probably the entire Kingdom since Jon has to beat the Night King
He's done nothing this season though, and that's because the writers retardedly made Jon KING IN DA NORF when Sansa should have been the real ruler of the North but got screwed
Now the writers have him stuck in Winterfell and need an excuse to kill him since that's what they're doing to all non major characters still left in the show
Seeing the situation, with Jon claiming kingship he could've used one of the teleporter around Westeros to go back to the Vale, manipulate Robin and pull the Vale knights from the Northern alliances.
But alas D&D ain't got no time and had to wrap up the plot so he suddenly became a chump in S7 and they'll kill him on Sunday
Sansa has no prayer at taking the Iron throne, even with only two Dragons Dany would crush whatever's left of the North and Riverlands and the entire Vale with their intact army
He wanted to meet Bane one last time. They were lovers. But then Bane went down a path CIA couldn't follow and then almost died. But then Bran while watching Sansa's rape made a wormhole which allowed CIA to start anew in Westeros as a child and he grew up into an adult with the exact same knowledge he had as a CIA agent which proved useful to him as he climbed the laddah.
His endgame was to get back to his world. And the only way he could do that was fucking Sansa, getting Harrenhal and sitting on the iron throne all at the same timw which would have made Bran open up a new wormhole so CIA can finally go back to his world and find Bane.
Go to Winterfell then just do literally nothing for months
>Thank you for all your many lessons Lord Baelish do you have any last words?
>There is no time
i haven’t read the books, but isn’t the entire point of dabid’s little finger is that he’s a retarded lowlife hick who schemes his way up the ranks by pretending to be something he’s not? his character is terrible now, but it’s clearly not because of aiden. the random accents have to be intentional. i just assumed he can’t keep his guises straight
Can't Sansa keep him alive to be her pussy slave or something? Because of him she's next in line to be queen in the since Jon will marry Dany.
Remember when Littlefinger was a compelling character?
Remember when any of this show's characters were compelling?
I hope they make more King Arthurs so Gillan can return for more Goosefat Bill
>Arya is OC DONUTSTEEL incarnate
>Jon is kinda a numale slouch
>Sansa is just boring
>dany is beyond a caricature of shitty feminist propaganda
>stannis is dead
>lilfinger is a beta orbiter again and not in power
>Circe is obnoxious and powerhungry only now
>Ned is dead
>old lady is dead
>martells are dead
>tyrells are dead
>priestbro is dead
>Sam plot is annoying as fuck
>Jorah went from honorable yet fallen hero to Khalisee pls respond
>chad walkers are alive tho
Honestly the secondary characters have been the best part since S5- davos, Jaime, Bronn, wildlingbro, night's watch redneck guy, brienne, pod, etc.
the heroes all feel like charicatures of themselves
Jorah has been Khaleesi pls respond since second 1 episode 1 season 1
Its sad, but I'm guessing most of Sup Forums hasn't even watched Queer as Folk yet, were he fucks Jax Teller's boipusy.
Why have a negro in a movie about King Arthur? Really?
t. no-white user
honestly he seems like a nice guy
hope it works out well for him in the future
has Sup Forums watched love/hate?
its an irish crime drama where aiden played a crime boss. I thought he was good in it desu
>You're a little guy.
>For you.
what did DnD mean by this?
RIP. /ourguy/ to the end, he truly deserved better
how was king arthur?
Lancelot was black
Yeah Harrenhallposting is funny and all but it's clearly meant to be that he's pissed so his fake KL accent starts to crack.
Good, I enjoyed it.
Really liked Aiden Gillan's character.
Kek, he doesn't know how to stand when he isn't posing
>keep your hands by your sides keep your hands by your sides keep your hands by your sides you are not a meme keep your hands by your sides...