Veto: TBD
Nominations: TBD
previously on /bb/
Veto: TBD
Nominations: TBD
previously on /bb/
Paul already setting up that he's going to fall because he wants to throw it
wtf they killed Kevin?
first for OTTiff
ok now that mark is gone you can stop making the threads so early for no reason, wait til we're on page 7 at least going forward
i've never seen an episode with more filler
i really hope matt gets evicted so we can see raven alone in the house for a week
no it's a photo from his Gulf war service.
this picture is kino
Fuck off Paul we do what we want
What would happen if a BB houseguest gave a shoutout to ISIS
well this week maven will be put otb and matt will just volunteer to go to jury so you aint seen nothing yet
you've never seen bb16?
except for the episodes specifically made to be filler, like the friday ones
they should shoot airsoft pellets at them
big brother would be relevant in the zeitgeist for 5 minutes
Rest of season predictions
>Jason wins
>houseguest pledging allegiance to ISIS during an HOH comp
>paul still mentioning cody
>Paul/Raven final 2
>Jury leaning Raven
>Raven mysteriously dies
>Paul wins
raven's tits seriously looking good in that massive pushup
Josh, Matt, or Raven HAVE to win. We need a winner that fits the season.
lol alex and jason useing the water to clean off
the other 2 holding on for dear life
based production cleaning jasons foot so he doesnt slip
is she still dating mike holloway? the survivor winner with literally the worst social game
No one listens to the shoutouts. You can say "shoutout to ISIS, the Islamic State" and the TMZ story would only come up three days later
realistic predictions
>Paul wins
remember during this comp when we still had hope for the season?
man jasons and pauls wall is so clean
quads confirm
meg was a legit smokebomb
wonder if james ever got any of that
>tfw we were actually hoping for elena to lose to whistlenut and tommy pickles
I don't like any of these people
having flashbacks of raven on the wall
looks like shes having a seizure
raven is going to drop any second now
It's getting to the point where this season is embarrassing for Paul rather he wins or not. If he makes it to the end and wins, he is now the face of the worse season ever. If he loses, he lost two back to back seasons and the second one was practically handed to him. Personally I want Paul to be evicted before final 3 because I want Dr. Will to give the smack down.
this season was not a comfy season.
it seemed correct at the time...
im hoping for raven to win it
internal bleeding!
will paul drop when raven does?
9 and 16 will probably still be worse.
Alex has the correct thiccness to win this comp
hopefully jason lets alex win, to make alex a bigger target
>16 was bad
>Paul shouting catchphrases
>everybody laughs
half of them would probably legitimately jerk him off if he asked
depends, if he doesn't know who made those 2 votes he'll probably try to win
I couldn't see past becky that season
need a /fit/ gf
xmas is pissed
One thing I hate about this season is that they are never outside. Every season before this the houseguest spent 80% of the time they were allowed to spent chilling outside.
raven trying to get sympathy hoh
who is raven talking about? kevy?
did I just hear raven correctly?
>y'all know who I want out, none of us, but I just really want that letter from my mama this week
Virginsamefag is back. Why do you want to fuck skeletons?
maven were pretending that they want kevin out for a while
they would obviously put up jason/alex
if alex or jason win, pauls whole plan falls apart imo... matt/raven will sell him out so fast and paul leaves next week
fall raven, fall
no letter for you
>your personality is faker than
>the armenian genocide
based catholic!
alex humping her hot dog bun and RAVEN IS RATTLED
fuck you
she's probably pissed about the 2 votes for matt then
>Alex and Paul: america why do you hate us
how long do you 2 have
this is a strange way to realize I don't have any pics of zingbot
raven is going to be in tears before long
>is back
I never left
raven going full natalie with begging
lmao raven trying to negotiate already
>spend an hour watching BB, one of my favorite TV shows
>only time I felt an inkling of enjoyment was Julie calling Mark a big guy, only because of a low effort over used meme
This season is miserable
Paul is really bad at acting, everyone knows you through it you faggot
well there we go, its gona be matt. cya guys next thursday/friday
>raven and paul lost
here comes another predictable week
these two are retarded
no doubt
JASON trolling like a rodeo clown
>new fave
did people not realize jason or alex would win this before it even started? as soon as i saw the comp i knew matt will be evicted the next week
thats how you know this season is ass, you know the entire week's outcome just by the HoH comp
give it to whistlecuck
raven so butthurt, i love it
did whistlenut just blow his game lmao, matt's going home anyway
Remind me, why do Jason and Alex want Matt gone again?
matt is so butthurt