Hollywood is over, the budgets of Bollywood movies will be bigger than any american film in a few years. The economy of India only increases while the US has a lack of creativity.
Bollywood > Hollywood
I genuinely enjoyed Once Upon A Warrior. Only Bollywood movie I've ever seen but it was pretty neat.
no one is going to watch street shitter movies regardless of that.
>I am an insecure white and I have no arguments, so I use memes.
fuck off parjeet
no one wants to watch your garbage
everyone in this poster is so light skinned.
Bollywood is legit good, when it comes to you wanting to watch a movie, that you can just laugh at. Otherwise no. Most bollywood films are like india. They're shit.
I live in UK, burger.
they have toilets now fools..see for yourself in this movie.
Pajeet is still Pajeet in UK, nice try.
lol parjeets tears
Poos are so fucking racist, lmao all the people in this poster and all their stars are basically almost white while the majority of their country is dark as niggers
Bleaching is big there. The self hate is real. Probably tied in with the lower IQ
>muh racist
Fuck off, whiteboi. Sup Forums and you cucks sucks. You who have a racist view of India.
>lower IQ
Do you even know what IQ stands for Bubba? If you don't why not ask your sister-mom or is she too busy getting dicked by tyrone.
>Patel makes Bollywood thread
>Patel gets triggered af
Isn't there a safer space for you to conduct your business in? This doesn't feel like a good fit for us.
Just googled the chick from the poster, bitch looks whiter than a greek/italian
Now, show me one big poo dark star, Pajeet
spotted the pajeet
>le you will not replace us XC
cry some more
Rajesh, my son...
Why do they use the whitest looking ones for their little movies?
No one likes darkies
can pajeet make a post that is not abhorrent?
are we leaving the era of leaf unto the new era of the FUCKING WHEEL
>muh white countries
>3-hour movies with 20 songs in an English-gibberish creole filmed with actors and tech from the 1970s
Keep up the good work, poos. Superpower any day now!
oh goy the kikes a have infiltrated bollywood
Will they start to promote lgbt, anti religion, race mixing bullshit
how can (((white bois))) even compete?
If yoy think bollywood obsess with white skin go and look at the south india film industry
Most people there and majority black then nigger in burgerland, and all the actress are the lighr skin indians living in south or northern indians. Hell they even hired a british girl to play in south indian movies because she looks indian. This is same with the males.
Indian caste system translates to "color" system because it was based on skin color: the lighter you are, the godlier, the darker, the dirtier
Varna was not based on literal skin color you mong. If it was there would be no Brahmins in South India.
Here the brit girl that got the role in south indian film
Lol Pajeets don't even want to watch Pajeets
If I ever write or direct anything as bad as a Bollywood film, I want you to kill me Sup Forums
Bollywood has been bigger than hollywood for a long time. Only westerners dont watch bollywood
Lol complete lies.
I found that discovering Bollywood was like discovering the internet again for the first time, it's like discovering a whole new world with it's own superstars and shit.
No, its the parents are too conservative and dont let their daughters go out and sell their souls to the industry. Instead they keep her closed at home and then marry her off to some retard that looks like a cross between a mishappen brown dough and dog shit.
Or the daughters become too high and mighty of their beauty and turn into out of shape fat sluts, which is easy for an indian.
This is speaking from personal experience cause Ive seen it happen to a distant cousins when I go back to visit.
Everyone wants to watch wh*te people. Have you seen anime?
bollywood produces more movies and has a bigger audience
White people being fucked for black people, right? That is the only way you can serve today.
Yeah, but they're mostly all shit production wise and writing wise.
I never said they had better quality, I said they're bigger.
What the fuck does 'they're bigger' mean? They're still shit, pham.
What's some good bolleywood? Never seen any.
There is none.
There is a Bollywood remake of drive coming out next year
The (((whites))) were fully BTFO in this thread
You will not replace us Kemal!
aaany way i want to start getting into bollywood films, all i know from what little I've seen is how absolutely ridiculous they can be