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should have been a black woman apparently


Meaning they only found one black woman and she was shit at her job.

both of those statements are contradictory


top kek liberals are insane

>decide to put in domino
>decide to make her black to fill diversity quotas
>since she is now black you must hire a black stunt double for her
>turns out the black stunt double is not very good at being a stunt double
>dies because the movie tried to be diverse
>but she died because the movie wasnt diverse enough

I can see how it makes perfect sense

>lack of diversity on random stunt crew
>pressure to hire people of color
>only applicant of color is unqualified
>hire anyways because you lack diversity

>should have been a black woman apparently

She was black. It's a nonsense article blaming Hollywood in general - the idea is because there aren't many action movie roles for black women the stuntwoman was unqualified.

Needless to say the blame lies specifically with the Deadpool 2 producers who had her perform a stunt she was unqualified for and didn't provide a helmet-wig (literally a helmet disguised with hair) or agree to spend money hiding a real helmet with CGI.

She was a stuntwoman paid to perform stunts, how was she underqualified?

Fucking entitled little shits need to learn some skills other than making coffee and licking shoes and stop accessing the internet

Liberalism is a mental illness

liberalism is a mental disorder

i refuse to believe this is real

>Fucking entitled little shits need to learn some skills other than making coffee and licking shoes and stop accessing the internet

Or jumping off building and shit as a stunt person

absolutely the same thing, you're totally right

the tism is strong in this one

I approve!


> Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that crew members alerted producers that Harris was too inexperienced to safely pull off the stunt, noting her previous crashes on practice runs, but were ignored because producers felt an African-American woman needed to perform the stunt for accurate representation.

She failed in practice and they put her on anyways. How do you not see the mistake?

Should have just put Chad in blackface and an afro.


I knew that this was the fault of rural white Christian republican voters

>One stunt coordinator who spoke with Deadpool 2 crew members says that producers risked Harris’s life by wanting Beetz to have a racially correct double: “The producers put pressure to have somebody of the same sex and ethnicity in a position she wasn’t qualified to be in. The stunt coordinators caved to the pressure. All the stunt people could do was take it to their higher-ups. They’re going to follow their chain of command.” THR’s sources believe that producers having few options for an experienced black female stuntwoman is endemic of Hollywood’s whiteness across all fields. In 2014, the issue made headlines when Gothamattempted to use a white stuntwoman in blackface as a stand-in for a black actress despite union opposition to such practices; the show eventually cast a black stuntwoman and said it “made a mistake.”

And to think this all could have been avoided if you just made the character look like they're supposed to with or without makeup

>hire minority for jobs
>they die because they inexperienced

Based affirmative action

She wasn't a stuntwoman, she was just a person who raced motorcycles. She'd never stepped foot on a movie set before. And the stunt coordinators knew she was unqualified and that something bad was going to happen and tried to tell the producers, but they didn't care because diversity. So she died.


She really needed affirmative traction.


Super dumb and predictable. I work in Hollywood and stunt doubles are nowhere near as close to the actors as a normal body double, because they're seen so little and only in fast paced scenes.

I've seen Asian women double White Women, an Asian dude double a latina woman, all sorts of stuff. All you need is the body shape to be somewhat similar, hair, make-up, and wardrobe cover the rest.

Fuck, adults double children all the time. There is no reason ever to use someone who isn't qualified unless a producer is shoving them down your throat.

Also saying the problem is a lack of blacks in film in general is dumb - the one area where race is most diverse is on-screen talent, which includes actors, background, and stunts.

If they'd hired a squad of Mexicans she could have landed on them and then she wouldn't have died. Its brilliant.

I wish I could feel bad for this event but all I feel is a disdain for current PC culture that caused this to happen. This is what happens when you try and shove diversity down our throats.


>Yahoo source

Lack of diversity claim comes from some UCLA humanities professor who does "Hollywood Diversity Report" every year. Stunt crew knew she was unfit to do the stunt and the producers wanted to show off the black actress and her fro.

>Lack of diversity is the guilty

gotta admire the nerve of those american msm headline spin doctors.

>they made her do a stunt she was not good at and she died

how much is her family suing for?

Deadpool 2's crew want to use niggers as safty equipment.

This all day. Forced diversity is the cause of this death. And deadpool is Reddit incarcerated


>liberal trannies bully you about being too white
>hire an unqualified ape because muh diver city
>she ded
>liberal trannies bully you about being too white
What could go wrong

Don't stunt workers sign contracts waiving the right to sue in cases like this


Hollywood is a shitshow, one that has now caused the death of an innocent woman. What a joke.

God damn. How do (((they))) do this?


Reminder, Conservatism is a mental illness

It literally says how right below the headline. The majority of the stunt people are white and that resulted in them putting someone not qualified in a role specifically because of the way they look.

>no white body strong enough to do stunt
>have to use white stunt person because of anti diversity anyway
>white persons feeble body breaks

FUCKING UNREAL? How in the world is having a "racially correct" stunt double more important than having someone who can DO THE FUCKING STUNT?



>We need diversity!

i dont like capeshit. but when i saw the comic original picrelated was the first thing that came into my mind. she is literally made for this kind of womanrole.

instead they go for the diversity and get what they deserve.

she has polly polyester tattoo?



but is she white?

>since she is now black you must hire a black stunt double for her

Funny thing is, they didn't. Films use camera tricks to hide stunt doubles all the time. All they had to do was slap a helmet or afro on the double/Domino's actress and everything would have been cool.

The crew is just deflecting to avoid any blame. The fact is they hired someone that had no business doing stunts and it led to her death. This is their fucking fault.

Could've even just blackfaced a stunt driver too.

The producers are fucking retarded.

Are these people evil or stupid?

I honestly can't tell anymore

Just stupid.

Also a perfectly viable option. Not something you'd generally publicize, but movies do it all the time.

This was a horrible misstep by a bunch of suits that casts a dark shadow over the entire fucking movie.

Absolutely evil.

>force people to use an unqualified black stuntwoman because muh diversity
>stuntwoman dies
>"I-It was because there aren't enough black stuntwomen!"

tell that to the guy that was fired from google for questioning their diversity hiring politics.

From the second sentence it seems like the need for diversity is what put her in that position? Not the lack thereof?

What would be evil about this? They're just stupid.

100% evil. They value nothing, total Marxism is their end game.

it should read "forced diversity" instead of "lack of diversity"

Why not both!
>we need more diversity
>YET AGAIN another diversity hire fails
>YET AGAIN, the white man is blamed

Gee, I wonder why. Really gets me thinking.

This seems like a pretty misleading title.

Why didn't they just have her character wear a helmet on the motorcycle? Or just CGI the helmet off? Or better yet just fucking tape an afro onto the helmet?

I feel bad that she died for a capeshit movie

>stealing my joke from last nights pol thread like I wouldnt find out


A lack of diversity does not necessitate an abundance of pressure.
They are clearly putting the blame on the wrong segment of the population. An imaginary one, in fact.
There is no "systemic racism" behind a monoracial cast (or by diverse, do they mean non-white?)
There are, demonstrably, hordes of assholes willing to capitalize on it's destruction, for attention and even financial gain.

The headline is contradictory. Pathologically so, apparently. Since these people can't even tell they're being idiots.


>Deadpool 2
He got lucky with the first one. Say hello to Domino.

simple, some people delude themselves into believing the most important thing in the entire world is social justice, even more important than realities like competence and safety. so those take a backseat to diversity quotas, and here we are. this isn't the first industry to see this happen, just a prominent one.

I bet the producers dismissed the stunt coordinators' concerns with thoughts that the coordinators were 'living in the past' and were 'part of the problem'. maybe the producers even convinced themselves that her underperformance was merely a subjective opinion caused by prevailing oppressive social constructs.

>it's destruction,



This is the white mans fault

they're stupid because an accident occurred. If she performed the stunt without incident, the producers would have saved some money from looking for an experienced stuntman without the need for cgi or a helmet. They took that risk and now I hope to god they fucking pay for their sins.


i can't believe people are this retarded to go this much in to head games in to why X happened because of Y politics or current political agendas


A woman was literally murdered to get this afro onto the silver screen as much as possible. Lawsuit when?

by having blackwashed a character, this lead to having a stuntwoman's death by ineptitude by both parties (the stuntwoman for accepting and going through with the stunt, and the producers that OK'ed this)

remember, its ok when its for the sake of a quota or pat on the back

Why do people feel the need to make a thread about every bullshit article they find?

She probably said something unprogressive, so they murdered her and in their hubris speak of it as a dramatic irony.

This similar thread has been 404'ed two days ago. Sad.

Reminder that even Power Rangers is smarter then this


Black people are supposed to be the first ones to die in movies.

>someone dying because they blackwashed a capeshit character

how new are you? there were threads over the actress that had to have her arm amputated because of the shitty latest Resident Evil movie

>asians do all the stunts
>no one even knows about it
>asian characters get whitewashed all the time
>no one says anything


The used a motorcycle racer to do a stunt job despite her and her manager telling the producers that she's not a stunt driver and other stuntpeople saying she wasn't experienced enough for the stunt, but the producers insisted they go through with it and don't use a helmet so we can see how it's totally a black stunt actress guis

How would that make any difference other than the blood being more easy to see?

>those man hands
I bet she gives magnificent handjobs.

Your side is the one with gays and people that want to cut their dicks off my good sir

People should stop thinking that those who are able to maintain money and power are somehow "stupid" when a bad decision is made. In actuality its either an expendable test or they just don't care about the possible consequences if there are any.

See: Twilight Zone movie child actor kidnapping and helicopter accident.

>wanting more black women to die

How to insanely twist logic to serve your agenda...

(((media))) doublespeak

>producers need black stuntwoman because muh diversity
>only black stuntwoman they can find is underqualified and is kill
>forced diversity killed the only black stuntwoman in Hollywood

you white people just don't get it. IT IS your fault, you fetishized our people's royal hair and one of our queens DIED for it. you make me sick.
the sooner whites die out which is soon kek the fucking better

wich side has the trannies? Good, now stay quiet.

>nuh-uh, y-you are mental
Nice comeback.

She wanted to smash through the glass ceiling, but accidentally went through the window instead.

God I wish all niggers would die