SUNY Binghamton offering 'Stop White People' course

Sup Forums can we do something about this?

The presenters of this course are: Ciaran Slattery, Nicholas Pulakos, Urenna Nwogwugwu


Freedom of speech faggot.

>SUNY Binghamton officials say the program's title is being used ironically, and participants said there was no evidence it was "anti-white."


I go to suny binghampton. Think i should go?

>Urenna Nwogwugwu
kek. Nog names.
But seriously, don't bother. Even some normies are realizing how far the bullshit of the left is going now, so we should let these idiots implode. If we do anything, we'll just make them martyrs.

>"Good" arguments from uneducated people.

Jesus fucking christ.

I'm sure posting about it online will solve the problem.

>SUNY the STATE fucking school

Yeah we can, that school is run by the GOVERNMENT and they cannot discriminate based on RACE because muh constitution and title 7.

Sue them in district court and get an injunction

Nice trips.

Freedom of speech goes both ways. What does Sup Forums have to say? Does this warrant a petition to put pressure on those who are deliberately race-hustling and dividing Western society?

Stuff like this is good for us actually, it is slowly getting the plebs on our side.

>last name literally has NWO in it

Imagine a stop black people course....

Fucking Communists plain and simple.

>but when you encountered with "good" arguments from uneducated people, how do you respond?

I guess by calling him a white boi and fucking his wife.


>freedom of speech means a black nigger can call out a white guy but not the other way around

some speech when it's restricted to some and given to all.

>mfw I went to this school
god dammit

>its not anti-white we swear

>lemme just choose a satirical, ironic name and not what the actual event is about (even though thats what its about anyway)


I went to SUNY Binghamton

Its infested with Long Island Jews and OTB chinese, avoid at all costs except for the engineering school.

at least I was there before the whole PC wave, it was a pretty chill campus.

Yes. We need to correct it somehow. Sup Forums is exactly what Western society needs. We need to grow stronger to stand against covert anti-Western social engineering; it is insidious destruction of our values.