
I just watched this. Are they serious with this movie? LIke, this is one of the worst war movies i have ever seen

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I seen it, won't watch it again. Looking back I don't think I can watch any WW2 movie aside from Das Boot.

What about downfall?

Hollywood's interpretation of war

it's hard to make a decent film about the european western front of ww2 without extreme exaggerations for entertainment's sake. literally only the battles of d-day could be considered significant to any scale.

I liked a bridge too far, Kelly's heroes, and the great escape.

But this movie, good god could they be any more hamfisted.


kek, it is closer to reality, they basically said the Americans started the war, which is true.

I thought it was pretty damn good.

The only "war movie" that I've seen, that made me want to go to war was the hurt locker.

I was thinking more along the lines of them portraying Germans as evil devils. The blue pill was strong

It has the cool haircut in the picture and that one scene where he's standing outside the tank shooting the machine gun at night like he's the terminator.

Yeah, forgot about great escape, and that old Stalag 17 movie was ok.


This movie is great

Its got Shia le fucking boof as a war hungry preacher man.

Nah, the film more or less said the Americans started the war and then went in a raped the Germans.

you're looking for something to get offended about tumblr style

they show Brad Pitt's character forcing the main character to execute an unarmed german POW begging for his life, and they also show a german sparing the main characters life, but of course you zoom in on the bad deed a german character does to get good boy points on your epic natsoc anime website

I think people make movies just for the lead actor and not for the movie. Fury was just "oh look Brad Pitt's face" everywhere, every five seconds. So was Inglorious Basterds. Suicide Squad was "oh look it's Will Smith and he's playing the role of a father that wants to be with his kid" even though for the last 65 years Deadshot has literally - literally - never been portrayed as a black man. I don't think people make movies anymore to make movies, or tell stories that could only be told through movies. I think it's some kind of process to get famous people's faces seen more.

Tiger vs Shermans scene was so fucking awful. Seriously. That's now how fucking tank battles went.

They didn't do that shit

It certainly didn't humanize them, if anything it showed what animals we were in the war.

Shoah Le Poof


Been a while, I'll have to rewatch it.

>This leaf nigger failed history

Tha movie is visual cancer. Leave it up to a female director to fuck up a movie that bad

>that part where they're sniping those dunecoons for hours without moving an inch in the hot desert

made me rethink joining desu. fucking intense and they were sitting ducks the whole time. Is that accurate to real life at all or just hollywood glorification?

I blame Hollywood, producers, and investors

AKA Jew porn

The battle scenes with tank on tank were fucking awesome but the rest was hot horse piss.

>the SS could only attack from the front
>that fucking beaner


Were you in wwii nigger?

What happens in this movie? I haven't seen it.

There's hundreds of awesome war movies out there famanon. I've watched most of the war movies out there. I love that genre.

The Bridge on the River Kwai is a pretty good movie and so is Play Dirty.

>Kelly's heroes

Fucken A for taste m8

I found it to be less biased against the Germans than I thought it would be.

It honestly seemed like they were trying to show an accurate first person perspective

They stole Captain Witman's story and made it about Americans..

Yes, his head did explode out of his eye socket. This is correct

Ended it too.

This movie was great, and the entire three quarters were accurate as fuck.

Then it got to the ending, where 5 americans somehow go rambo, and manage to hold off an entire (platoon? batallion? I forget.) of germans, and it degenerates into a fucking ham-fisted action "MURICA" mess.

It started good, rolled good, then it turned out fucking stupid at the end.

I wasn't surprised, desu. Hollywood has a tendency to make things end awfully.

About the only exciting part was when they took on the Tiger tank. Other than that, the movie was absolute shit. It is a shame, it has the potential to be a tank movie on the same level of Private Ryan but ended up being a complete dud.


More like days.

>"This movie said the Greeks could square the circle god that's not how geometry works"
Shut the fuck up already.

Still the best war movie ever

>the film more or less said the Americans started the war

I agree with this

I've heard a lot of stories of snipers in Iraq and their tactics. They would just wait in buildings for hours, possibly days for targets. One sniper was in a building covering an alleyway for his fellow Marines during the Battle of Fallujah. He got 32 kills during the battle. Never heard of any stories of them sitting in the sand dunes

>people being buttmad about a war that happened 60 years ago which they had nothing to do with

You guys are the most autistic board on Sup Forums. Thanks for the laugh guys. Wehraboo retards

>60 years ago

U got mad. Wrekt. Hew hew.

Shia Labeouf converted to Christianity during shooting, or so i heard.

Film was alright, i like that Americans are shown to be massive cunts, definitely more realistic than showing them as heroes in literally every other war movie.


I saw the real Fury, and the real Tiger used in the movie at Tankfest.

Ask me anything, faggots.

>How tall are you, private?
>Sir, five-foot-nine, sir.
>Five-foot-nine, I didn't know they stacked shit that high!

Yeah it sucked

yeah i don't get all the hate for it on this board. Besides the over the top ending battle I thought it was extremely realistic depiction of the final days on the Western Front. Its not whitewashed or jingoistic like so many other American WWII films

100% correct. I was a super secret sniper recon marine. Pic related. It's me after sitting in the hot desert for hours without moving an inch while sniping afgahnis

It's Wittmann, Michael Wittmann.

>anti war movie still considered the best war movie
what did kubrick mean by this?

Cause the wife of David "I have a visual art black belt" Cameron wouldn't know a little more about it than other normie directors

I dunno, I have read reviews of the movie from vets which most seemed to love the movie and I've read reviews of critics who think 3 person squad fucking around in the desert was a but unrealistic.

I'm not going to argue if the movie was realistic, just the feeling it gave me about joining the military in the end.

While that is definitely up there on my list, Apocalypse Now Redux takes spot number 1

Almost all tiger tanks were devoted to the eastern front.

There were only two documented and confirmed cases where US shermans encountered and engaged Tiger 1s, and one was at a train stration where they were being loaded onto trains. Many british and american troops tended to reported all grey fascist boxes as tigers.

Why does he have an anti-semitic hair style?

You can't make a WWII movie anymore without the whole "muh humanity is lost" subplot. That's why their has to be some bitch boy character, like Saving Private Ryan had, that goes from a puss to a heartless killer.


>Directed by David Ayer
that explains it

This movie sucks balls.

Stole the self head shot in the bathroom scene aethestixs from American History X.

That was the one good scene and they stole it.

75. eh close enough.

The Enemy Below wasn't a bad WWII film either.

The worst part about this movie is how Brad Pitts piece of shit tank can somehow 1vs 1 a fucking tiger

Letters from Iwo Jima good lads?


The actual technical aspects of the movie are pretty good

great effects and the in tank shots are pretty impressive

you will get a lot of WT/WoT babbies try to explain everything they did wrong

without the fucking retarded final stand it would be a better movie

A Bridge to Far, Cross of Iron, The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, Thin Red Line, Pacific, Band of Brothers, Letters from Iwo Jima, Generation War.

These are all great movies and mini series m8.


It was 4 v 1 nigger


That's because WoT retards think the game is realistic and things like sidescrapping are real strategies

>blood jams a 50cal rifle

go ask /k/ what they think of The Hurt Locker

I forgot what the movie was about, and I saw it. Can anyone give a summary?

did you stick your dick in it?

>western front

I didn't think it was bad won't watch it again though

1 76mm sherman + 3 75mm sherman VS 1 Tiger

>last one

Please tell me its not true

No one gives a fuck faggot

No, but I could have if there wasn't hundreds of other people nearby.

I touched it, though. Didn't get to touch fury, however.

>Ask me anything, faggots

Fancy a bit of cybersex lad?

its the last running one

there are other examples in various museums

the upgraded 76mm long barrel gun on the sherman can pen a tiger frontally.

Generation War is great watch it m8.


I enjoyed watching Fury. It's not a fucking documentary. The ending was a tad ridiculous though.

It never jammed the rifle, they cleaned the blood off the bullet with spit

>be tank
>survive WWII and the implosion of Europe only to see it rebuilt as a Bolshevik Oligarchy
>be the last of your kind
>get used in propaganda films vilifying the fatherland for the rest of your existence

are you fucking retarded? full metal came out long before history x

It is true, sadly.

It still purrs like it's fresh off the production line, but what hurt mah feels is when they said they can't stress it out too much, or even have it running for too long because if something irreplaceable breaks, that'll be the end of it.

I luckily managed to see it working, one day it might stop.

>mfw france has an operating tiger 2, but the UK doesnt.


Lol, this negro. Chuckled a little.

Even the 75 could do it easily at the short ranges they were fighting in the movie Tiger only had a little over 100mm at the front

>and it degenerates into a fucking ham-fisted action "MURICA" mess.

No it didn't. By that point in the movie the characters were almost completely divorced from the idea of their country. It had boiled down to a tank of characters that bonded, and their attempt to save lives.

I don't know where you fucks get this from. The movie didn't really seem patriotic at all.

it was pretty good until the last battle
that shit totally ruined what was a gritty and realistic war movie with nice style
what the fuck were they thinking

So? What was the Jew agenda behind this movie?

I haven't seem it but weren't they fighting at ranges where penetration wasn't really an issue?

what is Hacksaw Ridge based on?

No we're saying it's MURICA with the fact they hold down the trigger and spray, and how germans magically drop, and how even though they're shot they just shrug it off and keep shooting. How many many more germans drop and die, because aparrently they don't hit the deck and panzerfaust/flank an open, immobile sherman.

It's dumb shootfest action at the end, is what we mean.

aka american gun action.

It's the only current running Tiger I in the world but transferring a working Maybach HL230 from a Jagdpanther, Panther, or any other tank that used the HL230 shouldn't be that difficult.