It's a guy with 500 million dollars debates over whether to tip his waiter more than $5 episode

>It's a guy with 500 million dollars debates over whether to tip his waiter more than $5 episode

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How do you think they came to own everything if they were careless, you silly goy.

>jews acting jewish: the show

He's fucking insane that's the point of the show.

Not only that but he's shown to be a great tipper in the series.

I act like Larry David a lot. I wish I were Jewish tbqh, instead I'm slav. They act like the complete opposite of Jews. I always felt like I never belonged.

I want to fuck Sammy

you just gave me flashbacks to when rob schneider tried to make his own curb show except it was complete shit

What the FUCK did I just watch

That was so unfunny

Ur unfunny

Is there anything Rob Schneider can't do?



that hurt

How did they get away with this?

That's not what your mom thinks.

She laughed at my dick all night long

Does Adam Sandler's posse have ANY funny actors?

Ur mom

I want to beat the shit out of larry david

Steve Buscemi and Chris Farley

Although one is more known as a dramatic actor and the other is dead


Hi Larry. I'm gonna kick your butt.

Is there an episode where Larry gets in a fist fight? I only know of the one where he beats up that guy in the airplane.


The new eps are sooooo fucking good. might be the best season yet. The scene in the courtroom where hes talking about 'the beasts in the wilderness' had me on the floor

>tipping at all
Yea, no.
Your employer is obligated to fill in your loss up to minimum wage if you don't meet your tip quota, so don't try to shove that shit at me.
I don't tip the guy flipping my fucking burgers, so I sure as shit ain't tipping you for bringing them to me.

>implying employers don't flout the law all the time
it's easy to make pronouncement about how others should act when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

Get a real job, jeeves

>inb4 dozens of salty burgerlords try to defend the blatantly stupid system that guilts customers into paying the wages of the workers of establishments rather than the establishments themselves paying their workers properly eliminating the aspect of random chance and leading to far more stable wages for the workers

It's an unbelievably stupid system and the amount of you who just go along with it is bewildering.

he's right, you're the idiot

Curb didn't have Norm

norm looks like he wants to die

Wow this is fucking bad.

Can he save Boca?

Except for the fact that in the US service is good everywhere and service is Europe is utter shit. You're right though, incentivizing service people to actually provide good service is really dumb.

>drops kino bomb

>white male
>retarded, unfunny garbage

every single time

Tons of slavs are jews tho

>Rob Schneider

>not one 'making copies' joke
stick with what works, rob

yes rob schneider is white, and being white is the reason he is an unfunny, worthless sack of shit. white "people" are all fucking trash.

eat dick nigger

yer nan is fucking trash

>jerry seinfeld appears on 30 rock
>has it written into scene that he's donating big fake movie bucks to charity
>always has it written into script that he is big tipper with his 3 bucks

Yeah, you should probably move to a lovely non-white country like Sudan or Liberia. Things are so much better.

I miss when bait this obvious was just ignored.

i live in the united states, which is not only the greatest non-white country on the planet but the greatest country on the planet period. white countries cannot compete with us, and never could.

Must have been his idea to make George the cheap one on the show.

>Literally can't go a skit without saying "hey I'm that guy that was in those Adam Sandler movies!!"

So fucking sad.


But the less white America becomes the worse it gets

less white America becomes, the better it gets

look at the past few decades. violence trending down, while life expectancy trends up. Americans are smarter, happier, and healthier than before. and what is trending down? white population percentage. as violent white retards die out, good people (non-white) prosper.

wheres the joke?

>violence trending down

Also life expectancy will drop once obesity reaches full capacity.

at least he's open about it and acknowledges he's being a jew

>americans are smarter
So you are going to ignore that shitskins have much lower iq I see.

Coming from Australia I could not get my head around tipping in the USA. Here you only tip if it's convenient, like handing the pizza guy a $20 note for an $18 order and telling him to keep the change. But in America you're expected to hand him another $5? What the fuck?

He has 900 million


i miss that fat man

why is that wrong? just because you have 1 billion dollars, should you suddenly pay 500 bucks per can of coke from a vending machine. thats not how it works.

and if you dont, they spit in your food and give you sub par food. its fucking nuts. these are the people your supposed to give extra money for doing their job. people who will spit in your burger

i hope the hackers get convicted for adding the GOT banners at the bottom

Don't you only tip them after you've eaten? Or do Americans even tip before that?

there's an old story about tom hanks tipping insane amounts (like 10 grand) whenever he went out to eat, back when he was coming off gump and cast away. he'd been a waiter before his big break, and wanted to help out the working man.

he had to stop doing it after word got around: waiters were bribing and threatening hostesses and getting in fist fights and locking each other in walkin freezers to wait his table.

>Here you only tip if it's convenient, like handing the pizza guy a $20 note for an $18 order and telling him to keep the change. But in America you're expected to hand him another $5?

Here you get exact change from pizza delivery guys. Because the pizza and delivery is priced correctly from the start.

Food in the US, including tip, is as expensive as socialist sweden. Service isn't better. It makes no fucking sense.

this refers to return business generally. if you never visit places twice, go ahead, never tip. so to counter this, if you LOOK like you wont tip, youll get profiled and pre-emptively spit fooded. then youll tip well above expected and do they do anything about it?

yeah no. they will assume your shit, give you shit service, and then take your money for that shittyness depending on whatever biases some dumbfuck who can only pull a literal hand the plates to the fucking table job moron might have.

because they have it hard and they work hard and deserve the money

You probably weren't even on the site.

I love Seinfeld.


Didn't he lose almost half in his divorce back in 2007? How did he make another half billion on ten years? I know syndication gives him a shit load of money but surely not $50 million a year?

it's a relic from the great depression. restaurants had signs out that asked patrons to tip to subsidize the wages of their service staff in order to maintain operational performance. the economy rebounded, and what a fucking surprise, business owners wanted to continue paying their wait staff next to nothing, having the customers take care of staff compensation.

you won't find a waiter that would prefer a living wage. tips are largely paid in cash, and if they're good at their job/work at an expensive restaurant, they can make 80k+ a year and report half of that on taxes.

if your attractive

my gf finally accepted the redpill after we watched the entire series. criminally underrated.

web deals for seinfeld
curb and sein both still raking in money for him
hes a jew so he probably invest

in my experience, it really does come down to the level or service and personality. a few years back i worked at the reception of hotel with an in house restaurant. on morning shifts i tallied the takes from each waiter. the bald old dude was making significantly more than the young hot chicks. he was more personable and funny, and sold premium menu items more effectively. attractiveness is a factor in salesmanship, but from what i've seen, attitude and emotional presence are the dominant traits in regards to tip revenue.

>my anecdotal evidence trumps various and worldwide studies

post studies then. how do you know you're interpreting the results in a way that aid your argument?


This was good until the very end. That killed the entire joke.

damn it really sucks to be rob schneider doesn't it?

oh it's all statistical averages how totally irrelevant to the discussion at hand

>oh maths, lol who even believes in maths lol

>Rob Schneider is... ROB SCHNEIDER

no it just doesn't help your argument. the only way to make sense of those types of data are to test against a control which should make quality of service irrelevant. keep acting like you're smart enough to interpret data though it makes you look really smart.

How good of a blow job do you think Cheryl gives Sup Forums?

your argument is maths is fucking wrong. YOUR argument helps MY argument. each ONE of those tests test agaisnt a control. i know your disregarding maths, but thats 7 (seven). thas almost eight ones! keep acting like you're smart enough to interpret data!

You know what, the premise of this gag kind of works but it's just not done well.

Did he steal it from something else and perform it badly or something?

you're relying on the idea that something communicated in numbers can be taken as fact without discussing the methods. without understanding the method you can't understand the fact communicated.

tell me about the experiment in detail.


It seems very Curb-esque. I think in general it was pretty well done but the final joke of them being in on it was bad, in Curb it's really how the people are so that's why Curb is much better as sometimes you root for Larry because he's obviously right and other times he's so autistic and you want him to just shut his mouth.

what you're calling "maths" is the results of a process that neither you nor the authors of those articles understand.

lol that's not the experiment those are the results. i know you're used to feeling smart because you can count to 100 but that's just not going to cut it. i read all of those articles and they were purely unscientific. there's not a single discussion of the method involved.

oh then explain why the experiments you didnt even read are wrong


citation needed


you didn't post links to experiments or to articles you've read you copied and pasted links you found by googling "boobies tips". let's discuss the methods. this is how you prove your claim. it's YOUR responsibility to invalidate the null hypothesis.

when do you start university?

This clip was actually funny if you're not a Bernie voting libtard. No wonder the show wasn't successful with such conservative messages.

articles about...ill let you guess. starts with e, and ends with ments.

your sources, articles and opinions were found by googling "my personal shitty opinion", which found roughly 11 billion results in 13 milliseconds

here's larry david choking on pussy hair after his wife forced him to eat her out.

>t. manchild who hasn't left his parent's house in the last week