We have to ensure Finnish stays as a language of science


While Finnish is a small language, it is nevertheless a language of science, like Czech, which is a language of similar size and useability.

We need to ensure it stays that way.

Professors in Finland are somewhat concerned that scientific circles are taking in English loanwords for everything eventhough Finnish language professors are working full time to create new Finnish words for science related things.

There are many scientific articles published in Finnish but most of them are not in the fields of interest outside of Finland or perhaps Estonia.

The scientific research made in Finland that does get recognition world wide, is published in English with usually no Finnish version available at all.

This is somewhat concerning because Finnish had a tough battle to become language of science starting from the year 1858. Finland did have some of the worlds first important modern universities after all.

Attached: 80eb53be.jpg (1280x1770, 307K)

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>We need to ensure it stays that way.

no lol

Language of gay sex*...

Homo- ja biseksuaalisen tyttöyden representaatiot Siiri Enorannan Surunhauras, lasinterävä ja Maria Turtschaninoffin Anaché: Myter från akkade -fantasiatyttöromaaneissa

Masters Thesis!

do we really though ? finnish language is beautiful (arguably) and great but it's time to move on and speak french like the rest of the european federation

But what's the point of making up words instead of just using English loans? In the end those made up finnish words are no different the Tolkiens sindarian or black speech. It's just weird to me how we can just make up words on the fly.

What's the finnish word for Software?

un logiciel

Suomi on runoilijoiden kieli
Tästä asiasta pitäs tulla kaikille parempi mieli
Runoilijat on sen alunperin kirjoittaneet
ja tieteilijät ovat sen vain kiinni ottaneet


See, its ohjelma "program" a word used in Finland since the invention of tv:s, just with small alteration, perfectly fine.

Even hard disk found a nice word "kiintolevy", it's somewhat direct translation from English words hard + disk.

umm ohjelmisto?

>speak English like the rest of the european federation
because we will NEVER learn french
hurts, doesn't it, frog bitch
always playing second fiddle
a has been
second rate imperialists

why would we speak english without uk ? it's very likely the union will speak french or german

lol no
to keep balance, neither French nor German will be used
keep dreaming imperialist dreams, frog

whatever, one can hope, and there is reason to
don't know why you're so butthurt about france though, i'm sure nobody here ever bothered doing harm to your remote shithole

and then there is programming - ohjelmointi
file - tiedosto
folder - kansio

the only thing we can't get rid of is "ok" button because it can't be translated to Finnish

"cancel" button can be - peruuta

"hyväksy" would work in most cases


Who in their sane mind would learn finnish and talk to as much as 5k people?


I love the Finnish language. It's the closest thing we have to Elvish. I used to live in Tallinn and both Eesti keel and Suomeksi are 10/10

in the beginning the words we use now were made uo too.