In this thread I will post quotations from the book "Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski" by Chris Waits

In this thread I will post quotations from the book "Unabomber: The Secret Life of Ted Kaczynski" by Chris Waits.

It covers the twenty-five years Ted lived in a cabin near Lincoln, Montana.

If this thread interests you please bump to keep it alive.

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On the region where Ted lived

>"His small acreage and one-room, 12-by-10-foot primitive cabin, with a wood stove but no electricity, was on a jumping off spot to an isolated primeval world of rippling streams, westslope cutthroat trout, mule deer and regal elk. Parts of this world haven't seen a human soul since the last of the gold miners deserted their sluice boxes in the late 1920s. [...] For a hermit-like man looking for total isolation, this was the spot."


On Ted's demeanour

>"Ted's most distinguishing was his demeanour. He was the most solemn and serious person I have ever met. [...] His seriousness was much less noticeable in the early years; as time passed it became far stronger. He was always friendly and spoke cordially to me, but he was always deep in thought."


This interests me.

On Ted's social preferences

>"When Ted stopped at my Lincoln shop just to visit I felt almost honored, because I never saw him go anywhere except to conduct business, such as buying groceries. But for him to stop, conditions had to be just right. The big garage doors [...] had to be opened wide, and I had to be alone. It became quickly obvious our visits had to be one-on-one. If someone stopped while Ted was there, he'd be gone like a puff of smoke, disappearing even in the middle of a sentence. At first it seemed like odd behaviour, until I gradually concluded that he was extremely shy and guarded around other people."


On Ted's relationship with animals

>"Our dogs could smell him, and they hated him. He hated them as well. It seemed like all animals reacted aggressively towards Ted."


I too find this of interest... do continue.

On Ted's control over his emotions

>"I almost never saw Ted stray far from his measured and controlled demeanour. I never saw him euphoric, whimsical, elated; he never laughed uncontrollably, acted happy-go-lucky or anything even close. His occasional chuckle or light giggle always seemed to be more of a sneer, or sarcastic laugh, but it was always very controlled. I've never seen a person - obviously so full of anger - who had so much control over his emotions His mood would become even more solemn as the years went by, something that was very noticeable."


On Ted's diet and fondness for graham crackers

>"In the early years, he'd prepare for winter by laying in a large supply of groceries, mostly canned foods. After his gardens developed and he built his root cellar, Ted relied less on store-bought groceries and more on his own crops and game. When he went to town for groceries, he wouldn't ever buy junk food. He loved graham crackers, though. One time he bought six boxes of generic graham crackers, loaded them into his pack and rode home."



didnt you do this for hitlers early life a few days ago

if so that was a great thread

bump again

On Ted's bicycle

>"At times Ted's bike chain would squeak so loudly I don't know how he could stand it. Whenever he rode up Stemple past my home and I was out in the yard, I could hear him coming long before I'd see him. Since he was afraid of our dogs, his pedalling, speed and squeaking would pick up tempo as he neared my driveway, until it reached a frenzied pace."


On Ted's run-in with a mule

>"One day as Ted rode from his home cabin down along the fence line on the south end of the field, the mule trotted over and began to chase him. Ted tried to outrun the mule, but the critter was faster and started to catch up. While looking over his shoulder to see how fast the mule was gaining, Ted hit a hole in the road and piled up his bike. Bitch and a couple of friends who were watching laughed, but Ted wasn't amused."


Is it me or is this writing terrible? Whole words are missing.

>>"Our dogs could smell him, and they hated him. He hated them as well. It seemed like all animals reacted aggressively towards Ted."
I thought Ted would be a pretty interesting guy, but this trait makes me think he's a bit shit.

Dogs are better than humans as long as they aren't nigger dogs like pits. If you don't like dogs there is something wrong with you.

My apologies. The second quotation should read "most distinguishing trait".


On Ted's lack of employment

>"To my knowledge Ted worked only two, short-lived jobs in all the years he lived in Lincoln. When he first moved to Florence Gulch he cut posts to sell at a local post-and-pole manufacturing operation [...] his second bit of employment was peeling logs for Butch Gehring during the mid-'80s, a pretty strenuous job of skinning the bark off with a drawknife [...] Ted didn't last more than a couple of hours before he walked off the job, saying that peeling logs wasn't for him."


On Ted adapting to his environment

>"It just didn't seem to matter to him, the cold, the physical work, the inconvenience, anything. If he were caught too far from his campsite or either cabin he would just roll up in his coat - no matter where he was, at the edge of a meadow or in the trees - lie down and spend the night."


On the local population's opinion of Ted

>"When people asked me about Ted they would say, "Who's that hermit friend of yours?" or "What do you know about your friend the hermit?" Hardly anyone who had seen Ted around or had heard about him understood him. Stigmatized by his appearance and lifestyle, he was blamed or every curious or puzzling act reported in the area. [...] If there was an act of vandalism, a theft or even a flat tire on a vehicle parked in the forest - anything - Ted was accused of doing it because he was different."


On Ted's lack of mail

>"I brought up the subject that all the junk mail was a huge waste of resources, and a nuisance to boot. Ted said he never received any junk mail. In fact, he seldom received any mail at all. There were many times I gave him a ride to his cabin from town; I'd usually let him off at his mailbox. Most of the time he wouldn't even open it. [...] The more I thought about it the more I began to realize just how invisible he as in Lincoln."



On the questions Ted would usually ask

>"Ted's life was a complex array of puzzles and contradictions. He was so isolated at times he would lose track of all those things modern man has programmed into his life. If I picked him up after not seeing him for a while, he would promptly ask statistical questions like: "What time is it?" "What is the date?""


On the way locals treated Ted

>"Most were friendly, but respected his need for privacy and kept their distance. Some avoided him as they would a tramp - and he gladly avoided them - occasionally crossing the street so they wouldn't have to say hello to the bearded, often unkempt and sometimes smelly recluse."



Bump for alt-right terror network

On Ted's relationship with a dog named Jigger

>"Jigger was a [...] 120-pound male black Labrador retriever who soon became protective of his new home. While we were away working Jigger would lie on the lawn or the porch and guard his domain [...] Jigger and Ted's first encounter while Betty and I were away working must have startled them equally, because they immediately established a mutual dislike. [...] The dog loved except Ted, who provoked an immediate growl and a flash of sharp yellowish teeth."


On the mysterious death of Jigger

>"Betty called crying in great distress. [...] Ten minutes later I found Betty in tears, cradling Jigger's head and comforting her companion of fourteen years. Jigger was crying and groaning [...] After a careful examination, I found someone had repeatedly stabbed and gouged the entire area under his tail, shredding his colon, hips and rectal area [...] unmistakably the cuts were made with a very sharp knife or spear-like instrument. [...] I told Ted about [...] the sad mystery of losing Jigger. Ted showed little compassion and didn't indicate he knew anything about the events."


Reminder Ted was 100% absolutely correct about everything.

The only mistake he did was not getting into politics like Trump and bombing instead.

Dogs are noisy, smelly, dirty, stupid beasts. Fuck them

Is there any source of information on how Ted survived innawoods for so long self-sufficiently? I want information for when I go innawoods myself into the based Canadian wilderness

Ted is a crazy man but remains one of the single most interesting men on the planet

Correct about things like what?

He was a text book paranoid and possibly evasive too, coupled with an extremely high intelligence which isolated him even further and made any socialization with any kind of group almost impossible, reason why could only function in one on one relationships. He must have been an incredible weird fella to be around so these strange exotic details shouldn't come as a surprise and shouldn't be given much weight. Strange people do strange things

On the dogs that replaced Jigger being covered with feces

>"In McLellan, only the dogs were an infringement on Ted's privacy. One July day during 1987 [...] Betty disgustedly told me the dogs had crossed the gulch and later returned covered with human excrement, smeared into their coats more deeply than if the animals had merely rolled in a find."


On the deaths of Jigger's replacement dogs

>"In 1988, we took a short trip to Helena to shop. We arrived home to find one of our two-year-old malamutes lying in the yard, paralyzed. He died before we could do anything for him a victim of poisoning."


>the mule story

He became a mountain man. He also traded and bartered for a lot of stuff.

My dad and grandfather have fly fishing rods that he made that were given to them by others.


Reported to the FBI I hope your Dad gets what he deserves

Why did he hate doge

On more dogs being mysteriously injured

>"The dogs continued to be the targets of mean-spirited acts. Quite often, one or more of them would limp home with cuts or deep rock bruises. And on occasion we'd have to scrub them thoroughly [because someone was] plastering them with feces."


On another neighbour's dog being poisoned by strychnine

>"after Ted's arrest in 1996 [...] Butch Gehring and I talked about our dogs while out hiking together. He said one of his dogs got violently ill, but he managed to get it to the vet for treatment in time. The vet examined the dog, took blood samples, and discovered it had been poisoned by strychnine."


On the FBI's report of items discovered in Ted's cabin

>"L-9 - Black pepper can containing several metal pieces and a plastic bottle labelled "Strychnine Oats""


This made me giggle


>how Ted survived

He was super smart and graduated from an Ivy league school. After college he started studying plant identification, and probably got into hunting. So being smart with an interest in self-sufficiency probably got him there.

>Ted's lack of employment
afaik he worked for a few years in the college where he got his degree? teaching math or doing research. He was even asked to come back years after he had left but he refused


On Ted vandalizing the diesel engine of a nearby sawmill

>"my friend, and Ted's neighbor Butch Gehring, had purchased a sawmill and set it up just a few hundred yards from Ted's cabin. [...] One day not longer Butch had his mill up and running, he heard a different sound coming from the Allis-Chalmers diesel engine [...] he was startled and angry to find that a white, heavy, sandy material had been poured into the fuel system. [...] Right away he suspected Ted. Butch said he and Ted didn't always see eye to eye, and he felt Ted had a motive [...] I agreed there was motive - Ted surely didn't like having the sawmill and its noise so close to home he could hear it all day."


On Ted breaking into the cabin of a family he disliked

>"The cabin owner said he and his kids had ridden their snowmobiles up around Ted's cabin and it had made him extremely upset [...] The person responsible had devastated the cabin and machines parked there and most everything was beyond salvaging. An ax had been used to hack a hole in the cabin to gain access. After entering, he then had chopped up the kitchen cabinets and emptied the contents of the refrigerator and thrown them across the floor [...] It was a scene of destruction. Whoever was responsible was a very angry and vengeful person. At the time, I heard the damage was estimated to be from $20,000 to $25,000"


That is extremely intredasting. Did he do the bartering innawoods with fellow homesteaders or in ciivlization? Also how did he to settle on federal land legally (?) ?

On Ted vandalizing the cabin of another family

>"During the late summer of 1980, a family moved onto some property that had just been logged. They set up a camp and had a couple of motorcycles for mountain transportation. The family left for several days. When they returned they found the motorcycles a sorry sight. All the tires were slashed, the bikes were smashed up and sugar had been poured into the gas tanks."


On Ted shooting a miner in the back

>"Two men had started a small placer mining operation in a streambed that flowed into a drainage some fifteen miles southeast of where we live on Stemple. [...] Then one afternoon one of the men was perched atop the washing plant. He bent over to inspect the machine while it was operating. A shot rang out. The man fell over, hit in the back. Miraculously he survived, but after a long, slow, and painful recovery, he remains partially crippled to this day."


On Ted shooting at helicopters and airplanes

>"From the early 1980s on, rumous surfaced from time to time that someone was shooting at aircraft: helicopters, planes, even passenger jets far overhead. [...] At the time I questioned the validity of the reports because I didn't believe anyone around Lincoln could do such a thing. There was much I hadn't learned yet."


I like Ted. He got shit done.

Never cucked

Stigmatized. Pits are good dogs if trained properly.

> poisoning dogs

This is degenerate behavior. I used to live in a neighborhood where niggers would throw chicken bones on the sidewalk. I'd always have to pull them out of my dogs mouth. Somehow I avoided catching the AIDS

>niggers are great farm equipment if trained properly

On Ted chasing a motorcyclist away from his property

>"Another incident [...] was related to me by a friend who had ridden his motorcycle past Butch's sawmill and up an old logging skid trail near Ted's cabin. Ted heard him ride by and raced out cursing and screaming at him. Ted's hair was long and wild; with no shirt on, he was covered with dirt, waving his arms wildly, severely admonishing my friend to leave and never return."


On Ted complaining in his journal about the growing lack of quiet and solitude

>"that road was so closed off by fallen trees that it was hardly practical for trail bikes and snowmobiles. Then that [expletive] [name] cleared it all out with his cat, though it is still blocked for ordinary vehicles. Makes me ant to kill that [expletive]. Anyhow, it got me all upset and very depressed - all the more because the [expletive] is cutting posts up along [name] and that cuts down still further the places where I can walk in quiet and solitude."



Everyone already knows the Unabomber was right about everything, don't they?

On Ted's writing habits

>"Often described as a lonely hermit, Ted Kaczynski had a penchant for recording details of his life in journals and also in small spiral notebooks he always carried tucked in his shirt pocket. It was as if he were fulfilling a basic human need to communicate, to tell someone about his life's deeds in succinct and descriptive handwritten notes, even if it were only himself."


On Ted's poor construction skills

>"Here was a person obsessed with neatly organizing and assigning mathematical detail to everything around him, yet the design and construction of his root cellar, for example, was a feeble attempt at construction. It lacked signs of even the most basic building skills, resembling more a child's fort than an important structure necessary to store and protect food."


Are there estimates about how many hermit recluses there are out there in undeveloped land? Dozens, hundreds, thousands?

Also, is there a name for the urge to just ditch everything and be a hermit? The call of the wild doesn't really seem to encompass the sensation.

strange smells probably, dogs don't like things they aren't familiar with.

Like what
I just don't really know about him

Yeah, of course.

But Ted was the ultimate REEEEEEEEEEE

He was an anarcho-primitivist with a very thorough description of 'liberalism' as a mental illness or psychosis.

>mfw had all of Kaczynski's prison letters in a folder but deleted them

>mfw he talked about his friendship with Timmy McViegh

Go read his manifesto it's free.

Educate yourself and pretend like YOU have access to the entire world's knowledge at your fingertips.

Lazy faggot

On Ted's brother explaining Ted's failure as a teacher

>"Dave started to talk about Ted's teaching career and said that his former students who had been interviewed said he was a poor teacher. They disliked him because he didn't explain things well and had no patience for slow students or ones who asked for extra, one-on-one, after-class assistance."


On Ted fearing his journal would be read

>"From no on I think I'll write my confessions on illegal hunting in Spanish because it'll be safer in case someone sees these notebooks by accident. [...] I was amused by this entry, knowing that the "someone" Ted referred to was probably me. And Ted didn't have a clue that this someone also knew Spanish."


Wait, how did Ted know Tim?

People with autism and schizophrenia show different mannerisms/body language to normal people

Dogs can't understand it, even normally friendly ones

They were in the same facility at one point

He agreed with Tim's views.

On Ted's ordering a blood pressure monitor

>"Ted opened the package right in front of him. It contained a blood pressure monitor from a hospital or doctor's office in Missoula. Ted grabbed the instrument, wrapped it around his arm, pumped it a little bit, and replied, "This should work." [...] I found out later he was taking his own blood pressure on a regular basis. He thought his heart was going bad, especially when he was consumed with anger."


On Ted explaining his actions in his journal

>"I have no way of knowing whether my action will do more good than harm. I certainly don't claim to be an altruist or to be acting for the "good" (whatever that is) of the human race. I act merely from a desire for revenge."


they were in prison together, along with the WTC bomber

On revenge as the only remaining reason to stay alive

>"It's not a question of preserving my life and health; getting out of the power and civilization has long since become an end in itself for me. By now I have practically lost all hope of ever attaining this end. There my happiness in my Montana hills is spoiled every time an airplane passes over or anything else happens that reminds me of the inescapability of civilization. Life under the thumb of modern civilization seems worthless to measure and thus I more and more felt that life as coming to a dead end for me and death began at times to look attractive - it would mean peace. There as just once thing that really made me determined to cling to life for a while, and that was the desire for - revenge - I wanted to kill some people, preferably including at least one scientist, businessman, or another bigshot."


On unemployment as a symbol of the outcast

>"One thing that our society demands is that you have a recognized place in the system. By quitting my job [at the Prince Castle Spice Packing Plant], I've made myself again an outcast, a good-for-nothing, a bum - someone whom "respectable" people can't view without a certain element of suspicion. I can't feel comfortable in this respect until I get away into the hills again - away from society. Besides, in quitting I feel as if I have signed my own death-warrant."


Schizoid, avoidant and paranoid personality disorder individuals can tend to become hermits, Kaczynski was at least paranoid and probably one of the other two also


You're not wrong there. Wouldn't have imported them otherwise.

As does that

Don't waste your time reading the manifesto of some crazy bomber. They're all the same.

OP here. This is my last post. I hope the thread was interesting.


On Ted's ideal life

>"Our Society allows us great freedom to do nothing or to dream or to play games. But I consider these trivial freedoms and have little interest in them What I want is the opportunity to make the practical decisions affecting the physical conditions of my own existence. For example [...] the system makes all the decisions influencing air pollution (and noise pollution!) and it galls me that I can do nothing to change these decisions. All practical decisions are made by the system I want personal autonomy in making such decisions. But that is impossible in a technological society."


they also talked about hunting rifles at one point

Cat loving AIDSfag. Your shitty little apartment reeks of cat piss

I tear up when I read Ted's letter to his brother, who sold him out.

do you think Tim liked Ted?

or do you think he thought he was a kook?

all i remember is the WTC bomber kept trying to convert everyone to islam.

it's pure heartbreak.

Who exactly are we terrorizing you fucking weirdo

>this is my last post

the cops coming for yo now?

Is it confirmed that Ted killed Jigger?

I don't have that, but i do have the letter he wrote to his brother after finding out he turned him in

Liberated POC women who dont need no man



Can someone post manifesto and letters to brother

kek confirms


Is that the drummer of The Foo Fighters?

Post it

There are probably a lot. No one knows how many because they stay away from everyone and don't file out Census.

read the thread nigger

>getting fucked to death witha knife

Jesus what a way to go


But on a lighter note, here is a paper where he is cited for 'other work'. Look at the footnote on the first page.

>not posting it

Best, calmest, deepest cutting burn I've ever read. Sealed it at the end.

Yes it is. Tyler Cawkins.

You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?

It's unfortunate that such an intelligent person could have have had such backwards thinking, enough to advocate for primitivism and other retarded ideas. Just goes to show that even highly intelligent people can believe in stupid things.

He was a terrorist piece of shit and deserves to rot in prison.

I know a guy who's genuine autistic (like the one in Rainman) since childhood and he acts like a real tard whenever a dog approached him. He would squeal and run in circles.
I also know an Assburger who seemed terrified and petrified when someone made him pet a fucking lovebird.

I think autistic people are really scared of animals in general. But there are some who really love them to the point they claim they understand them. Either way, they don't act the same way than us.

Extremely interesting and appreciated

Ted is the most politically misunderstood people of all time.

His ideas are pure and good. The industrial beast must be neutered. Mother Nature must be saved.

Kill the Jews.

Lol no. The guy was a retard who simply hated society because he was autistic. His ideas are garbage no sane person could take them seriously.

Fuck even commies got better ideas.

> like Pitts
Pitts and Rottweilers are the most useful dogs.

Go home chihuahua.

"Alt right terror"

I bet you're the kind of person who's excited about transhumanism and people not doing anything thanks to teknulugy.