This movie is damn near perfect

This movie is damn near perfect.

It's a TV show though

is this a cartoon?

the black ships/baseball episode was really funny

>it's an animefag makes a thread about something he's never actually seen episode

>loved bebop
>loved dandy
>currently on the fourth episode of champloo and so far it's boring as fuck
Am I a pleb or...?



it's anime not tv

Stick with it. It hits its stride later.

Anime is just as tv as family guy

Watch Tokyo Tribe by Sion Sono instead
None of that meme trash nujabes bait either

mitchiko & hatchin is bebop's successor

eh i wouldn't say so, i personally loved it but i wouldn't say it's that amazing. It's funny since if i were to pick between bebop and champloo i would pick champloo despite me thinking bebop is objectively better.. there's something about champloo that i find really appealing and i think it's definitely got to do with my age, once i get older champloo is going to be shit

is fuu best waifu

Movie? Please be true! rip Jun Seba

How old are you OP?

>watching cartoon shows over the age of 12
very sad

Did this mongrel just admit to being underage?

The real follow up to bebop is watching the first 70s lupin iii series, the 12 first or so episodes before Miyazaki ruins the tone. Watanabe calls it its main influence.

is the anime worthwhile?

you'll like anything japanese anyway you self-hating cletus

Watch One Punch next
