Nog here

Im full redpill and I know racemixing is bad but I cant like black women no matter what. I hang out with them, tried black porn. Nothing. They'RE DISGUSTING. What do Sup Forums? I really like white women...should I just sterilize myself?

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Don't buy into the "race-mixing is bad" it's a scam. It's just a form of labeling everyone to divide us. Date whoever you like and don't let what race they are influence your decisions.

No goyim. Date a beautiful white woman and have plenty of mixed babies!

a fucking leaf

Hmmm. Yeah, but focuse on going home to Africa. Once there, you'll have no choice.

fuck off

Let's put labels on everyone, and focus on what labels don't match so we can hate on eachother and get nothing accomplished.
Divide and conquer is real, think of what would happen if we all united and rose up to our oppressive overlords and removed the illusion of power from them?

get a muslim girl

Go for a mixed black or blasion.

Nothing wrong with them. Arabs are also not white

Even if I did I wouldn't make mixed babies with her. Id get pure aryan DNA from the sperm bank kek. Your move schlomo.

The world is all about actualizing your own success. The white dislikes racemixing because it's promoted as our white women mixing with the men of other races. That's bad for us, it attacks the racial womb which is a great way to destroy our numbers and cripple our unity.

Vice versa is fine, fucking another race's women isn't actually that bad. You're trying to declare for the white cause, which is sweet but retarded. You might be a fine person, but your interests and ours will naturally be at odds so from your perspective, go right ahead. From mine, I'd discourage white women from race mixing.

Mr Nigger if you're good we might allow you to bang a race traitor or two before they hang.

In the meantime you can race mix all you want with the non whites

Thanks leaf. ;) But for real though race mixing is bad. And no I have preferences. No black or asian women! Disgusting zipperheads and harambaes ewwww..

Good goy, raise another man's child and teach your son to raise another man's child :^)

Look up some of them dark skinned African tribal biches. No one dislikes those

;( But I like being in America. Africa doesnt have tendies. Only aids, ebola, cannibals. No art museums or any sort of Graeco-Roman culture. Please leaf let me stay

Consider an asian. Or a top tier black.

Look for a pale jewish girl

Go for someone who is already mixed

Kill yourself leaf.


And i actually don't blame you for not wanting to date black women. 90% of them are fucking ugly and sometimes act worse then black men themselves

I agree leaf. All gentiles should be united. But I can understand why whites would hate minorities too. Whites get enough shit already. Let them say nigger and stuff for awhile. Once they let it out of their system we can gas the kikes please no race. I wanna be in RDWS 1488.

fuck you leaf

I thought this board was for discussing politics and current events? Why does it seem like it's becoming a 'racist' version of /r9k/


Then you're mentally ill. Why would you hate someone that resembles you, your parent(s) and your brothers and sisters?

There are good ones like Stacy Dash - just look harder and stay with your own kind you lazy nigger

Seriously race mixing shit is a meme if these fucks are so strung up on their proud white race they'd be out there impregnating as many white women as they can but they're here posting on an anonymous image board.

As long as you're not a degenerate fuck then fuck whoever you like just make sure to teach your kids good values.

There's that flag again

what's the point in rising up against the kikes if whites are made extinct anyway?

Find an arab or asian woman.

Go make africa great again.

White here. Being totally honest, if you've landed a good job, are a good parent, find a loyal woman who adds to the family instead of taking from it, and can keep that shit together until your kids can build similarly strong lives, fuck whoever you want.

Conservatism will save civilization if we let it. If it's a racially mixed form of conservatism, I think that's a worthwhile trade because it already produces better people, regardless of the race that practices it.

Have you seen black women? They are not very attractive m8.

Lets say you grew up in a fat family, that won't just make you automatically attracted to fat people. Attractive people tend to be attractive to everyone regardless of background in a vast majority of cases.

If shes muslim as the religion no. If not maybe. Lebanese are HOT.

;p hmm maybe but mixed people are only half white...

Miscegenation doesn't occur at a high enough rate to be significant, don't worry

Thats would be masterful. Id destroy the Jew genes. Raise the kids to hate their mother! Based brazil.



>think of what would happen if we all united and rose up to our oppressive overlords and removed the illusion of power from them?
Then the power of law would be weaker and thus niggers will rob your house, rape your family and kill you all

God I love multiculturalism

But bro thats impossible genetically and culturally. Just bomb Africa and recolonize please. Better than the chinks.

Thanks whitebro. And yeah Im a writer si I still need to go a long ways before I actually make money. But like GLR says, only fanatics can succeed!

Fatness is environmental, hence when fatties lose weight they can be attractive. Race is genetic - you can't suddenly become less of a nigger

Whites regard ourselves as the top of the racial pecking order. Whether we're correct in that or not, is up for debate, but most every other race seems to agree with us. How do I know this? Because anytime a white mixes with any other race, the resulting child is almost always regarded as a member of the other "lesser" race.
White + Black = black child
White + Asian = asian child
White + Latino = latino child
And so on an so on ...

That's why so many whites, especially those with a racist bent, are protective of our genes. We literally NEED white people fucking white people in order to maintain our numbers. But blacks are particularly harmful in this regard because it takes numerous generations of pouring the blood back into the white gene pool to get the black out (I think actress Denise Richards is an example of this). Whereas, it only takes a generation or two when its asians or latino. I have a coworker who's half white, half asian and she looks very asian, but her two daughters don't look remotely asian. You'd never think they weren't completely white.

I'm not sure if this helps you to understand our thinking, but I thought I'd share anyway.
My advice to you would be to find a nice, educated mixed black, or maybe some other race (like the two I've mentioned, asian and latino). And for the record, I'd bone the everloving shit out of Halle Berry or Stacy Dash.
There are some beautiful black chicks out there, if you're diligent enough to look.
Who knows, you might even find one that's red-pilled like you.

Listen chink 1st off
Fuck off

> Full redpill
> porn
No, you aren't redpilled

Thanks.....dont hang them..

Truth hurts, don't it

This is the bad thing about not knowing who your father is

A friend of mine is 25% Vietnamese. Honestly never suspected it, until she pointed to her sorta asian looking sister

Go for dem light skin bleks my mang, fuark they're hot, but hard to tame.


and blacks are not very attractive no matter what race you are

this face template is what everyone in every race tends to find attractive including black people

I don't believe you. I see plenty of niggresses I'd date if I were black. Also here's a hot tip from the inside: white chicks ain't nothing special. 95% of them are worthless. But I like said, I don't believe you anyway.

Wow you didnt say the n word the whole time. And yes I completely understand. I just dont know what to do. Do I need to make babies with her? Cant I just send her to sperm bank to make white babies :/
Please polbrah help me.

I'm trying to work out and making steps to cut out porn mein kamarad. Im not there yet but I know the truth about the Jews.

>White + Black = black child
>White + Asian = asian child
>White + Latino = latino child
this is just incorrect.

>the resulting child is almost always regarded as a member of the other "lesser" race.
this however is correct.

now think about it: it's a question of purity here. the mixed breeds are regarded as the lower race not because the white genes are recessive, but rather because the lack of purity makes them feel and appear nonwhite even though they're no more black or asian or latino than they are white.

You don't find black people attractive cause you're not a nigger or are not a mentally ill nignog.

I find black people quite repulsive, personally, but niggers should find other niggers attractive. It's what they see in the mirror everyday. How can you hate the face staring back at you without being mentally ill?

Find one like this.

You faggots need another bomb.
Go hug your pillow t.suicidal virgin jap.

OP sounds like a nice guy. You can find white woman prettier but you can't deny that it's way easier(still not easy) to find a black girl who wants someone to raise a family. Plus almost no one goes after them so it might be pretty easy after you find one.

black people are people as long as they are non hypocritic christians

>thinks race is skin deep

dude she literally has the whitest genes I've seen in a black person that dark.

let me ask you does this person look "white" to you?

No she doesn't, she looks more black than your picture. Black and white isn't about skin color it's about genetic traits.

Also this.

She looks okay. But RARE.

find a mulato with more white features than black problem solved

>Not waiting for genemodding and racemixing all you want because your child's DNA is going to get all transmogrified back to appealing whiteness anyway.

Have you tried a nice Filipina? I hear they loves them some BBC.

>should I just sterilize myself?
That'd be a start.
I can't blame you for not liking niggeresses, who the fuck does?
But yeah, if you can't shoot yourself, then atleast sterilize yourself so you won't breed more niggeresses that noone wants.

White bro why do you have these picson your phone...

What a lazy comeback. It's like saying, go pick cotton. You're weak, you're mentally ill and you don't have to worry about what people think about you race-mixing because you're going to die a perma-virgin.

I recommend >>r9k

Its not though. You give me 1000 boers and a few tanks and guns and i could recolonize zimbabwe and raise net living standars infinitely in 90 years.

That literally doesn't make sense. What you find attractive has nothing to do with what you look like if that were even remotely true most people would be gay.

There seems to be an inherent instinct on what humans find attractive and as I've said most people find that face template attractive. That includes ugly people, gingers, or whatever the fuck else you want to think of. Ugly people don't date other ugly people because they find them attractive, it's because they can't get any better. Attraction is mostly instinct.

White boys at my college have taken every single available nigress.
You goys need to STOP.

Wow your priority is beating someone on an anonymous mongolian arts n craft board
I recommend >reddit

>tfw nog too and can't find a black woman

I kinda gave up on white women, they are something I tell you. I'm more into latina and asian, but fuck all the good black women are taken. take her to the sperm bank so she can get white babies...

Whats gene modding?

Well considering this isn't a "1 post by Id" I'll assume you aren't a complete troll. But I still don't understand how you can't find some black girls attractive. Was your mom white? That would lead to imprinting but my whole family is white and I can admire other races without ever conceiving of race mixing.
is pretty atteactive, there's plenty of pretty out there. If you have to go for a carribean, mixed or Brazillian prado or whatever. If you really need maybe a mestizo, mideast, or jew, however those or a coalburner probably won't be redpill/traditinal mothers.
P.S. I'm not racist in the "shit on minorities cause they're subhuman" sence but I would absolutely not accept potential future daughter race mixing. Auto disown right there, I expect to raise her right though.

I dont want zimbabwe. I want all of subsaharan Africa. I want to conquer all of it.

That\s never going to happen.

What do you mean white women are something. Also yeah the white boys TAKE ALL OUR WOMEN AS CONQUEST.
Whitebros please...

I'm trying to red-pill you, you fucking tard. Learn to love yourself first and find someone that reminds you of you. No race likes someone full of self-hate and isn't confident of who they are.

>this is just incorrect.
Obviously, I was just speaking in terms of perception. Of course genetically, the resulting child will be a mix of the two races, but society will always assign the other race to the child.

That's just how it is.

>lack of purity makes them feel and appear nonwhite even though they're no more black or asian or latino than they are white.

Precisely my point. Mixing white with anything diminishes the resulting product. For better or worse, that's how society sees it. Maybe there's a good reason for that. Maybe not. That's an argument for another day.

look up CRISPR

No Imma just sterilize then...

I'm not saying white men are taken them. I just said they are taken. White girls are just as crazy as an average black woman. White girls are better at hiding it.

Tell me one thing my race has done to advance society
>protip you cant
Ethno-masocism in my case is the full product of redpilling Chinkbro
Im sorry I cant help to like my race at all...ever since I was a kid I hated my kind.

But they are. And thats a good thing nigbro. They have something called etiquette.


He wouldn't teach his son that since his son will be white

Find a mixed woman because you're probably mixed yourself. Stay the fuck away from white girls.

That's your job - you have to find the qualities in people that you admire and emulate those qualities.

I can tell you that as an amateur boxer, I study film of athletes like Joe Louis and Roy Jones Jr. I also like learning about science and meme science guy Niel DeGrasse Tyson is currently the face of science. As a foodie, comfort food down South is delicious and the best is made by black people.

But the solution has been the same as it has always been. It takes hard work, not handouts to be a better person. Godspeed user, be proud of who you are as a person - not black power, but a good quiet, self-confidence and you won't need to feel the need to exclude black women from your future.

A good part of what I find otherwise decent black girls unattractive is their fake hair, whether it's a ton of product or stuff grown by Indian women they plop on their heads. I just to find Knapp hair a large turn off but not so much amymore, now it's mostly lage nose/projecting jaws, but since 30% of afro American genes are euro, there's many black women here without those traits. I don't have a problem in principle mixing with a white woman whose up for it, but it's very unlikely she'll be a wholesome "openminded" girl, and will most likely be degenerate in some way, probably using you to fulfill a dirty fetishes (you might be OK with this). If you're not concerned with preserving your own African genes you could go find an already race mixed girl, since she didn't ask for it she won't be degenerate by default, and may even be redpilled seeing an interracial relationship firsthand.

Hmm I'd rather have Graeco-Roman like accomplishments.

>don't have a problem with you mix g with some random white girl
Also listen to
Africans did have some interesting cultures with high art, and were able to domesticate their own crops (unlike abos) Africa/blacks have at least some potential, but it would take a lot of eugenics/purging, as well as reshaping their current cultures that hold them back. Europeans and East Asians only got good after spending civilizations started killing people for the slightest grievances, this quickly culled many asocial fenea/traits/behaviors.

Even with that man, maybe I've just had a lot of bad experiences. But I won't berate you. I don't pressure people into dating or fucking outside their race, thats me. I love all booty I really do, but when it comes down to getting serious with them that's where I find myself wondering somethings.

Like I said before more into latina and Asian due to me growing up in a certain environment. But due to this election, I don't think I should be chasing latinas and having them find out I support Trump. Women are way to judgmental on that shit

You advocate the destruction of innocence and the corruption of epigenetic purity which protects bloodlines from sickness for your 'labels n shieeet' meme. Fuck you. Science and Natural Law disagree with your artificial constructs of 'muh labels'. I personally don't have a problem with a 'brotha, but blue birds stay with blue birds for a reason. You don't put an Eskimo in Florida and expect him to thrive. The white man belong to his space, the black man belong to his space, the yellow man belong to his space, and so on. Culture, food, people, genetics, and purity all collide to create a homogeneous beautiful energetic harmonious system that was intended by nature and its laws. Violate them as you'd like, but there will be consequences.


Jesus christ I know it's a shitpost but Aussie is right. Lightskin black girls let their ego get to them which leads to their downfall

>rather have Graeco-Roman like accomplishments
Ashanti reminds me of East Asia for some reason. Of course no matter how high the civilization your descended from was, most of your ancestors were serfs, peasants, commoners or slaves. They didn't have large royal/middle classes back then.
>I have like no Greek/Roman blood so I'm only descended from them in spirit/culture, I.e. barely more than you

How do we do it?