Proof Inception is a Dream

In the ending of Inception, the camera flashes to Michael Caine and the kids teleport position between Leo's arms and the ground. The scene draws your attention to the spinning top so that you don't notice the real dream effect from the kids.

Watch from 4:18 - 4:21


You hear the top stops spinning as the movie fades to black.

or maybe, you know, he hugged his daughter and put her down and picked up his son.

take screenshots you autist i can't see anything weird

He just hugged his daughter and then hugged his son, the Michael Caine shot is used to show his character moving out of frame and giving some time for Leo to embrace both children.

At 4:18 he's holding his daughter and the son is on the ground. At 4:21 it's his son in his hands and the daughter is on the ground

The entire movie takes place inside a dream from start to finish. There is not a single frame that takes place in the real world. Most people figured that out seven years ago when this movie was in theaters. So congrats for catching up I guess.

Isn't the point of the what ever they call them, suppose to be something that only you know the feel of?
In that case, as long as, was it Cobb, I'm going to guess it was Cobb, decides that this is reality, then it'll stop spinning and act how he would expect it to act.

I think i read somewhere that the kids in his memory and kids at the were played by different actors, and those at the end were couple of years older.

Bravo Nolan

that's wrong information

we all know what the spinning top is not the totem, right? so what is this kind of shit posting level? reverse trolling? i hate Sup Forums sometimes

>when editing errors cause entire plot discrepancies

First Han v Greedo, and now this. Can yall think of any more?

>watching that garbage more than once

I think I read somewhere that your mum trolls for black cock in dive bars on Friday nights.

Yeah that freaked me out too.

it's pretty fucking obvious the top is starting to wobble and will soon fall

or it's just a continuity error

i think he killed his family and is living in a continual state of delusion.

So you're trying to cover up continuity errors with muh deep twist ending? Kys, Nolan.

they should totally try to convince him he did it by letting him pretend to be a cop!

It's obvious that it's all in a dream, they cut the last scene which was meant immediately followed the spinning top bit:
>cut to black
>alarm clock sounding
>fade in
>digital clock displays 06:00
>hand fumbles to find the off switch
>pan to man in bed
>it's Nolan
>suddenly realizes
>jumps out of bed and straight to his desk
>frantically picks up a pen and writes the title of a screenplay on some paper
>camera zooms to paper

It doesn't matter whether it's a dream or not

the point is that Cobb doesn't care anymore

Sup Forums contrarians will say this is not kino

it's the worst thing to ever happen to science fiction. pure unadulterated putrid shit

the movie itself was good, the copycats that came after were bad

his totem in the dream spins forever.
at the end of the movie it starts losing stability
therefore he is not in a dream

Protip: It doesn’t matter if it's reality or a dream.

You people care only about the simple surface-level narrative and plot point closures.
In the final scene Cobb spins the totem but he doesn't even look at it because he doesn't care, he just wants to be with his kids no matter is it real or not.
It's always the same unimportant questions, "who is the shooter" in The Hunt, "who sent the tapes" in Cache, "was it waterboarding or rape" in Sicario etc. If you asked any director these kind of questions they would be disappointed.
Tell me what changes if you know if everything was a dream or not? What knowledge do you get out of that fact?

Movies aren't puzzles which you have to put together in a certain kind of way to "get" them, that would be pretty shallow. Focus on why is something shown in that way rather than what it is.