What did people think of ASOIAF before the series?

What did people think of ASOIAF before the series?

what was booknerds reaction to it?

literally never heard of the books before the series aired

everyone thought they were neat


I loved the first 3 books. Yawned through the 4th, hated the 5th. The book series was already trashed by the time the tv series started imo.

I remember it being very popular in the nerd community, 15 years ago.

It was always my favorite series

People liked them. Hell /lit/ was crazy over ADWD. Now they claim they don't funny enough.

So Martin hasn't finished the series? Isn't the publisher putting immense pressure on him?

They can't. Book writers have zero obligations. Especially one of GRRM's calibre.

It was great for the Young Adult Genre.

>literally never heard of the books before the series aired
There's your answer.

He's old, obese, addicted to food and lazy as fuck. The publisher knows he will die before finishing anything beyond a plate of donuts. It will end up like The Wheel of Time. Another author will take over, IE, glorified fan fiction. It's fucked. The tv-show is canon, deal with it.

People loved it until he released a book that introduced a bunch of new literal who characters and omitted favourites like Jon and Arya.

Also half a decade between releases has soured people on him too, if it wasn't for the tv show people would have forgotten them


Well if the tv series wasn't created then grrm might feel pressured to get it done but since he is rich as fuck thanks to hbo he doesn't give a fuck

Books 1 to 3 were cummed all over /lit/ and Sup Forums in general. 4 and 5 had some defenders but most of us agreed the series went to shit, just like the tv show went to shit after the 4th season. GRRM got lucky with the first 3 books and ripped off british/english history, it's obvious.

> > Isn't the publisher putting immense pressure on him?
> They can't. Book writers have zero obligations. Especially one of GRRM's calibre.

Nonsense, GRRM signed a contract and took an advance so he has to produce two more books or the publisher can sue the shit out of him.

His response would be "let them sue me". It's not like he will be out of house and home.

1st book was good

2nd was shit

3rd was good

4th was good

5th was shit.

1 and 4 were probably the best because they were more focused.

>His response would be "let them sue me". It's not like he will be out of house and home.

Yes, in fact he would.

It's a lawsuit the publisher literally can't lose, GRRM would have to pay back all the money he got from them and pay his lawyers to fight the case that he literally can't win, because he SIGNED A CONTRACT.

1st was really good. 2nd was kind of boring other than the blackwater battle. 3rd was excellent. 4th is better than it's given credit for. 5th is absolutely awful.

It's a good series but I have zero confidence that Martin can capture any of what made it good to begin with, with the last 2 books.

1. is GOAT
2. is okay
3. is good
4. is okay
5. is meh

who the hell asked you?

OP did

From OP

"What did people think of ASOIAF before the series?"

I really like the Brazilian covers

>knowingshit about castles and euro history

They can't sue him since the contract doesn't say anything about the unreleased books, man knew his skills were fading so he didn't wanna leave it to chance.

>americans being retarded on the internet again

Is it genetics?

This. By Dance I only gave a shit about Davos chapters.

who did it best?

I really dislike the minimalist designs that seem to be the fashion in USA/British cover designs like with ASOIAF.

Give me LOTR style gorgeous paintings with castles, mountains and characters. Fantasy is supposed to be able world building and escapism they should give that sense in the cover art.

How would your day look like if TWOW is finally released to your local bookstore?

Mine would be like this: First I gonna wake up early and take a shower, then I gonna take the car and ride to my local bookstore, then after buying the book I will go to the snackbar and buy kapsalon and a 6 pack red bull and after that I will ride back to my home and start reading and eating.

> I want to write some books
> ok, here’s a bunch of money
> thanks
> how many books you gunna write?
> I dunno
> ok, that’s cool

Sorry, I didn’t realize you’re a dumbass. Carry on.

accept no substitutes

The 5th is the most underrated book in the series. People only remember the Dany chapters which were horrible.


>From the author of the sequel to this book, comes this book
>The beloved fantasy saga begins

I always used to watch scenes when they came out to see how the show handled them in comparison. I was disappointed with everything after season 1.

The show appears to have become terrible fanfiction as a result of exhausting the available source material.

was this one of the original covers?

Based Hot pie


Yeah I quite liked ADWD, the one I couldn't bear was AFFC

How would your day look like if TWOW is finally released to your local bookstore?

Mine would be like this: First I gonna wake up early and take a shower, then I gonna take the car and ride to my local bookstore, then after buying the book I will go to the snackbar and buy kapsalon and a 6 pack red bull and after that I will ride back to my home and start reading and eating.

he signs for ''one book'' contract when he's close to finishing it you stupid fuck

Everything went shit at a Feast for Crows:
>Terrible writing style; literally half the page is italicised, internal dialogue trying to be witty.
>Story doesn't really go anywhere; no great structure like the preceding books.
>Too wide a scope; with the books that are left it's really unlikely things will be tied up satisfactorily.

I'm probably in the minority but I thought A Feast for Crows was the best book. Jaime and Cersei had top-tier chapters and a book with no Dany or Jon was everything I wished for. Christ their PoVs are boring.

Not to mention AFFC had great worldbuilding. ADWD would be in my top too if it weren't for those godawful Dany chapters. The Theon ones were the best in the entire series though, absolutely great.

i remember reading the first novel way back and hating it because Ned the main character died at the end since he reminded me of Boromir but better.
Then i heard the Sean Bean casting, it was hilarious and sad at the same time.

The endless and pointless dany chapters were hard work. The theon chapters made up for it a bit for me but it still seemed a bloated mess overall.

I made a huge mistake even comparing the two

I loved season one so much I bought the complete bookset. However I wanted to read them as the show went on to compare the differences. So in Season two i started reading book two and I was so annoyed with the differences I dropped the show and just read the rest of the books.

Now i can't enjoy the show , which is too bad because everyone I know is and I would enjoy it because at least it's good budget and it has medieval armors and CGI dragons, it's something I would enjoy

So now I'm waiting for all the books to come out, then later on I would watch the entire show and not get too riled up about it

i can safely say i never heard of the books before the show

At the beginning he was planning on only writing 3 books, so if the early contracts matter he has already fulfilled them.

No, GRRM signed a contract and took an advance on a trilogy, then part way thru the publications he signed another contract and took another advance for two more books, then party way thru them he, signed another contract and took another advance for the final two books.

GRRM is contractually obligated with providing his publisher with the final two books.

Dance came out after season one.
Why do you come here to lie?

>implying brienne and jaime aren't literary kinography
dorne isn't great though

Sorry I offended you...why are you offended? It was obviously an opinion.

Wow, way cooler than the ones in OP's pic. I was bitching about this a few weeks ago. Couldn't they put something better than "generic sword, crown and goblet" on the cover?

Stop lying. /lit/ was always split on the series, but once the show started they just shit all over it. tBotNS is the official /lit/ approved SFF series and always has been.

He can die before finishing. Can't sue the dead.

They were good compared to most other fantasy I read up to that stage because it wasn't "Mary Sue/Gary Stu from quaint village in bumfuck nowhere has to learn to master magic/sword mastery/ninja skills etc in order to save the world from [insert cackling evil villain]."

Daenarys chapters were always fucking terrible and a chore to read through though, her character feels so out of place with everyone else.

Also, he dun goofed by making Melly Sanders a POV character, she was much better when her motivations/alignment were mysterious.

>liking the first book
Shit didn't get really good until feast you pleb

Maybe initially, but that was quickly quelled because ASOIAF is pleb material.

Its not my favorite, but Feast gets unfairly shit on, imho. Brienne and Jaime chapters are GOAT-tier, and I loved the Ironborn stuff. No Dany is fucking great, but I did miss Tyrion and, to a lesser extent, Jon POVs. Feast just had the unfortunate position of trying to follow Storm, which is the peak of the series thus far. Luckily, after all the buildup of Feast and Dance, Winds should be a barn burner like Storm was.

Are they ever going to do the audiobooks with a guy who can act? I want to get into the series but the raspy guy doesn't work for me. He's so monotone that it's hard to remember to pay attention.

I've never listened to an audio book, but do the guys reading it actually put on voices and shit for different characters? That seems really fucking cringey.

I think there's a pive part off-spin coming too, fat fuck is set for life
Why doesn't he get this shit ghostwritten is above me though. These are 2 books, can't he really humor his fans with a closure?

Some guys act out every character. Some guys just do a dry reading. It's not cringe as a long as they have a good voice. Acting or no acting a guy with a raspy voice pretending to be a girl is offputting. More importantly the guy who reads these ASOIAF novels is plain boring.

I see. I think the guy who played Viserys did the audio book of Dunk & Egg. His voice is great, I'm sure he'd do well.

roy dotrice who narrated the audiobooks did a great job imo, at least for the first 3 books.

HBO is developing five different spinoffs right now. Sounds like they're hoping for one to take GoT's place, but I'm sure they'll make one or more of the others into miniseries. The fat man said they won't do Robert's Rebellion, which is stupid because I think it would be the one option that could actually hold the GoT audience.

I'm hoping for a series about Aerys' Kingsguard, with a major focus on the falling out between Aerys and Tywin. That way we'd get prime Jaime, Barristan, Dayne, Robert and Ned.

Cheesy fantasy covers are comfy.

Roberts rebellion makes 100% the most sense, as it'll even include characters casual fags are aware of like ned, robert, jorah, the greyjoys, so on. If not that, then dunk and egg as it's only 100 years before but still, grrm has said this isn't it.

The only one I can think of that made sense as a prequel would be aegons conquest, he has 3 dragons and it'd mirror daenerys invasion in season 7 and it still has all the regular house names like lannister and stark for normies to recognise.

Some people want a spinoff set in essos but that'd make no sense from a franchise point of view. HBO would want recognizable things like to see the eerie once again (could be seen in aegons conquest) or a young ned and rhaegar. Every other prequel always has nods and references and eastereggs to the main series like star wars, lord of the rings with hobbit, you can tell all these are set in the same universe just years apart, if it's a wild spinoff set thousands years apart or set in essos it'd make no sense.

Like people on Sup Forums read, even shitty genre fiction
Anyways the books were decent until the fourth, which has some redeemable qualities. then ADWD came out and that was a killing blow.
Also GRRM is a complete asshole that deserves all the hate that he can get. Even if he does finish the books they are going to be derivates of the tv series because he's spent. Stuff like Cersei burning king's landing? it's going to happen. Stannis dying? you fucking bet.

>No roberts rebellion
Is this confirmed? I was holding out hope this could be a great mini series, like spartacus gods of the arena was a better series than blood and sand despite being a prequel

does /lit/ have any approved genre fiction besides Book of the New Sun

>arabian riding a big black horse
>white woman riding a small white pony

really makes you think...

Yeah, GRRM said in a blog post that they won't do RR because after GoT/ASoIaF, there won't be anything new to discover about it - which is stupid, because most fans want more Ned/Robert/Jaime/Tywin/Arthur Dayne/Rhaegar etc. And unfortunately, in the same post, he also said none of them are Dunk & Egg because he's only written three D&E books and wants to write "nine or ten", so unfortunately, is kinda shit outta luck as well. I'd be down with an Aegon the Conqueror series, but the budget for each episode would be ridiculously huge from the get-go, since it would basically be like season 7 of GoT. This is why Robert's Rebellion should have been the one to get adapted - familiar characters, no huge CGI budget for dragons and wolves and zombies, and it would lead perfectly into S1 of GoT.

RR and D&E make the most sense, so who knows wtf HBO is gonna do.

If they let Sanderson take over SOIAF to finish it that would be great. I thought he did a good job on WoT, and I reread the entire series as each book came out.

I read the books because Sup Forums had daily threads hyping the series since the very first day it got announced, a year before it aired. Never read a fantasy book other then LOTR but really enjoyed them. By the time the show finally aired I was halfway through the second book.

Seek mental help.


uma delicia

Isn't he a hardcore Mormon and prefers his fantasy more high and wholesome? I can't really comment because I've never read a Sanderson book, but if what I've heard is true, ASoIaF isn't really his style.

I haven't read the First Law books either, but by the sounds of it, Joe Abercrombie might be a better choice to finish it - provided he has GRRM's notes and that autistic Mexican guy to help him out.

Finland has a nice moodiness to it.

Why are you assuming he's offended? Why are you apologizing for causing offense instead of for lying?

GOT is too dirty for him. I actually like him and his anime but it doesn't fit, like is saying. he's still better than Abercrombie though, jesus fuck does that guy suck. The first Law is complete bullshit

Genuinely curious about what makes Abercrombie bad? I'm planning on reading the Black Company after ASoIaF, but First Law was on my list as well.

The book series (so far) has been really good... although GRRM can be a little wordy at times and takes FOEVER to write new installments. But, definitely worth checking out. (So are The Hedge Knight spin-offs/prequels)

The show was as good as it could be (at trying to condense 1000+ page books into 10 episode seasons) for the first 4-5 seasons or so... once the show writers ran out of 'source material' & started coming up with their own shit, the show became utter lowest common denominator garbage.

The original cover art for A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, and A Storm of Swords were cool.

Speaking as someone who read the books back in 2001, they were highly appreciated for the fact that they actually had men and women act like real people. Even Jon wasn't quite a Gary Stu because he was an entitled fuckwit that had a LOT of growing up to do in AGOT, ACOK, and ASOS.

Plus a lot of readers back in the message boards in 2001 commented that Daenerys' actions since the end of AGOT caused a lot of ripple effects in how she destabilized Essos. The burning of Mirri Maz Duur was the 1st indication that Daenerys was not going to be this princess-in-exile archetype that were used to.

There's way more interesting things in Westeros history than Robert's Rebellion or Aegon's Conquest. A mini-series about the Dance of the Dragons, the First Blackfyre Rebellion, or my personal favorite, the Ninepenny Kings saga would be amazing.

Even pre-Conquest storylines like how Durran XXI of the Durrandons made an alliance with the Children of the Forest to halt the Andal advance. Or the Andal invasion of the Vale.

Or if they depicted the Valyrian Freehold like the Rome TV series. Remember the Targaryens weren't even amongst the most powerful Dragon Rider families and were out in the remote corner of the Freehold.

Even Nymeria and the Rhoynish escaping from the Valyrians and their perilous travels into Sothoroys and finally into Dorne would be hella epic.

It's bleak to the point of absurdity, like Aber went out of his way to make everything awful for no reason. If you plan on reading then I won't spoil you but man is it over the top. But it's entertaining at least I guess, so if you want to read them go at it. if you are also reading black company then it will feel samey imo, but whatever rows your boat.

Lowbrow fantasy, which shows mimics perfectly.

Also people said GRRM is borderline retarded because his writing style is atrocious.

France 1. fucking hate the USA/Sweden one it's the same as we got here in Aus looks so boring.

AFFC and ADWD were glorious because it picked up right after all the shit that went down in ASOS.

Everyone I know hated the Greyjoy chapters, but I really enjoyed the Kingsmoot and a glimpse of what Euron was like. I really liked that one Ironborn candidate that suggested to sail in the far west and colonize new lands. I'm willing to bet that not only is that dude right, he's gonna be the founder of a vast empire in Americos.

Brienne and Pod's journey in the Riverlands was like reading Dunk & Egg. I really hate how the TV series made her into this jaded killer when she's actually an unsure teenage girl that's trying to do the right thing.

And Davos goes to White Harbor was glorious. Was also pleasantly surprised how Stannis/Jon interactions were like. They bicker and argue like The Odd Couple, but they respect the shit out of one another and will watch each other's back.

Fuck yeah. Wish I could have gotten the Black Company with this cover.

finland looks like a heavy metal album cover

Dubs of truth
They're essential chapters that show the cost of war, and the fallout in general
I really like when they go back to Astapor in Dance.

Yeah, book Brienne is such a great character. Her and Jaime's chapters are juxtaposed nicely, with Jaime's redemption arc finally getting into full swing, and Brienne ending up betraying him to LSH to save her own skin.

Daenerys is literally the Mary Sue of the series. It's entirely obvious that she is GRRM's favourite character to write for which is why we get so many useless chapters of hers.
>Shit, I need to pad out this book. I know, I'll throw in a few more Dany chapters. I love writing those

TWoW will be fucking full of them, just wait.

Wake up, go to pick up preorder, read in a day, get online and shitpost.

I don't think it'll be too Dany-biased. There's too much stuff happening elsewhere to focus on Dany that much.

>Stannis/battle of ice
>situation at Winterfell
>Barristan/battle of Meereen
>Tyrion, Jorah and Victarion finally getting into Meereen (resolution of the knot, hopefully)
>Jon's murder/situation at the Wall
>Jaime/Brienne/LSH resolution
>fallout in King's Landing from Kevan and Pycelle's murders (Cersei is basically back in control again, and more unstable than ever after the imprisonment/walk of atonement)
>Davos going to Skagos
>Sam at the Citadel

Compare that against "Dany being captured by Dothraki", and I don't think Winds will be too Dany-heavy. No way he wraps it all up in two books though, at the very least Dream of Spring will have to be a 2-parter, in which case he's guaranteed to die before part 2 comes out.