ITT fuck you I liked it
ITT fuck you I liked it
It was pretty cool. Much better than Tom's Mummy no matter how cute Sofia is.
I'm the user who created the soundtrack thread. I like the movie
>I'm the user who ______
Now you're not, time to go to reddit.
>give me upboats please
I don't get why these are supposed to be bad movies.
This was dumb as fuck but fun. Based Vin filming his RPG campaigns.
Btw Blade 1 is great, the movie and the soundtrack.
warcraft is kind of incoherent and messy due to the overly inflated story. some of the acting is fairly wooden as well but in true form of the thread: fuck you i liked it. has great novelty and some good action and the cgi is a treat to look at.
>warcraft is kind of incoherent and messy due to the overly inflated story. some of the acting is fairly wooden as well
Literally GoT and that's critically acclaimed.
wait there are fags on Sup Forums that didnt think the warcraft movie was the best vidya movie made? Sure some lore things were weird, but i thought it was a decent movie in general, and a fucking amazing video game adaptation
GoT has the excuse of being a tv show so in some ways it gets away with having a convoluted story. still a shit show though.
mainly just the general public that didn't like it i guess.
Warcraft had a shit, padded script with sequel bait, and was an overblown, fake-looking, uncanny valley-riddled mess.
i agree, the script needed some serious refinement
i liked it too. its easy but good entertainment.
I loved it to be honest.
>This was dumb as fuck but fun.
If GoT was too complicated for you just end your life dude. I hate to break it to you, but you're fucking retarded.
Are you one of those brain dead dipshits that love how simple the story is now?
Woah, let's not go crazy
Man, this movie was a piece of shit.
I walked out.
fuck you, he liked it.
>a m a z i n g
people like you are the reason Game of Thrones is garbage now
I'm sorry that you have shitty taste.
not me, i haven't seen it. i was talking for the OP
hey man, i eat ass, it happens
i was told this was shit but i enjoy it a lot
i love big action adventures and westerns and trains crashing so it had it all
Dracula Untold would've been much better if the dude went full evil vampire after being turned and started impaling turks and shit, instead of going the tragic anti-hero route.
It was okay I guess.
Johnny Depp playing weirdo is old and tired and you see that Disney's agenda in it but there are worse movies. The script had potential to be better though.
you right but i still had a lot of fun and really sometimes thats all a movie needs to be for me
Mythica series
I marathoned it in one go
It was basically what this season of GoTs would look like if it was a movie. The amount of teleporting armies was insane. Also the end was really awful
Just become a tripfag already
maybe you'd be better off leaving comments on youtube videos. you'll get tons of attention there
it's so good, fuck everyone that didn't see it
>tfw you find out that dope techno song is a new order remix
I fucking love urban dictionary
Are you pissed off, user? Sorry, boy. I'm not a tripfag, it's the typical thing that happens here in Sup Forums, the circle of nostalgia. Now give me another (You).
It's hard not to see Dominic Cooper and Ruth Negga as Llane and Taria in Preacher.
Ok here you go. I know you refresh the page every 30 seconds hoping to get another (You) that will keep you going for the next hour. But this will be the last one I give you. I have to do big boy things
>People still F5 threads
Read better.
Warcraft movie would be much better if human parts were cgi too. Orcs were great
agreed. orcs also exhibited much better acting.
Ragnar was so terrible in it, you could tell he just couldn't be bothered, especially when his son died
>tfw the priest in dracula untold is thoros of myr in got
It's like the same role but with more balding
is that lothar? i agree. khadgar is definitely the worst in the movie with king llane following close.
Wrong, lad, I even forgot about this thread while I was in others. Take (You), I need to go to work... I hope this is your big boy thing.
are you two women? it would explain this exchange a lot if you were both women.
Those were legit good flicks after my third beer.
Fuck you for not liking it if we don't get Warcraft 2 and 3 sequels
>tfw there will never ever be a movie about Vlad the impaler
Pretty sure Davinci tv show had vlad the impaler, and dracula is vlad the impaler anyway
this place has really gone downhill
I was more thinking about some kind of biopic on the real thing.
I just want a story about a dude that likes to put people on stakes and is being really smug about it. Then again, those stories were probably exaggerated but none the less entertaining.
I know non French people liked it but here in France this film got some pretty bad reviews.
My man.
Watch Atomic Blonde for even cuter Sofia.
That weeby anime you don't like
I just need an Arthas movie
Me too. I can die after it comes out. But realistically they'd make a Warcraft 2 movie before it.