

Ready to see a shitty film adaptation of a renowned Japanese manga with a Jewish person in the lead role instead of a Japanese person?

Nope, it's not Ghost in the Shell, it's Death Note!

VOD Friday sucks today so this Netflix trash movie is all you get right now.

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you think people who haven't watched the anime will understand this movie?

>watched the anime

you mean read the manga you fuck

what a fucking piece of shit goddamn


All I see on the first page of google are hits directing me to some arabic subtitles.

Is this a troll? Give me a more direct link.

>Is this a troll?

No. The movie is only on private trackers right now. It will make its way to public trackers in a little while. Just keep looking for that filename.

I just finished it and yes you'll be able to understand it

normal people dont read manga trash

Just finished it. It wasn't as laughably bad as I had hoped but it was still cringy and lame.

Did you not see this?

I found that with a google search. Torrents are not up yet. Need time for people to upload it.

Gosh dang, that movie sucked.

>all anime characters AREN'T obviously drawn as white people

What world do you live on, bud?

I hit a dead end with the direct download site, it said I needed to be a paid member.

Do you people pay 2 pirate?

you'll be fine

>no mega
>no google drive

No. That site got it from private trackers. I already downloaded it for free.

Public trackers will get it. You just have to wait.

So...Mia (Misa) is Kira here. Whatever.

upload it to mega or gdrive yourself, user

>50 kb/s

what the fuck do they think this is? 1999?

if Obama had a son he would look like L

Can you show me the light, i.e. tell me what magical private trackers I should use? I've used public all my life out of laziness.

>he doesn't use pic related to get his movies before they go public

Why are you people even on Sup Forums?


I'm actually kind of surprised by how much I enjoyed this. Definitely not even alterations of the characters but straight up new archetypes. Light was capable of being driven by his penis. Mia was actually clever. Ryuk was more driven and involved instead of a mostly curious observer. All the characters actually felt a bit more human. I...
Sup Forums, I think I enjoyed it. It wasn't great, but it was at least good.

Reminder there's a dance sequence

>Can you show me the light

>Sup Forums, I think I enjoyed it. It wasn't great, but it was at least good.

you have shit taste


biggest disappointment:
>L doesn't die

How can I join your sekrit club?

you can't................

My expectations were probably just so low that literally anything could be above them.

Wait, isn't Watari an alias? And how is Watari his full name? Is this some deep plot twist?

The manga and the anime are barely different, the only thing different is some of the later half is trimmed that was way too long in the manga. But they did trim too much.

it is, but the movie will ignore that

Those sites would never use a file host that doesn't give them some kind of reward.

Can we all at least agree that introducing himself as Watari and handing him a business card that literally just says "Watari" was goddamn hilariouis?

Consider subscribing to Netflix instead of stealing the movie. It's really cheap and you get unlimited access to a ton of great series and movies for an entire month.
The 4k streaming option offers unparalleled quality. Highly recommended.

Kill yourself.

>consider REWARDING Netflix for this shit

>paying for shit you can get for free

you are a true American cuck



downloading now.

fuck paying shitflix

fuck off kike


Hear he is actually okay as L until some shitty writing at the end.

weird how they rename NF WEB-DL to WEBrip

lemme help you out, blocked guy


No, I agree with him. You have shit taste. And that's ok. Just try to keep that in mind when sharing your opinions in the future.

>weird how they rename NF WEB-DL to WEBrip

I don't get why they do that. It's literally a web-dl. somebody at rarbg doesn't understand the latest rip classifications.

Is it up on some shitty streaming site? I'm not gonna waste bandwidth on this trash

it will be on all the shitty stream sites soon, but you're retarded if you think you don't use bandwidth while streaming

I don't think he's blocked but he hasn't solved the captcha of the main site yet

I don't think you understand how streaming works.

I don't get a captcha at all...

"This movie sucks ass"

>waste bandwidth

whether you stream or download, you use bandwidth, you stupid nigger.

fuck off netflix shill

ruh roh

Why did they make it so the Death Note can make a person do literally fucking anything?
In the anime it had to be something that the person could be reasonably expected to do on their own.

>Light was capable of being driven by his penis
So not Light at all, the real one is a robotic manipulator and a sociopath.

RARBG torrent is fast as fuck.

Glad I didn't pay for Netflix.

Wtf do i do with that.. sry for being a newbie

yes i am your king

>ignoring the shit anime translation
>ignoring the butchered ending

Yeah, I guess the anime is ok

holy fuck people are going to have a field day with this movie plinket review wheh?

these people are poor. i mean, i'm leaching from my parents account, but these people either dont have parents or their parents cant afford $10 a month

also the 4k video is a no go becuase of comcast being jewy with the data cap bullshit.


it's a magnet link, any torrent program will open it.

Why would he ever touch this piece of shit
I doubt he knows it even exists


Your link is shit. The original untouched Netflix web-dl was already posted.

lol this nigger

Yeah, no, throw out any hope at all that these will be conversions from the manga or anime. They're totally different characters. L is probably the closest to a direct conversion, but even he's not an identical copy. And that's okay, if they just made them identical there wouldn't be a point. This is more just "What if the notebook were dropped in a random high school in the US and a random teenager got his hands on it."

you paste it into your client. look up what a magnet link is, noob. read instead of being a nigger.

is she /ourgrrl/ tv?

>720 hdrip
>compared to x264 1080
get outta here

all these shills lmfao

Why the fuck did Light just immediately cave in when L confronted him? L confronted Light 100 times in the anime but he always kept his cool, but this ameritard just immediately spills his guts.

hey im not going to waste my bandwith on this shit

>holding at 99%

>being so poor you can't afford $10 a month

I'd be ok with this scenario if they didn't give the characters the exact same names. Make Light a Joe and we are fine.
But you can't try to attract the original audience by keeping the names and presenting entirely different characters. This is a scam.

It would probably be a shitty movie still, but it would at least be less annoying if they just copied the Death Note, maybe Ryuk, and changed everything else instead of this halfsie crap.

you know how many wingdings I can get for 10 bucks

good goy

Putting aside the lol "paying for free content", 4K streaming is a worthless selling point now that most American ISPs have adopted data caps like the third world countries. I only have 300GB on AT&T U-Verse -- I believe 300 is the standard amount now. What is that in movies/series? 3-4 movies? Wow. What a great use of my data.

i actually liked it, pretty good movie.

>not investing those 10$ in booze while pirating from glorious PtP - the tracker that has more movie than Netflix and Amazon combined

>paying $10 when you don't have to

I bet you donate to women's Patreon pages, too.

falling for the alcoholic jew

>screams like a fag

>This is more just "What if the notebook were dropped in a random high school in the US and a random teenager got his hands on it."
Then they should've done exactly that instead of using the original character names.

>L is on the ground unconscious
>Light is standing over him with a gun
>Runs away instead of killing him


He actually did alright. Still black washing.

>final destination

He already had a very complicated plan set in motion that would exonerate him.

There's no way that scene was supposed to be actually spooky. Right?

So why not also tie up this loose end and take care of the only person who could ever fuck up your plan