Still unsure whether he's dead, alive or never alive in the first place.
God's not dead thread #2
Never existed in the first place
there is literally no objective proof of otherwise, and believing without evidence is literal retardation
Why are all Christian "" "" "prophecies" "" "" " shit?
Is it butthurt christfags who make these threads and try to false flag Kato as dumb Atheists with YouTube-tier responses?
*larp not kato
Because they are retroactive prophecies stated after the fact.
There is no such thing as objective morality. Every human's interpretation of morals is purely subjective, whether they adhere to morals outlined in a religious text or not
I will just say that I find this christian narrative of atheists being "rebellious" or "a phase" humorous, when we currently are on a site where a good majority of self-proclaimed "christians" are deus-vult larper that wear their faith as an accessory to their political beliefs, and are in fact the one rebelling against their perception of modern liberal society.
God is good :)
>arguments are so weak that you resort to Facebook memes.
Facebook memes are the bread and butter of the god/no god debates
I mean, if you want to live in a delusional fantasy where there isn't a single intelligent atheist with a strong argument, then sure.
Who would win im a fistfight, Jesus, Buddha or Muhammad?
Hindu dieties don't count simce they all got like 6 arms.
>argument so weak
>talks about the origin of the picture instead of actually refuting the claims of the picture
Typical modern day atheist.
I imagine muhammad, being a warlord and all
>refute a bunch of retarded strawmen about complex arguments dumbed down into goofy Facebook meme quotes please
Fuck off.
If you can't refute the claims at least be honest about it, the fact that you're sweating and mentioning facebook and memes like they mean anything is amusing to me, it just proves my point even more.
>there was nothing
Probably correct
>nothing happened
Well obviously something did happen? Never heard somebody saying nothing happened
>for no reason
It obviously had a cause, we just dont know what (yet?). Because physics happen doesnt mean there is a will behind everything.
Its called physics
See above
>for no reason
See above
Why wouldnt it make sense. Because we dont know things doesnt mean they have a supernatural explanation.
Why do white adults in 2017 believe in millenia old sandnigger fairy tales about goatfucking and angry sky wizards?
If you honestly think anything in that picture was an argument, you either need to get your goofy brain checked or grow the fuck up. No atheist or agnostic thinks nothing created something and then magically, dinosaurs happened you retarded faggot. It's a collection of strawmen written by a literal 13 year old.
Sup Forumss favourite movies
Because their parents told them so
Keep up the good work my fellow 'Pedes. We will btfo these atheist libcucks and MAGA. SHADILAY AND ONWARD TO KEKISTAN!!!
Ah yes, the facebook memes didn't stick. Better whip out the fedora memes! A bit early for that, don't you think?
Well Sup Forums?
>the way you were just repeating the same sentence and then shouting it is textbook sperging out but ok
Not an argument at all my man
being this obtuse
>No, he means it doesn't exist at all even with God
Why you choose to believe something is just as important as what you choose to believe. Why you choose to believe something is essentially.part of what you choose to believe, because it determines the parameters by which you say things are good and bad, e.g God says things are bad, I believe him because he's super smart and knows what's best for me, so I'll follow what he says. So, what you believe is intrinsically tied to why you believe it, and if you believe it for subjective reasons it's not objective.
>le hatman
No one reply to him
Wtf I'm a #ChristCrusader now
Inanimate objects can't mate
really makes you think
>agnostic "scientist"
>opening statement is proving a negative
Who falls for this shit?
We don't know how it works therefore god did it, like with literally everything since we were cavemen
Why do you think people prayed for rain
>literally FB memes
>Christians tell the truth
Boy oh boy
This isn't thread #2, you arrogant ass, there's no set continuity. It's just a thread. There have been lots of threads on this shitty documentary.
I don't know which one to believe
Choose the one who doesn't believe in the evils of subjective morality
You should really link the old thread
>sometimes there are evil people who make bad drcisions
>WTF, this must mean that subjectively is inherently bad!
Yes, if only he had Jesus to sort him out! Then he wouldn't have killed those millions of people. It's as simple as that.
I agree, amen
I'm not an alcoholic, I have a demon inside me.
I don't need to quit because I have jesus in my heart
Why are you larping this hard and obvious?
Is that from true blood?
>entire ideology is obvious bullshit
>only defense is an eight year old meme
I guess if that's all ya got, keep it up.
What the actual fuck is this thread?
Have we drank too much of the meme punch and gone full circle where we repost Facebook memes unironically?
Can you prove god isn't real?
John Lennon is dead.
Did he resurrected?
Nope so I guess he must be real. Case closed! You're just too smart for me.
>proving a negative meme
There is proof that he is.
>There is proof that he is.
There isn't, friendo.
God does not exist. Also in breaking news, santa and the easter bunny aren't real. Sorry to hurt your feelings, children.
>there is proof that he's real
>but I decline to tell you what it is
This is your argument? If you wonder why people don't believe in your silly floating sky creature myth, you shouldn't.
You are literally a brainlet if you aren't agnostic
You are literally a brainlet if you aren't agnostic atheist. Which is the master race.
The proof of his existence is the bible and life in general.
Lol good one.
No arguments here
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.
Is BvS your favorite movie?
This gave me a belly laugh, not kdding. Thanks buddy.
very deep.
Invalid refutations that will or have appeared in this thread are; fedora memes, bible quotes, appeals to return to reddit, petty insults and banana design being perfect for hands kirk cameron nonsense.
The challenge has been presented, you know what won't fly as a reasonable counter argument, your move theists.
>The greatest trick the tooth fairy ever pulled was convincing the world she didn't exist.
Wow I guess the tooth fairy is real, huh? Mental munchkin.
>We know the bible is real because it says so in the bible
>Also things exist and the bible says things exist so it must be true
You really can't make this up
le moral guide stories arent real hehuehuhe me so smarts.
>God tells Abraham to stab his son to death
>Drags him to a mountaintop and gets ready to slice him up
>lol jk it was just a prank bro I just wanted to see if you would!
If it's a "moral guide" then it's a stupid one.
i doing really think that believing in some sort of higher power that made the universe is that ridiculous really, but believing in one specific religion is idiotic I think. why is your religion true and the thousands of other religions aren't, especially when none of them have any proof or scientific legitimacy backing them up. yes the big bang theory
doesn't explain everything, but its the one answer we have with some actual real world logic behind it
God exists anons. He's constantly with you because a part of him lives within yourself, inside all of us.
I once got a message on my phone saying "GOD IS DEAD" but I didn't know who it was from and was too lazy to ask.
>The year is 2017
>People still believe in (any) God
>god is everything
>god is everyone
>god is love
It's interesting how god can just be anything you want him to be just because you say so. Almost as if he was just an extension of human imagination.
no proofs of God not existing either
atheists believe as much as theist
both are retarded, atheists just a bit more
I can't prove God exists but I'm okay with the whole "love each other" philosophy. Do atheists just need an excuse to be evil without guilt? Why do they hate Christians so much? Is it because they agree with a man that called the world to "love each other"?
t. agnostic
>love each other
>but if you don't believe in me I will send you to hell to burn for all eternity
This is an interesting version of love you have
>Atheists worship the Big Bang Theory
>A LITERAL CATHOLIC PRIEST invented the Big Bang Theory
Atheistcucks, you can't make this shit up.
I can't prove Santa Claus doesn't exist, so I guess someone who believes he exists and someone who doesn't are equally right.
Not believing in him is not loving each other. The way you love God is by loving people.
And also Hell is simply a place without God, sounds perfect for atheists. You make it sound like it's an eternal torture, do you suddenly love and want to be with this being you don't believe in?
>I can't prove Santa Claus doesn't exist
>Being this retarded
Atheistcucks, everyone!
That's not what the bible says but hey who cares, you guys just pull whatever nonsense out of your ass. We all know it's bullshit anyway so why not!
You wouldn't know, you never read the Bible. That IS what it says, for your information.
I have read it cover to cover. My father was a pastor of a church.
None of you Christians even read your own book. If you did you might notice how fucking retarded it is. I recommend it.
So what will God's Not Dead 3 be about?
Your pastor was probably a con man that said random shit to attract people.
Prove that Santa Claus doesn't exist.
If you can't, then he's just as real as Jebus.
>He only read the fucking covers
Atheistcucks, they never cease to amaze.