Now that his podcast has officially went to shit, what do you guys listen to instead?

Now that his podcast has officially went to shit, what do you guys listen to instead?
I just can't stand JRE anymore, boring guests, boring conversations, Joe's opinions are cancer tier and took a complete 180, it's just irredeemable trash.

Other urls found in this thread:



>It's a "Joe flip-flops on the same issue for the 50th time because his guest holds a different position than the previous one" episode

Stop listening to podcasts. You're wasting 3 hours of your fucking day listening to some men fear monger about AI and you're sub conscious is buying it. You need to work on something yourself instead of consuming other people's shit.

This. I was watching one where he was complaining about police brutality but in the same breath said police aren't armed well enough and should have more weaponry

>call himself a libertarian
>supports environmental regulation, universal basic income, public health care, etc

>implying im not doing something else during the fucking podcast

eddies podcst is awesome i just found it but theres no new eps the ones with the biohazard guy and perfect circle guy were excellent much better interviewer than joe. JRE is done fuk that cia shill on the other day trying to say jfk isn't a conspiracy when it's the most obvious of the zionist murders.

Post the Punzie edit

college babies don't understand what work is

he's a lowkey right winger now, bringing on faggots like Ben Shapiro and others. On the podcast with the cia shill he's like HAHA trans racial is stupid, he's actually said it the past 2 podcasts and he's also too afraid to make an actual tranny joke. I think what actually upsets me is how he comes off as not genuine and holds opinions he feels like will "ruin his career" so he never brings shit up

Dude believes in chemtrails

Chemtrails are real

Guess that makes him a sheep pussy.

Sure thing, pal

Contrails are real

Not on the most important topic (Weed)

And nootropics

>Dick Faggotson
>Comedian, writer, producer

Listen to harmontown

Someone post the Asian versions of Alex and Joe.
>you wanna whole eggaroll Joe Logan?

>Wan Hu never went to the moon!

Dunno, man. His 1001 and 1002 podcasts had interesting guests. I'm not much of a contrarian, but when there's a shitstorm in comment section, show must be interesting.

You know it

Libertarians don't believe in harming others thats what a lot of people don't get. You have to have those things in a modern society.

milo put a book out recently and hasn't been back on, is joe a homophobe or something?

>there are people that think Steven Chowder is a funny and insightful human being
Heard he weaseled out of a debate he suggested because he still have PTSD from his time on Rogan

All of them need taxes. And big regulatory government. So yea its nothing even close to libertarian.

>Heard he weaseled out of a debate he suggested

Yep, the whole thing was his idea and then he backed out the day before.

>call himself a libertarian
Libertarians outed themselves as too much anti-scientific either on vaccines or climate change these days, I don't know why you would stain yourself with the label even if you're close from them on a value level

Libertarians aren't opposed to taxation. They're opposed to taxes they don't agree with.

Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
It's the kino of podcasts

He made a video on it. He's a snake and his followers act like a cult in the comments, they're a living reminder of why you should never bother reading this shite.

I'm not sure if this is posted in irony or not. You do realize libertarians are against government regulation, right? They just happen to share that believe with conservatives.


it's always been shit. you probably just jumped on the wagon after the jones episode.

>You do realize libertarians are against government regulation, right?

False. They are against regulation that is unnecessary (could this be accomplished without regulation) There is plenty of regulation they have no issue with.

every single silicon valley libertarian agrees on universal basic income

The bare minimum like military, police and the justice/governmental system because without it there wouldn't be much of a country to begin with. Not all libertarians are like Joe, luckily.

Exactly. They're not anarchists.

They oppose tax because they're unvolontary and even if they agree personally with a particular tax, it doesn't mean everybody does so they can not endorse it.

Yeah, and most of them also happen to believe vaccines are harmful and that climate change is a hoax, because it suits their political believes and they don't have an answer for those issues without compulsion/government intervention if they happen to be beneficiary/real

checck out joey diaz, his episode with action bronson was great

or bodega boys if you like laughing out loud

last few podcasts have been godtier

Sean Caroll
Peter Schiff
Mike Harris

Smart blokes talking about smart shit.

>Yeah, and most of them also happen to believe vaccines are harmful and that climate change is a hoax
That's not a prerequisite at all. It's just that most people that drone about climate change want immediate and severe government intervention. Like limits on co2 emissions or more taxes on coal. And that's obviously not something any libertarian would want.

I agree with Crowder on a lot of things, but he's seriously fucking insufferable.

And most libertarians would not propose to do anything because "the whole thing's made up, read this blog!", so yeah.
What do you suggest

>Dresses up as a woman in every episode

Joe's a CIA shill at this point with his handler Mike Baker

Crowder is terrible. Nothing is worse than a preachy comedian no matter where they fall politically.
His Grandpa Glock and Cenk impressions are fun to watch but he spiked the Cenk act by bombing with it gorilla style in front of the great buffalo himself.

>It's a Joe lets his Jew guest spend 30 minutes shilling his crypto currency episode


Just pull yourself up by the bootstraps lmao all education should be private

> Talks about how police need more than a pistol and unarmored car in case another shootout with armored bank robbers happens.
> also mentions how there are a few bad cops ruining the reputation

How fucking retarded are you that you get confused by a Joe rogan podcast?

lol ok kid

Got some sources for those hot facts?

That war over of the few guest that annoyed me. He was screaming about how it was unfair that rogan was trying to fact check statements with jamie/internet instead of only using the knowledge he had memorized. "You're ganging up on me!"

Who the fuck has conversations like this?

Is Not Gay Jared gay or what?

>people have different opinions than me so i hate them

>DUDE Minimum wage is a scam. You should be allowed to pay your workers 1 dollar. LMAO

This "debate" he tried to set up was even more funny:
>make a video about climate change
>get debunked by climate change specialist
>comment on his video that some of his critics are fair but some arent
>other guy ask which one are fair and which one arent
>don't answer
>put some more videos about climate issues
>get debunked by the same guy again twice in a row
>leave a comment about how they should debate
>other guy say he can't with his schedule for couple of months but says it's not necessary, just send a text bro
>crowder vanishes
>several months later other guy say debate is possible for him and he's been in touch with crowder's team, all terms have been agreed
>day before debate is schedule team crowder say it wont be possible on the terms agreed ad reschedule the debate in the middle of the night with no moderator
>other guy say it's not reasonable
>"Hey guys I don't get it I tried to meet him half-way but he would have none of it, guess there wont be any debate oh what can you do?!"

He rips into Bruce Jenner constantly. I dont think he hates trannies. I think he hates bullshit artists.

Everyone believes the climate is changing. The debate is over how much humans are contributing to it. But since the science is settled can you tell me why its not called global warming anymore? Or how carbon emissions are magically the cause of

>and even terrorism

All while the global temperature has changed a fraction of a degree since the industrial revolution

It really ust highlights how pathetic Crowder is.

I won't touch anything by him after that. When your blatantly maneuvering situations to make yourself look good/smart instead of trying to find the truth, just fuck yourself.

>Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
9 hour podcast of rambling in oscilating volume
> mumble mumble mumble TEMUJIN BECAME GHENGIS KHAN......mumble mumble mumble HORSEBACK ARCHERS!!

S-Town is pretty good.
Serial is overrated teen drama murder mystery bullshit.
The Boogie Monster is fucking funny.

>The debate is over how much humans are contributing to it.
This "debate" mostly exist in people that are in denial of how much humans are contributing to it, which is nearly the integrality of it for the past ~150 years.

>But since the science is settled can you tell me why its not called global warming anymore?
The media changes the terms how they like it, climate change and global warming are both true and are both used in the scientific litterature; the global temperature is literally warming.

>how carbon emissions are magically the cause of
It's not "magical", it's physics.
CO2 is the principal driver of warming and we are the cause of the imbalance in the carbon cycle. Our emissions are not reabsorbed by the cycle that was in equilibrium for the past millenias and the CO2 is accumulating at an alarming rate, causing warming.
Not happening.

GLOBAL warming can have different effect in different parts of the globe with different climate, who would have thought.

Hurricanes will be less frequent but much more violent, which has human and material consequences.

Arab spring was partly due to hunger and was one of the reason for emergence of global terrorist player like ISIS. But it's a stretch. However we will see in our lifetime consequences of climate refugees as regions become too harsh to support that many people.

You're also leaving out the rise of oceans that put in jeopardy billions of $ of material and gradual acidification of oceans, which has already claim the Great Barrier Reef which will have grave consequences for oceanic life in this region.

>All while the global temperature has changed a fraction of a degree since the industrial revolution
Apparent "small" changes can have big consequences, imagine my shock. It's still the fastest change in global temperature Earth has ever seen.

That guy was nuts.

> removing minimum wage = labor competition leading to higher wages.
Has he not heard of China?
> minimum wage jobs (20%ish of working Americans) are not for families, just don't have families.
> the public school system is bad so we should just get rid of it completely. Private schools are so much better and cheaper.
> insurance companies dropping/overcharging sick people because it cuts their profits is okay

He isn't nuts, he is rich and shills for no minimum wage so he can pay peanuts

Tax dodging cunt

>quick, buy carbon offsets!

He's an embodiment of old economy Steve

>Libertarians aren't opposed to taxation
are you fucking retarded?

Ah yes, the funny graph on a thousands of years scale before modern (1950).
Pray tell, what's the current CO2 ppm?

Hey bro it's a quick google search you can do it come on



Hol' on, so you be saying this trend is NOT like what we've seen before?

>funny graph that shows a co2 levels rising and falling without human intervention

400ppm. Whats your point?

But yaaas user. The science is settled. Just be a good lefty and watch your heroes move the goal posts every few years. Remember, the science is settled.

>pic related happened in the same year that Al Gore said the caps would have melted
>during the same period of time global warming was also changed to climate change

Listen to cumtown.

Nick hangs out with commie faggots but he's clearly one of us on the down low.

Good Podcasts:

The No Agenda Show (in the morning, gents)
How Did This Get Made?
"YOUR WELCOME" with Michael Malice
Jim Goad's Group Hug
The Dollop
FEaB (rarely updated)
Tell 'Em Steve-Dave
The Chip Chipperson Podcast
Point vs Point
What Say You? (also rarely updated)

Happy to help if anyone wants more details about any of these.

I honestly don't know when Joe is meming or not, he had a relatively eventful life, his father leaving, him being wife's son, working for nothing then making loads of money etc, But his open all borders policy is fucking bananas to me, mejt its easy for you to say this when you live in private gated community, you have two daugters and one black one, im sure you will let them go to shitty public school, I can't stand his dude open borders will make everyone more tolerant and peaceful

What paper has Al Gore published? Why suddently the MSM is your only source of information?
Nice pic. What's the net gain for the other major ice sheet on Earth now?

I watched Crowder for a few months and after a while his shtick grew boring. He's not incredibly intelligent, he doesn't have anything profound to say, and he's an incredibly boring individual.

Crowder lives in a house where everything is white. His old "commercials" and bits between segments would be filmed at his house, and everything was white. The walls, the floor, the furniture -- everything. It doesn't get more plain and boring than that.

>superior host
>superior guests
>superior topics
>superior content

Why aren't you listening to sam harris's podcast?

Here's a hint: it's not a gain at all. While Antartica is gaining around 85 billon tons per year, Greenland is losing around 270 billion tons.

Good podcast but I think people are under the illusion nick is right wing, he's not really. He just doesn't like modern pc bullshit. Maybe more similar to early Sup Forums culture than anything else.

You need some variety between blue cheese or go fuck ya mutha and snake oil salesmen of the week, you knuckle-draggers.

Sam Harris is much better if you actually want someone consistent who can think logically talking to interesting people.


I really only listen to Hardcore History. Ghosts of the Ostfront was kino af.

>uh, i dont really care about the weed issue

Besides as I'm sure you've actually read the article and not just have the picture of the headline, you've surely noticed this quote by the scientist that conducted the study:
>“If the losses of the Antarctic Peninsula and parts of West Antarctica continue to increase at the same rate they’ve been increasing for the last two decades, the losses will catch up with the long-term gain in East Antarctica in 20 or 30 years -- I don’t think there will be enough snowfall increase to offset these losses.”
So again if you propose that we do nothing because "it's not happening", I assume this grand victory of yours will not last that long, will it

>post a graph about Co2 levels increasing by 25% over 50.000 years
>Co2 levels have increased by about 60% in 200 years
>w-what does it have to do with anything
lmao SEETHING brainlets