This is how good guys behave in liberal world
This is how good guys behave in liberal world
>yes how dare they be family men who espouse good conservative values and fight for something they believe in! They should be executed for that alone, them being white males is just an added bonus!
>this is literally the Sup Forumstard interpretation of this scene
>this is why Sup Forums doesn't enjoy anything
Ignoring the Sup Forums bait, this is probably the best scene in the series so far, and the only time I've felt actual emotion for any of the characters in GoT for a long time.
>Be Mad King's daughter
>Burn people alive for not bending the knee
I see Tyrion having 'Nam flashbacks already.
A damn hero...
People who browse Sup Forums are inherently retarded, nothing new
>alt right autism intensifies
The Tarlys are not right wing and Dany isn't left wing either stop this stupid meme.
If only.
>flying dragons shapes in the sunset
>I love the smell of dracarys in the morning
>It ain't me starts playing
This was to make Sam Tarly head of house.
It's actually is, in the purest sense.
The Tarlys fought for the crown/monarchy regardless of who sat on it, which is most certainly a right wing value.
Dany is the embodiment of many Feminist and left wing ideas, which should come as no surprise as GRRM is a massive feminist himself.
They need to make Sam Punished Sam now and he's going to be the one to kill dany with heartsbane.
Do you think any characters in the show could solo a dragon? Except based Night King of course. All I really want from this season ending is
>Dany crosses the ocean and leaves the barbarians behind
>at least 2/3 dead dragons
If any dragons survive I'm gonna be pissed
Please go and follow his example, fag.
take your meds dude
>Helps the people who 9/11 d the Sept of baelor one of the most holy places for the seven.
The sparrows were punishing gays, adulterers, and incest. If anything Cersei is liberalizing with her unique history and governmental choices.
>The Tarlys fought for the crown/monarchy regardless of who sat on it, which is most certainly a right wing value.
That's a shitty ideology though.
Why are ppl who run on about identity politics always the most fucking retarded posters on this board?
They can let one live, I just want one of them to die in single combat with some motherfucker swinging a big anime sword since that's the direction they're going
>good guys
>fighting for Cersei
With conventional weapons? Nah.
Maybe if someone had a valyrian steel lance or something, they could kill a dragon if it were distracted or something but no one on the show could 1v1 one.
>sjw virtue signalling tumblr whore is the libtard ruler of a libtard fantasy and meme tier dragon saviors because she has no power herself and no authority herself other than to virtue signal
Cersei also supports the sciences while Dany is willing to sell out to the red god as long as their followers bend the knee and their presence increases loyalty from the common folk.
Lol. Get help.
>he's expressed some interesting ideas
>let's call him trump supporter and insult him instead of doing some decent answer
Politics are everywhere, stop calling out people for "bringing them to the table" when works of fiction are basically often "politic" in the fact that whoever wrote them had some idea and values and expressed them.
Also I love how it shows a femimist/left wing character going full retard and showing how mad and weak she is, and not any better than the white males she deemed as inferior (her father and vyseris, or also king robert).
I forget. Does V steel hurt dragons, or only WW? So we could have a guy launching arrows or spears with V steel tips, wounding a dragon in a battle, then the same guy wading through the chaos, finishing it off with a V steel sword. Essentially a solo.
>betray your suzerain and help destroy her house
>swear allegiance to the illegitimate queen who also has kids with her brother and killed the last king, so you could get more power and land
>get raped
>alt-cuck larping kids see this as some cosmic injustice and/or Jewish plot
>fees slaves, everyone is equal now
>freed slaves shit the bad, city collapses into turmoil
>masters rebel, genocides masters
>muh I'm a womyn, men, bend teh knee before me reeeeeee!
She is the definition of leftwing.
>Trying so hard to make this show about present day politics
Lay a bit off the cool-aid, user. I bet you'd also be one of the guys who want the world to think The Lord of the Rings was about WW2
>pol bait & containment thread
Reminder to please keep all moronic polshit confined to this thread so the rest of the board is not contaminated by your retardation. Thank you for your cooperation!
I also notice cringy alt-cuck spergs think LOTR is some great work of literature on par with Dostoyevsky and alike.
Stop giving it so much attention you actual retard
what the fuck are you retards even talking about
That just confirms there are no good guys to cheer for anyomre.
Sup Forumsshits don't think it's on par with Dostoyevsky because they don't know who that is.
Daenerys = ISIS
>another Sup Forums boogeyman thread
is 1 word really all it takes for Sup Forums now?
You're judging her for maintaining her westerosi values. Slavery is illegal in westeros. Are you opposed to Dany spreading the values of white people to the savages of essos?
>making everything about neo/pol/ agenda and about politics
>gets mad when told to go and post this on Sup Forums
Go fuck off.
Sup Forums is not a boogeyman. On Sup Forums you have several cult-like groups (Hitlerboos and some of Trump supporters for example) who can't help but shit up every thread about anything with their autism. They don't have anything else in their lives so they try to make everything about their obsession. It's annoying as fuck.
>burns a lord
just talk about the show and revert the thread instead of sperging and giving him the exact reaction he wanted
I take it you didn't go to public school
The one guy didnt take his meds today, you can see its him posting in every thread since he uses the same images
>m-muh Sup Forums boogy amirite guise
Don't you love it when underange cancer outs itself as new for no particular reason.
>the Sup Forums professor coming to give me a seminar
next time just don't reply
>everyone who says I'm stupid is one guy
Are you sure it's not just because you're stupid?
Hmm I wonder who started it
take your meds dude we all know its you
>white men burning for not bending the knee to a foreign raping and murdering horde?
>this is just like the time Jamal pegged me for the first time!
>Don't tell the guy with literally nothing else to do to stop and that they're not welcome.
And this will help how exactly? Most of these fags are probably drones with self esteem issues who dwell on this site because nobody tells them to fuck off.
>it's his first day on Sup Forums
Next time just stick to your containment board.
Threads ruined, let's begin.
No it's just (you)
>J-just bend over and let them fuck you
>I-it'll go away
She's continuing the family tradition of burning people.
>you are the future of your house
>Tarly will be snuffed out forever
widen to reveal pic related
D&D truly are the masters of subtetly
I see nothing wrong with what the guy is saying at the bottom.
Cool straw man, bro.
>[spouts bullshit]
>no retard thats wrong
I believe you.
Are you implying this isn't correct?
Yes. Yes I am.
>I'm here to break the wheel
>now bend the fucking knee or I will burn you alive
what did she mean by this?
>Dragonstone throne room
>Dany on throne, surrounded by guards
>Doors burst open
>Large figure holding heartsbane enters
>"My name is Samwell Tarly. Son of a murdered farther, sibling of a murdered brother"
>Dragon queen scoffs
>"Puh-lease, what is one fat boy gouing to do against my army of trained eunuchs and savages?"
>Sam pulls of his tunic
>He's fucking ripped
>Who knew that carrying heavy books 16 hours a day built muscle mass
To be fair, it would be as well written as the usual shit we see in the show, just more entertaining
I honestly don't see any Sup Forums bait.
I would love to see a side by side with those pub tards reactions.
Everyone knows lotr is based on the great emu war.
Jon Snow=JS=Jill Stein and only cared about preventing global climate change when the rest of the world was bickering over power.
Isn't it? as a literature graduate I can tell you Dostoevskij can suck Tolkien's balls.
plus alt right retards know nothing about the true depth of LotR, they try to see racial wars and WWII parallels when Tolkien himself said that real war has nothing to do with fantasy war in his works.
here's a leftist who has to shit on LOTR because it actually has some values and morals. And I'm not even rightist, I just think you both are equally retarded
>here's a leftist who has to shit on LOTR because it actually has some values and morals
You are a fucking retard. Stop posting.
Is that your argument?
This is isn't an analogy for right wing vs left wing and neither Tom Hopper or Randylls actor have far rifght Sup Forumstard viewpoints just because you want to try and self insert into attractive white man being victimized by a esjaydubbya wymen
So this is the part where it was cemented that Danerys was the bad guy, right?
>Mad king burns Eddard's father alive and kills his brother
>Daenerys burns Samwell's father and brother alive
It's meant to be a parallel to that, especially since both were seen as less compared to their siblings and both the better brothers died because they were insistent in saving their fathers in Brandon starks case or not letting them die alone in Dickons case
no lol, normies forgot this happened 10 minutes later
ITT: Idiots who never learned to not feed the trolls and are now patting themselves on the back as if they're on some righteous crusade.
>/sci/ behind Sup Forums
Nice meme
>literature graduate
how is that mcdonalds minimum wage job treating you, buddy?
I just said that to trigger alt-cuck, I like Tolkien. It's pointless to compare him to Dostoyevsky.
>GRRM is a massive feminist himself.
He's massive, all right!
>People want to make this political. When the scene is about how Dany is starting to go to far.
Sure I'll bite the bait. I guess this scene is about not making the obviously wrong choice. The "conservative" men should of logically stood down and joined Dany, but they let their foolish pride stand in the way.
My argument is that nobody mentioned the "values" in LotR in either of those two posts and that you are paranoid. What's yours?
Was for this guy
back to Sup Forums
wow what a bitch