Eleven years later, is it still good movie?
Eleven years later, is it still good movie?
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They should package Sin City, 300, and Watchmen into a trilogy.
It never was a good movie in the first place.
you'd find the same was true 11 years ago
Yes. Only plebs who like to think they are more than plebs shit on this masterpiece. 100% kino.
It was great then and it's great now
>good movie
nope, youre wrong, it isnt a good movie..
....its a GREAT movie
>my favorite Reddit reviewers and the makers of South Park said it was bad lol
If you don't like 300 you've literally never had testosterone in your body
>push them off the cliff
>sky blackens with arrows
>shield themselves as arrows continue to rain down
>the men begin to laugh
It's a shallow flick, but nonetheless enjoyable.
For Snyder, it was kind of a warm-up before making real auteur masterpieces like Sucker Punch or MoS.
I said it was kino you mongoloid.
Well after that incident in the McDonalds ball pit with the rubber chicken, I'm legally obliged to keep my test. levels low. :/
I have no idea why it tagged you, sorry:(
As a fantasy action movie it's top-notch.
As a commentary on the actual historical events of that period, it's akin to making a film about WW2 being a battle between benevolent Nazis and giant Transvestites from Transexual Transylvania.
>As a commentary on the actual historical events of that period
It's never intended to be this and nobody ever expected/thought it to be this
>>sky blackens with arrows
>>shield themselves as arrows continue to rain down
>>the men begin to laugh
Based Stelios
If you've never had sex and watch this movie it counts as your first time, that's how good it is.
it was an adaptation from the graphic novel. obviously not intended as a factual representation of history
yet people took it and pretend its historically correct so it did a good deal of damage
It's using the setting of an actual historical battle
It's using the names of figures and nations and armies that actually existed at the time.
It's implicitly trying to be a dramatization of that conflict. AND to be an adaptation of Frank's comic, and Frank went completely off his nut after 9/11. So it's also trying hard to be a propaganda piece against middle-easterners for American consumption.
Yea it's still good. Should actually rewatch it now that you mentioned.
Literally, unironically the best comic book movie by a country mile
This is probably one of the gayest films ever made, it's just a bunch of greased up dudes running around in their underwear and capes.
In Sparta, when the movie premiered, people stood up by the end and clapped. Greeks have never clapped during a movie in the history of cinema. A few were heard yelling BRAVO SNYDER.
It wasn't supposed to be a documentary you endless fucking faggot.
well to be fair middle easterners fucking suck
It's a comic book adaptation with goat people and a giant metrosexual god, bro. 50% of it is CGI. No one expected realism or commentary.
It's a faithful adaptation of a comic book that is intentionally being a gross misrepresentation of history, because the writer has half lost his mind after the 9/11 terrorist bombings.
God of War movie when?
This actually happened though, at least how historians at the time, described it.
The comic book is from 1998. You have no point.
Do you have any evidence of this happening?
Remember the forced "this is sparta" spam everywhere? Was this or snakes on plane the first movie to be shilled through meme?
>what did they mean by this?
Muslims fucking suck.
The Persians at that time were an advanced empire that we would consider civilized by our best standards, contrasted against the Spartans who were some of the worst slave-mongering sadists of the ancient world.
Much like Iran was moving towards a progressive and peace-loving society before Eisenhower and Churchill ganked their Prime Minister and installed a brutal dictator, who tortured all the liberals and left on fundamentalists to oppose him.
the only people who took it as a historical movie were retarded wannabe film critics and "historians" who wanted attention
It was wasn't good eleven years earlier.
But those 11 years after it came out was pure kino.
But user, the movie is actually factually correct. The only things that were wrong were the Persian numbers and the monstrous soldiers.
>white Greeks destroy monorities that vastly outnumber them
If you don't like this movie you're literally a fucking cuck.
Lol nice shitposting. Sparta nor the rest of the Greece had any slaves. Persia/Iran did have a golden age but it was hundreds of years after this battle happened, and the golden age ended hundreds of years before WWII.
This movie is the reason numale critics hate Snyder, they get triggered by the right wing message
There is no right wing message, retard.
Case in point
It was never good. you just grew up.
Great movie
The only criticism I have seen of it is that it isn't "historically accurate". I always ask these people what tipped them off? Was it the giant sword-hands ogre? Or the monster rhino? Of course it's not historically accurate, it's based on a comic which was loosely based on the real events.
The only people who don't like 300 are numales
Shut up you annoying faggot.
It's not just good, it's better.
One of the few movies I've seen more than once in theaters. Amazing actionkino
What would Stelio Kontos do in Thermopylae?
The movie was actually the most historically movie to ever exist once you realise that Greeks tend to portray themselves as the ultimate badasses and their enemies the evil barbarians and all the events that happen in the movie were told from the perspective of the only survivor of the battle
Imagine being in a combat unit when this movie came out.
Damn man.. it was like living a meme. Being self aware didn't work in my favor either.
I got called an Arcadian for not being - as other units call it: Hooah or Ooh-rah! whatever terms they use. I guess my level of motivation wasn't up to snuff. The sergeants were trying to turn us into spartans or someshit. They started their own Agoge (they didn't call it that but it was obvious) unironically. All of it was unironic, something that could only happen within the realm of the army. Stuff that wouldn't be allowed in the outside world, it would be deemed insane. It got to the point where they started measuring our proportions like how the Spartans did when a child was born. It was like everyone had lost their minds. We became bloodthirsty and thought we were, I don't know spartans I guess
Imagine if George Lucas saw 300 and remade the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker in this style.
>villains who did nothing wrong
Spartans were actually full-on homosexual
Of course this gets erased along with other cultural nuances because white males get triggered
Fucking boipucci =/= Fucking men
*ruins an entire franchise*
Fags, would you please stop alternate-facting our glorious history like faggots or t*rkmen? Thanks
t, Greek.
Who the fuck though that it would be a good idea to make faggy Athenians the fucking protagonists?
>after almost two fucking hours the Spartans arrive
>Fucking finally! YES
>the movie ends immediately afterwards
What a fucking cock tease.
Another entry in Snyder's flawless filmography
its a shit movie and "look at me im a man rooaar blood cgi tall xerxes and shit" doesnt make it a good movie nor elevates your test levels faggot.
Athenians were the real greatest soldiers and strategists against the Persians. Spartans were just tougher and better trained. Read what actually happened during the Marathon and Salamina battle.
>persians got BTFO by a group of gay gangbangers
makes it even better
Implying that's not what future black children will be taught while wondering what the white devil ruins were for .001 second before raping the tribal edu-shaman and yelling allllahu Sweden then starving to death laying on a pile of spaghetti-o cans. Sadly can opener tech was stolen and lost by white devils. Like everything.
>t. faggot
Years after it came out, I still got this shit in my combat unit
Not at your level but the whole "aou aou" stuff was there all the time
If anything, the Greeks should have been the antagonists. Persia did not practice slavery.
>implying 300 is about historical accuracy
>implying most people didn't just want badass Spartans slicing Persians
>Persia did not practice slavery
it was a great action movie for it's time but it didn't age so well. the filters, green screen, and slow-mo look very cheesy in hindsight.
>Sparta nor the rest of the Greece had any slaves
The movie is told in flashback.
It's mean to be exaggerated when he is telling the story.
Athenians and other Greeks btfo Persians just as hard.
Imagine being enemies with all the other city states for as long as you remember to the point of bantzing each other to the death, but when a foreign, non-Greek invader shows up, they drop all shit and banded together.
Of course they annihilated each other the same century as when the Persians withdrawed.
>the greeks were the actual bad guys!
see, this happens when kids get their historical education solely through youtube videos
didn't this have big eva green titties tho
What are you talking about? Greece had a fuckton of slaves.
I saw the trailer when I went to see Dark Knight Rises, and hadn't read the comic, but from the first few seconds I thought "Holy shit they made a movie about Thermopylae..." I had been obsessed with this shit since I learned about the battle in freshman history class, and the movie looked sick. That being said, I was pretty underwhelmed compared to how hype I was before I saw it. It's OK but it isn't aging too well either, and the more I study about the actual Greek states the more I feel that they really fucked up a lot of things for no reason other than to push some agenda. It's almost Ministry of Truth-esque.
Fuck I would love this, the cutscenes in all the games were pure kino
made Snyder a household name and established how a comic book film should be made. will be remembered a 100, no a 1000 years from now as a true cinematic artifact
Ah yes the one being invaded is the antagonist... The redditor cries out as he strikes you
what's with the persia memeing in this thread?
they were alright, but they were at least as war mongering as the spartans, while also having little to offer from a philosophical/scientific standpoint in comparison to the greeks (not the spartans, they were barbars). Their greatest accomplishment was the ability to govern such a giant empire efficiently, which is amazing. But i do think that the world wouldn't be as advanced today if the persians would have won (not that anyone can say for sure; i'm just comparing the civilizations in terms of scientific/philosophical prowess)
bait/10. ESPECIALLY sparta. How do you think a society would function where all the adult males profession was "AOU". You needed slaves to feed you (and which you could routinely raid to hone your "battle skills")
>Sparta nor the rest of the Greece had any slaves.
Do you also think that the Persian Immortals were mask-wearing ninjas?
literally me
motherfucking santoro
Established Snyder as the absolute hack that he is, more like. Every single thing not copy-pasted panel for panel from the comic (so, everything contributed by Snyder) sucked and stuck out like a sore thumb. The same thing happened with Watchmen.