The Last 48 Hours Has Shown the Anti-DCEU Media Bias

Bloggers like to laugh and claim there isn’t one, and then go and call DC fans “assholes”, but the last 48 hours has shown that there is definitely an anti-DCEU bias in the media. Anything even remotely negative, even if it’s completely untrue, is plastered everywhere with huge sensationalist headlines in order to try to fuel the “Marvel is great, DC is terrible” mindset so many film writers seem to have these days.

Just look at what has happened over the last two days:

1. News came out about a potential “Elseworlds” style Joker origin movie. Despite them doing a pretty cool origin idea in the comics that everyone seems to like (where there were three Jokers over history, explaining his different looks over the years), everyone swore that no one wants a Joker origin.

2. Then word came out about a Joker/Harley Quinn movie. Again, despite “Mad Love” being one of the single most popular graphic novels DC Comics has ever published, people claimed that no one would want a movie potentially based on that story.

3. The biggest example of an anti-DCEU frenzy in the media and social media came last night where people mis-construed comments by Matt Reeves in an interview to claim that The Batman wouldn’t be part of the DCEU and wouldn’t feature Affleck in the cowl. Things got so bad with that story, The Hollywood Reporter even had to delete part of their reporting and issue a correction. Today Matt Reeves confirmed the movie is set in the DCEU, but it won’t be filled with Justice League cameos. It’s a Batman movie, not a crossover.

The last 48 hours has shown, in particular the Batman story, that it doesn’t matter if a DCEU story is completely false; if it makes DC look bad people will slobber all over it and spread it far and wide. The sensationalist headlines get all the clicks and social engagement, while the eventual retraction will get ignored.

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Superhero movie fatigue is setting in and DC is still trying to find footing in a slowly dying craze. Its not some conspiracy, were all just tired of watching trash.

>were all just tired of watching trash.
marvel trash. i only would love dc.

It still trash.the genre is the same and the one that tried to do diferent failed.



This is almost indisputably true at this point. It's psy-op level shit going on.

What makes it even more suspect is that the interview they were referencing was something so obscure it took them better than a month to become aware of it. That means someone is devoting time to looking for any and everything that can possibly be spun into a negative and feeding the information to sites they know don't care about anything but dem delicious clicks.

Your DC bias is showing.

Joker is a shit character, no one wants more of him or more of his shit-tier stories. The edgy anarchist villain embodies everything wrong with DC.

Also capeshit is terrible, the fact you are defending capeshit speaks volume of your double IQ.

>Homecoming gets raving reviews from shills.
>Not a single negative article despite failing expected box office.

Even their fucking trash gets praised while DC gets negative press about """"rumors"""".

>psy-op level shit going on

retard detected

>retarded director literally says his movie wouldn't be part of the "Extended Universe"
>site runs the story
>director says that wasn't actually what he meant, it was a poor choice of words


You're not wrong.

Didn't Captain Marvel replaced one of the directors and rewriting the script? I've only seen one article about it but when it happens with DC there's like a dozen claiming DCEU is cancelled.

Also that faggot John Campea is still butthurt. Kek

No fucking shit the Disney has the media paid off. They managed to bribe them into giving TFA a good score they can get them to do anything.

Your lack of a cogent argument speaks volumes. Go ahead and call me an autist, too. Let everyone know how utterly devoid of imagination, logical reasoning, and original thought you truly are.

Come on, you shilling fucks. Why so quiet?

For fun, DCbros, search how many sites that published the rumors are now staunchly refusing to publish facts. It's good for a laugh. Is it possible that these bullshit clickbait sites are bought? Rumours point toward yes. A well-informed insider tells me that not only is it a distinct possibility, but that it's a practice that Disney has engaged in for years.

Be sure to check back in as new rumours come to light concerning this latest Disney controversy.

You're psychotic.

>A well-informed insider tells me that not only is it a distinct possibility, but that it's a practice that Disney has engaged in for years.

We JFK assassination now

>make four really bad movies
>people aren't excited for the fifth? CONSPIRACY!!


Are you denying it?


But the real question is why won't all these rumours and the controversy lingering around the House of Mouse just not go away? Could they be hiding something?

Then why doesn't WB fireback or at least get good PR to counter this bias?

What do you think OP is?

Maybe DC shouldn't have started its extended universe with some of the worst movies ever made.
People have every right to be apprehensive about future DC releases.

No one wants a fucking Joker origin story though and only normies want more Harley Quinn, personally sick of her being shoehorned into everything.

cry more DCuck

I hate to break it to you, but Homecoming was a good movie. Maybe DC should try THAT formula more.

Maybe because Disney has far deeper pockets? It's pretty obvious what they're doing.

Outside their theme parks, Disney's never been big on imagination. Even at the height of their creativity and artistry, they'd far rather capitalize on public domain IPs than tell stories of their own devising, all this while spending untold sums of cash schmoozing with Congressmen, wining and dining them with lobbyists, you name it, all to keep any of their own copyrights from expiring.

That's a bit of a two-edged sword for them, though, because while they protect their own IPs, the extensions on the length of copyright protections prevents any of their competitors' IPs from passing into public domain as well. This leaves the Mouse with no choice but to buy these IPs, which is exactly what they just did with Marvel and Star Wars. It's a practice they will continue, because it's far easier to manipulate the public than it is to craft a captivating, wholly original story. Any and all things they can do to damage rival brands is absolutely in their best interests in the long-term, and the closer they come to establishing the sort of regulation-proof monopoly they're seeking to establish, the harder it becomes to oppose them.

The problem is that Disney has become the place where art goes to die. Their stories are unimaginative, safe, inoffensive, non-polarizing, pretty much the antithesis of what anyone would consider thought-provoking, and terribly, terribly formulaic. Even when they make something as technically innovative as Tron was in its day, what people remember are the stunning visuals, not the stories, certainly not the characters. They have become, at best, technical innovators who seldom innovate, contenting themselves with rehashes, remakes, live-action reproductions of previous works as they bash their competition until they cave in and sell out to them.

Then the next round of Disneyfied, depthless husks of characters you once idolized join the parade.

I can't get over how much effort people are devoting to mental gymnastics to justify, to themselves, liking shit movies simply because they had high production values.

But homecoming was pretty good.

If you think Homecoming was a good Spider-Man movie, you don't know shit about Spider-Man.

But muh Batman vs Superman!

I think you're the one that doesn't know anything about Spidey, tard.







Considering the last three (or five) spiderman movies have been completely godawful, I have no opinions on homecoming, as I'm not watching that shit till it's free.

>Not a single negative article despite failing expected box office.
Why would there be any articles about it failing when it's very successful?

Remind me again how Pete idolizes Tony Stark as his voice of wisdom, how it was Tony Stark that inspired him to rise above himself, and how it was Tony Stark who first gave him the idea to be the local working man's hero.

I'm all fucking ears.

Tell me about how Pa and Ma Kent were assholes that tried to turn Clark into a cold dick again? I forget how that turned out.

Pa Kent died treating his son like a normal kid instead of an invincible god. If you can't see how that's an important part of Superman's development, then you've been watching too many Disney movies.

You probably don't have a problem with Tony giving a fifteen-year-old kid he barely knows a StarkTech suit with an "Instant Kill Mode" and security so shitty that a teenager with a laptop can hack it. That's what you're defending.

I didn't think anything less. When it comes to the Reeves comment, I expected things to unfold exactly the way they did, not even joking

>States something that is pretty obvious to people who can think properly or who at least know the universe involved
>media outlets start reporting exactly the shit he said at face value and don't even consider writing that it could be what he actually meant
>he proves all those shitheads wrong and now people are shutting the fuck up

it's actually pretty pathetic at this point how much people want to shit on the DCEU. Even on this board, retards have nothing better to do than shit on it instead of talking about the things they like (not addressing only Marveldrones btw)

You're reaching pretty fucking hard. And that mode wasn't meant to be unlocked so early AND is meant to be a joke of how over the top Tony gets working on things.

But you're a pathetic DC fag, so any levity goes right over your head.


Levity doesn't. Neither does shitty writing. You're defending Spidey and pretty much every other Marvel character being reduced to to shit-side of Pixar caricatures.

It might be entertaining, but don't for one moment pretend they're even within spitting distance of their comic book personalities.

Fire back on what? It's a rumor that started out of thin air (just like Ben leaving) and then WB felt embarrassed enough by the low standards of clickbait to eventually respond.

Just how much does Disney own? Well they put the fucking New York Times in the corner. They can put the countless no-name blog sites in the corner if they want to.

>Whether that is enough — whether the fractures in the Rebel Alliance and the power struggles in the imperial ranks quicken our pulses and engage our emotions — is the big question, but it really isn’t a question at all. Millions of people will sit through this thoroughly mediocre movie (directed with basic competence by Gareth Edwards from a surprisingly hackish script by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy) and convince themselves that it’s perfectly delightful. It’s so much easier to obey than to resist. The spoiler warning sent by the Disney empire instructed journalists to “continue to be our partners on this journey,” and defiance is unthinkable, even if “partner” is taken as a synonym for “shill.”

DC brought it on themselves, is the problem.

You are so full of shit.


>Superhero movie fatigue is setting in
Clearly not.

>DCEU fans are so cucked at this point they have nothing left to resort to other than 'shills' and 'media bias'

What was the expected box office? And I don't mean from autists on Sup Forums.


>Didn't Captain Marvel replaced one of the directors and rewriting the script?
There's a new scriptwriter, but they haven't changed the directors.

I mean, nobody really needs to deny it because there's nothing to deny. You've made a baseless assertion, the burden of proof is on you. Why must there be some conspiracy when audiences prefer Marvel movies too?

>It's a rumor that started out of thin air
No, the director said that it would not be part of the extended universe, so news sites reported that it would not be part of the extended universe.

>Batman Vs Superman is awful
>Suicide Squad is unwatchable
>I-it's a conspiracy! It's everyone else's fault! PLEASE CRY WITH ME
>Wonder Woman universally praised
Kill yourself

Would you say that indicates they're dissatisfied with the script? Would you say that might hint that they're having trouble with it? Would it surprise you if one were to point out the utter lack of any terms that were even slightly negative in any of the concerned articles' titles?

This is what we're talking about when we mention "spin."

It was a great depiction of Spider-Man and Peter Parker, but I agree the movie itself wasn't particularly fantastic.

Anyone with two brain cells could understand he meant it as a solo film. Media intentionally going full retard so they can push their agenda.

>Pa Kent died treating his son like a normal kid

Normal kids are shitheads who in the absence of authority will consider themselves free to do whatever they want. An immortal god is utterly beyond any sort of human authority. Lord of the flies is a great treatise on what happens when children are given total freedom, and clark has even greater freedom than golding could even imagine.

Where's the original interview?

>director directly and unequivocally states a movie won't be canon to the DCEU
>its a conspiracy that people are saying a movie won't be canon to the DCEU


Which is what makes it all the more important for the Kents to focus on the "man" over the "super." You're basically making my argument for me.

>director directly and unequivocally states a movie won't be canon to the DCEU


I'd only be making your argument if the DCEU kents did anything but focus on the worst aspects of the "man."


So where did the director say the movie would be canon to the DCEU? Feel free to link the "real" news.

Once you own the major social media sites you basically own the narrative. Disney can make up something on one end they own and then have the other end repeat it endlessly to give off the impression of legitimacy. We are seeing the true extent of corporate stranglehold of the Internet.

>he said this!
>that is not true
>ok, when did he NOT say this????
You tried your best today Marvel Pajeet.

remember when WB marketing tried to imply all negative press was a conspiracy because that was easier than defending any aspect of the DCEU?

>Two out of their four movies are complete dogshit
>The other two are medicore
>DCEU fans somehow don't expect a bias towards their next movie

Part 1/3

Again, he said something that can only be interpreted one way, so unless he stated a retraction/clarification, then that one interpretation is the only interpretation.

Which means you either need to post where he retracted/clarified his earlier statements or shut the fuck up and accept the one and only valid interpretation of the statement.

As opposed to 17 dogshit MCU movies with zero innovations or bold moves to show for.

Part 2/3

What happened to this? I mean we had like 12 threads about it yesterday

Why should there be a negative reaction? This happens often and has happened more than once in the MCU. It's hardly comparable to The Flash losing three directors in a row and as many writers, with two page-one re-writes. Marvel gets the benefit of the doubt because they've earned it. DC has at best lurched from mediocrity to humiliation by contrast, and so Ben saying he'll write The Batman (then not) and direct it (then not) is bound to get alarm bells ringing. It's only a matter of time because we hear that he won't act in it either.

Hey, the only guy defending the DCEU, you're getting your arguments crossed.

>he said this
Ok so where did he say it's not canon? That's what you claimed he said. Where is it? You're getting sad now.

Sorry, I meant to reply to this one:

>Marvel gets the benefit of the doubt because they've earned it
Yes they've earned it by ruining cinema forever by barely TV-quality quipshit that have become so mundane and repetitive the average person can't even tell them apart anymore.

Marvel earns what it pays for. It's that simple. You're all the proof needed that mouseshills are real. You can't stop suck that Feige cock.

why did you post it as three giant twitter screencaps instead of, say, twitter links?

It's simply an easy story to tell. From media conglomerates all the way down to lowly bloggers, nobody has any more interest in writing another 'maybe it will be good this time' spot. It's merely the path of least resistance.

>The Internet is not happy
>fans are wondering
>people are asking
>critics are thinking
All the trademark ways to open your article with the desire of pushing a narrative and attempting to legitimize it by giving it a sense of agreed consensus.

>make movies that aren't completely god-awful

>ruined cinema forever


heres an idea, start producing media that is independent from any shithead journalists or other idiots

biggest brands shouldnt just be fuel for attentionwhoring twats who wanna make every trend about themselves coz of uncured narcism

>GotG2 is expected to break a billion
>it's very bad so it doesn't, it fails to outgross BvS which is allegedly a "flop"
>homecoming is expected to break a billion
>it's very bad so it doesn't, it fails to outgross BvS which is allegedly a "flop"
Pay no mind, OP. They are just trying to regain some control over the situation

At this point "kino" is just a term used exclusively by marketers.

>I have no argument so I'm just gonna call every movie bad

>marvel has ruined cinema forever because screencaps from their movies don't make great cinegrids






Imagine being this upset about superhero movies. Lmaoing at your life, OP.

There is no doubt in my mind that the MCU is the greatest cancer to have ever hit cinema. Never before has blockbuster cinema dropped this low in quality and diversity. It's the highest point of cynical entertainment.

BvS is considered a flop because of how much it cost to make and market and how little it made, comparatively. Not to mention such a movie, were it not complete dog shit, would have easily made 2-3 billion.

Both of your examples cost far less than BvS did to make and market, thus their less-than-expected performance is less of a loss.

>cinematography is not important
>writing is not important
>but quips? That's where the shit is at!
You are an embarrassment in your transparent shilling Pajeet.

Now I ask, was that so hard? Why did you need to get your ass so high in the air about fake news and agendas when you had the real information readily available?

Who expected either of those movies to break a billion? No MCU opening solo movie has made close to that, guess which one made the most though...

Nobody considers BvS a flop but the most delusional Marvel shills on Sup Forums. It earned 900m, sold on par with Civil War on blu-ray and had NO 50 MILLION DOLLAR RESHOOTS LIKE CIVIL WAR

Matt Reeves had to actively come out and shut this shit down because dumbass news sites were shilling bullshit.

Why does civil war make you so angry? I don't understand.

No one was really happy with that movie, but no one really expected anything from it either.