ITT Crap movie, great casting

ITT Crap movie, great casting

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Didn't this guy force his eight year old son to dress as a girl?

He forced his eight year old's son head into the pillow as he went in dry

Daily reminder

>Liev Schreiber alludes to child abuse on talk show

>Sup Forums finds even more photos than pic related to prove need for investigation




I'm still buttbothered about this. I always liked Liev Schreiber as an actor. Now I can't look at him the same.

Anybody else think he's a shitty literally who actor?

Thomas Jane in the Punisher Movie. The rest of the movie was godawful, but he was goat.

Guy is devoid of charisma.

Every movie he's in.

He was a good enough comic relief in Sphere.

Damn Sphere was a good movie.

Unironically he was a poor for for John Clark in A Clear and Present Danger, then Sabertooth played the same role in Sum of all Fears and was the best thing in the movie.

shit taste

K leddit

Was Pedo Shrieber really better than Tyler Mane?

Tyler was huge but had as much dialogue as Batman and Robin Bane, he apparently would've liked to come back for Origins but they chose Liev to better make the brotherly connection gel lookswise.

t. 9gag

lmao at these Sup Forums reddit refugees getting outraged over nothing. moralfaggotry was a mistake.

I wasn't bothered by the son-crossdressing thing but this puts it in a new light, jeez.

Great retort on both points why Sphere was bad.

It was kino and entertaining and a good suspense thriller.

Liev Schrieber is one weird jew fuck to be dressing his kids up as girls and petting their asses and kissing them on the lips for more than 5 seconds I wish he'd die fuck he's so fucking weird what the fuck

He was awful. A fatty, flabby, non threatening villain. He is also a terrible actor. On top of being a terrible person.

what kind of trousers is he wearing here

The child-abused kind.


Why do people always leave out the fact he is also a communist born slav as well? The trifecta of degeneracy




