is it kino ?
Is it kino ?
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I don't even know if it's satire or not.
imagine the people who thinks this is cool
>there are losers that look like pic related who genuinely enjoy these videos and think Murdoch Murdoch is intelligent and funny.
You people are honestly worst than any SJW I've ever seen.
The song just went on for too long, the animation was very top notch and they are working on something else right now
>heh we kekistannians all totally look and act like that!
spot the dyels in this thread
Sure pisses of weak faggots.
this seems like a nice future, please make it happen Sup Forums
lol Sup Forums is already in charge of this world and it's only going to get worse up to the point where they try to kill God
But it's obvious what will happen next.
Post your bods nazis
pic related is kind of person who calls you "subhuman"
what a disgusting inbred mongrel
the whole thing is just weird and cringey, but I'm sure if I told the creator that he'd get really defensive and claim he was "just TROLLING oh my god are you triggered"
Also I find it funny that they used the guy from They Live in that video even though it's an objectively left wing and anticapitalist movie.
>little queerboi legs
>pathetic skinnyfat definition
>morbidly obese adonis belt
>no bicep pythons
Wouldn't even pozz your neghole, i bet you have ugly feet too
show boipuss
>left wing and anticapitalist movie.
Why did you repeat yourself so quickly? That's like if I said that you repeated yourself and repeated yourself.
But you're right, in reality, Sup Forums would be the [[[They]]] in They Live because they're all a bunch of stuck up neoliberal yuppies who hate humanity.
>abs show
Show us your Spencer-tier gut
umm no sweetie, giving you pics4free sorry but no pozzqueer.
i would say because you can be anticapitalist and also right wing, i.e. Third Position. But They Live also has left wing themes such as climate change and strong women.
Alt-right confirmed for obese virgins
lol, the alt-right is slower to appropriate pop culture than fucking Ubisoft, and by several years no less. Maybe the retards should do a Crazy Frog remix, those idiots like frogs, right?
Are you retarded? Left and right only have to do with economics.
Climate change and strong women are not political or economic issues at all.
>Swastika tattoos
why are (((you))) so angry?
Fuck off (((alt-right))).
(not him btw)
what I'm saying is, someone who's a member of the Third Position can be a socialist but still believe that a woman's place is in the home raising children. Feminism and anticapitalism are not always related.
>It's an alt left gets triggered episode
Go back to playing your video games while your women get gang raped Hanz and let the Nazis clean up your mess.
The music was terrible, other than that it was nice.
>Sup Forumstards
>good looking
>having a wide and children
>building anything
This is pure fiction
The alt-right is a joke. You guys should of stuck with Milo instead of LARPing as Nazis.
Because I find your world view morally bankrupt and tragically idiotic. Nice debate tactic by the way, which part of my post came over as "angry", by intellectually voided friend?
> People who look like this genuinely believe they are superior
*my, not by
I know. I'm just over onto the right of the horizontal line (Economic) and I consider capitalism a fundamental evil. I have nothing in common with Sup Forums, which is why they hate me so much, even though we both identify as "right wing" which really puts a dent in their and so many other people's theory that there's 2 sides and our only purpose in life is to wipe out the other. And there's still millions more that disproves that theory.
>It's an alt left gets triggered episode
Your entire post is what was described by
The only thing the alt left are useful for, being human speed bumps.
>Someone in this thread unironically believes this is cool and that they are looked up to.
You know that isn't really a thing. I don't care how many times you try to make it a thing.
The entire American continent is morbidly obese though.
Try to clean the basement for a start, before your mom get angry you larping mongrel LMAO
Brilliant 80's pastiche, great message, what's not to like!?
80's was likely the last decade before everything went to shit, including movies