/who/ - Doctor Who General

EPIC edition XD


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What do these two people have in common?

now that the dust has settled


One is making quality content that hundreds, if not thousands, enjoy.

The other is Nick Briggs.

weat was good but relied too much on the simm reveal. the doctor falls was better imo.

He thinks Waters of Mars is the best Tennant story

t. Cancer Dee

does anyone else think that episode sucks? i'm not even an RTD hater. but like how the fuck does killing yourself inspire your grandchildren to go to space? the fuck?

It's pretty dang great

WEAT was good but it was 45 minutes of setup. There's quantifiably very little story
>only a couple of minutes pass for 12, Nardole and Missy
>most of Bill's time at the bottom of the ship is skipped except the bits that set up the punchline
It's not like Dark Water which had a distinct identity as an episode (through the volcano scene, 12 and Clala trying to contact Danny as he journeys through the afterlife).

yeah, its probably better if watched back to back. also I loved the scene in the doctor falls where bill learns shes still a cybermen, that was the best use of them in nuwho so far imo.

/who/ here remembers when Dark Water was going to be titled "The Gates of Paradise"?

>All those episodes with wonderfully written fleshed-out non-white characters in the classic series
>All those episodes about sexism and how gender is a social construct
>All those pro-vegan animal rights episodes
>All those episodes encouraging the audience to enact violent revolution against the bourgeoisie

Only a demented foaming-at-the-mouth bigot on 4Chin would earnestly call Doctor Who far-left.

What did he mean by this?

Do you think the BBC will deliberately spoil the next big cliffhanger-into-the-finale like they did with the previous two, or did they just hate Peter Capaldi?

I meant a great deal of sarcasm (the green text). I appreciate that can be hard to grasp if you're on the spectrum.

Depends if they are still desperate for ratings.

Chibnall apparently wants to exert a lot more control over the promotional side, so I'd be very surprised if big Capaldi Who type spoilery promos happened under him. Look to how the press for Broadchurch S1 was managed.

the marketing for the capaldi era was fucking garbage

they either did nothing at all or completely spoiled a big surprise. fuck the BBC.

>not being left-wing on /who/

back to Sup Forums

your mom sure likes to 'fuck the BBC' ifyouknowwhatimsayin

I am left-wing and you're still missing the point.

Calm down, "what did he mean by this" is a meme.

Reminder that Ten was a manlet.

When will he learn?

And he's not even as good as a certain other manlet I know...
*koffkoff* Sylvester McCoy *koffkoff*


Switch Amy and Rose.



I don't think you understood the image.


WOAT beats TDF because it isnt bogged down by the mood killing Star Girl shit

he's just sinking into the sand because the extra heart weighs him down

this is honestly kind of gross. Food is not for sexual

dont kinkshame, and its just using image metaphors

not with that attitude

the rest is trash but you have to stick around for the ending it'll make you KEK

I hate that art style. Everything looks good except for the beady eyes.

Who thought that was a good idea.

I liked Missy's letter. But it just had to have 10 and Rose in it, didn't it? Fucking normies.

can u actually regenerate??

no, the metaphor part isnt my real issue. The only problem is it works too well

Everybody is a normie when they think Tennant is best Doctor and not Capaldi.

Can someone explain this screencap to me?

Capaldi is the best actor but I wasnt in love with his Doctor. But I think the same thing for 10. Ironically, I'd say 11 was the best Doctor, even if I prefer both of the others from an acting standpoint



The ending was the worst part.

what companions do these represent

Clara and Zoe

mickey and rickey

Scaroth reporting in.

Clara and Bill.

God I want to slam Clara's back door in.

sarah jane, captain jack

Edge, Lymerence

apparently the marketing team are being replaced so hopefully not.

But Bill hanging up on the Doctor because she wasn't black was fucking hilarious


you have to go back


Guuuuys it's funny because Bill's an SJW


get out of our home

>tfw the /who/ wiki is just too high quality to not get shared
This is the curse of our genius.

Doctor Whore.

Would this be kino?

Absolutely, but I want Moffat involved somehow. Maybe a sidekick, or a villain.

Only if his signature bad guy apprehension move is throwing their face on the pavement

While shouting 'quel dommage'!

I kind of want to make a teaser poster for this now.

Make sure he shoots beams from his eyes!


RUSSELL T DAVIES: Hi, Peter? hello. It's Russell T here. Russell The Davies! ha, funny! Erm, I just thought I'd phone you because I heard you were doing this video? for the fiftieth anniversary? and I thought - well, I thought I could be in it!

(Doctors happily getting on coach)

RUSSELL:... because let's face it, there wouldn't actually be a fiftieth anniversary without me, without Russell T.

(Doctors heading down coach)

RUSSELL: I had these ideas, I thought I could appear at the end? I could like, sort of, I could save you all. You could all be trapped and I could save you, or, you could all die, and I could just be left there....

(Coach departing)

RUSSELL: I become the Doctor, a Time Lord, and - I could have a catchphrase? I could have a great catchphrase, like, my catchphrase could be "Quel dommage!". Like, "Quel dommage, Davros!". Like, and I could, like, and instead of like having a sonic screwdriver I could have and... (fades)

(COLIN and SYLVESTER are sleeping at the back of the coach. PETER is on his phone)

PHONE: The next message is 27 minutes long... (RUSSELL'S voice) Hello, Peter? Hi, Russell T here... Russell The Davies, ha, funny, erm.... I just thought I'd phone you -

dammit that transcript removed one of the best bits

as he fades out you can hear him talking about shooting beams from his eyes instead of using the sonic screwdriver

I want this


(BBC Television Centre)
(Dream sequence)
MATT SMITH: Peter! Peter, really, this is such a great honour. Thank you for coming, thank you so much!
JENNA COLEMAN: You were always my mother's favourite. (Camera moves on, then back again) You were always my favourite.
STEVEN MOFFAT: I have dedicated the 50th anniversary script to you.
(Close up on script: "Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special. For Peter Davison, my Doctor.")
MAKE-UP LADIES (3rd assistant director Heddi-Joy Taylor-Welch, assistant director Louisa Cavel, costume person Lauren Kilcar):
- Please sit down, Mr Davison.
- You haven't changed a bit.
- You're so wonderful.
- Bless you!
COSTUME GUY (assistant director James DeHaviland): I'll just put your costume in your Winnebago, Mr Davison.
JANET FIELDING: You're dreaming, Pete. They're not gonna call you. They're not gonna call any of you. They don't want you, Pete!
(Off screen) Get up and walk the dog, Pete!
(He wakes up in bed)
(Off screen voice) GET UP AND WALK THE DOG!
(He reluctantly gets up)



I am going through different hair pieces, but someone please tell me how I did at re-creating The 13th Doctor in The Sims 4. The hair selection is utter shit but is the face work okay?

I think it needs to be a bit shorter/rounder, and the nose needs to be wider.

What would a Burlington Bar Doctor Who reaction video be like?


I made the head a little bit shorter, nose a bit wider, and tried my best to make the head rounder although I don't know if you'd see much of a difference. Is the hairpiece alright?

Oh yeah, that's way better!

I'm not sure if I want to publish her yet. Do you think she is ready for publishing?

Also, did I get her side looking good? This is just as important to me as the front.

One more glamour shot.

I'd say she's pretty good rn, but if you wanna be more accurate then here's an overlay. As you can see, her jaw is much squarer and her eyes a little smaller.

Yeah, the nose definitely needs a bit of an improvement. The hump in the nose goes inwards for Jodie, not outwards.

Can you overlay different Doctors faces onto each other to make them look creepy

Do you me in like this? I hate having to find side shots of people. It's so hard.

I cannot see the chin outline to how how square to make it.

How important will the next companion be?

This one's kinda creepy, but here's a merge to show the outline.

But yeah, that nose is right. If you wanna be REALLY nitpicky, the end of the nose should probably be a bit rounder.

I made her eyes a tad bit smaller and her chin a little more squarer. That overlay is fucking hard. I wish there was a mod or something that lets me drop in her picture over my screen.

is that a prototype of the action figure

I stopped watching after S5, is it worth picking it back up?


I'm going to be her next companion. Name is Lucas Dark. I wrote the book Lucas Dark and the Increasingly Unlikely Series of Coincidences. Only they don't give me royalties on it. The book is about a young teenage boy who uses his creativity and knowledge of literature to get out of sticky situations. He is also quite charming too.


Here's a little photomanip to show you a little more what it's like. You're getting very close.

This isn't an overlay. What do you do? Did you actually expand the jawline/cheeks yourself? I'm jealous of your photoshop abilities.

If you didn't like Smith's best series, probably not.

Well I use GIMP but yeah, it was just kind of a subtle IWarp.
