Stooge for the communist party

>stooge for the communist party
>disowned his only son for smoking a blunt
>hates based Chris Tuckers guts
>refuses to do rush hour 4 even when Chris Tucker is heavily in debt
>all the while pretending to be haha funny guy

Is there a worse piece of shit in Hollywood history?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why does he hate Chris's guts and why shouldn't he?

1) It's not like he had a choice. All of Hong Kong is now China's bitch. Our boi Chan didn't want troubre, they forced him into it.
2) His son sucks.
3) He's an idiot.
4) Rush Hour 3 sucked hard, and tucker got 25mil for phoning it in now he fucked up, Chan does well to distance himself from niggers.
5) He plays pretend for a living, you probably dont know shit about Chan's real life story and scandals anyway, more news at 11


Supposedly he was annoying on set.

Chris Tucker hasn't been in debt for ages now, stop giving OP free Yous

He's apparently hated in Hong Kong since he thinks the people of Hong Kong are stupid for not willingly opening up their assholes to get anally destroyed by corrupt communists. I still enjoy his old movies though.

nothing wrong with any of that

owning a slave ring is pretty fucked up though

>not acting like a niger
>this is why he is bad, hate him goys
Nice try.

His facebook updates are pleasant and Drunken Master is one of the best movies ever made.

>disowned his only son for smoking a blunt

He didn't disowned his son you dumb cuck. He said that his son should own up to his own problems. Also he changed his mind btw. He now is mending his relationship with his son.

You're forced into what is essentially the Mob, but you insist on being squeaky clean?

>rich Asian does as he pleases
>broke nigger is who I should feel bad for
what exactly are you getting at, OP


I don't get the exaggerated and overblown reactionary hateboner for Jackie, and I'm from HK.

Though I'll admit I don't know what the 'chaotic' and 'messy' things he's talking about are in HK but it's probably things I haven't been exposed to that he has.

>Chris Tucker
Based Black Man XD!

>refuses to do rush hour 4
After 3, I don't blame him.

I'm sorry, OP, I'd hate it if this turns into another China thread. I will have to report you. Delete this thread by your own choice before I will.

>refuses to do rush hour 4 even when Chris Tucker is heavily in debt

I don't know man... that's pretty based.

it's also fake as fuck

>disowned his only son for smoking a blunt
fucking rekt

dude weed fags BTFO

If you were in a comfortable position like Jackie, would you risk everything by speaking against the party, or would you provide lip service to keep things the way they are?

Martial artists are dicks.

Did anyone see Railroad Tigers? It was one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever watched. Chinks have no soul.


tiewon numba won

I bet you haven't seen Kung Fu yoga.

You forgot

>arquably the greatest action director and performer of all time

but this reddit youtuber made me like him

wtf I hate jackie now

>I bet you haven't seen Kung Fu yoga.
I bet a lot of people haven't.

>all these positive reactions to "disowned his only son for smoking a blunt"
what a bunch of straight-edge faggots

Lucky me

If I were in Jackie's position I wouldn't say shit about the communist regime.

>this is no longer trabble

he's like a Hong Kong Bill Cosby when he goes on dates with young actresses and force them to have sex with him or have their careers ruined.

and he's been doing it for decades

Wasn't there rumor he was involved with the triads or something?

That is a lie.

He's a shithead who won't acknowledge or support his daughter.

This movie will be kino.

Worth it for those god-tier fights on film

**Daily reminder**

Jackie Chan is both a product and property of the British Empire being born into British controlled Hong Kong

Britain Wins Again

Believe it or not but some people really do like Chinese Gommunism.
There's also nothing wrong with disowning his son for being a DUDE WEED LMAO.

>>stooge for the communist party
like it's a bad thing
>>disowned his only son for smoking a blunt
like it's a bad thing
>>all the while pretending to be haha funny guy
He's funny

>stooge for the communist party
You Americans have a strange and absolute hate against communist party.

>>arquably the greatest action director and performer of all time

Yeah to be fair he'll go down with the likes of Buster Keaton and Chaplin for his stuntwork and performances etc but on another level

believe it or not i've read the jackie chan autobiography, and his childhood sounds like shit. he was basically a dancing slave.

This, he has no choice but to support the communist party or risk being disowned.

Supposedly he was black

Unlike the US government, the China is authoritarian and can't be trusted.

herrow small chonese penis. why is your penis soooooo small? keep cgi'ing your space program..nobody noticed keke

that a was nice watch

Hi communist. >>>/leftypol/

did I go to sleep and wake up in 2008?

true, this man has bleed and cried for his love of films

The Chinese ruling party hasn't been communist since Deng Xiaoping, they're more right-wing than any Western goverment.

t. Christ Tucker
t. Jackie Chan


Why is he reddit? I enjoyed that video.

That's pretty based though.

Yeah, no wanting to live under an oppressive undemocratic military dictatorship, christ americans are so strange.

>based Chris Tucker


where in hk, hk br0?

>their assholes to get anally destroyed by corrupt communists

>Implying there is anything left of those assholes after britbongs and triads.

america has more people in prison than china

didnt he make that the plot of police story 3?

its funny how the chinese celebrate this while the people from Hong Kong actually want be under british rule again.

go back to sleep nigger Tucker.

>it's a fat americans who never left their state hate a country because of cold.war propaganda and an actor because he loves his country and his race

Why did the Brits give up Hong Kong but fight for the Falklands? Are they stupid or something?

HK was a lease and england would have been butfucked by China, Deng told Thatcher if they don't respect the contract and give it back it means war, Maggie litteraly shat herself.

America has more people in prison than EU and India too, which are democracies, that doesn't justify a dictatorship.

Don't care about actors personal life and neither should you. Jackie Chan is the most professional stunt actor who ever lived, I appreciate his work ethic.

>Chris Tuckers
literally who?

How is China a dictatorship ?
Their system is far superior to western “democracies”.
>b-b-b-but muh labels

Drunken Master 2 you mean. The first is really mediocre outside of the drunken fighting style

He literally just made a movie with his son

Is china nombah won really this far behind on memes?

> oppressive undemocratic military dictatorship

If americans don't like it, why they won't utilize their second amendment to overthrow it?

muh dick mmmh life is good muthafucka we wuz kangs the withey keeping us down senpai

Didnt he pretty much not be in his daughters life? Fuck this man.

embarrassing samefag

Do you think someone wait 25 minutes to samefage? Why would someone do that?

How isn't it?
People have no democratic rights to choose their leaders.

Communist party have heaven's mandate. They democratic.

>hates a nigger

he's all right in my book

WTF. I LOVE Jackie now

>people from Hong Kong actually want be under british rule again.
falling for the propaganda. Most HK people don't care or don't want to be under brit rule again because most are making shitloads of cash from mainlanders. You have some middle class losers crying about losing their cushy banker jobs to more qualified mainlanders and these are the people who make a big stink over it. working class and rich HK people don't care

He literally got disowned for supporting it. He said China doesn't need/can't handle democracy and they went apeshit.

Trump is literally threatening to shut down congress for not doing what he wants right now

Why would he legitimize a mistress and a bastard? That isn't how mistresses work.

Chan is a British Hong Konger though, so, no.

He's the Morrissey of Hong Kong. Muh homelands. Can you imagine him singing: Hoooong Kooong bloood / Mainlaaand heaart / hurr durr errp derrp

The difference is that Trump is whining about it on twitter and won't be able to do shit. He's not getting shit done even with congress being controlled by his own fucking party. Xi can do whatever the fuck he wants in China. He's killing and imprisoning people that might be a threat to him while pretending to fight "corruption" and the people are cheering him on because they love seeing corrupt politicians getting fucked.

Except there is a growing party in Hong Kong wishing to reunify with Britain (only as a stop gap to full independence). But out of the two, I believe it's largely Britain they'd prefer to be with. Besides, from 1997 on wards, most Hong Kong films have been shit.

Britain won a 99 year lease or some shit from China during the Opium Wars. They didn't legally own it. Same with Macau and Portugal. As for why did Britain fight for Falklands? I dunno, maybe the billions of barrels of oil in it's territorial waters?

Rush Hour 2 sucked.

Shanghai movies>>>>>Rush Hour movies.

>His facebook updates are pleasant
I'll say. Feels good reading them, like he's my friend.

OP is forever alone

I haven't seen Shangai Knights but I did really like Shanghai Noon.

>stooge for the communist party
Unfortunate but necessary
>disowned his only son for smoking a blunt
They reconciled
>hates based Chris Tuckers guts
Not true, they're good friends irl
>refuses to do rush hour 4 even when Chris Tucker is heavily in debt
Not true, it's still in pre-production
>all the while pretending to be haha funny guy
But he is