Star Wars
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How do you stand a lightsaber like that? What the fuck
kind of awkward just holding lightsaber like that
whats happens to leia?
Yeah, Qui-Gon taught us you'd burn a hole in the floor.
Image of the Star Wars film I want.
i thought he was getting a new helmet design
I still can't get over that terrible lightsaber design. Even something dumb like pic related would have been a hundred times better
He's a dark knight. Europeans are evil.
why is the lightsaber so dangerously close to his face
I remember reading the "reason" for it is that he uses an unstable core (which is why his blade is all shimmering and not like a normal lightsabre) and the "guard" is just vent holes
>its not official
i would not have been surpised if
It's official.
>lightsaber planted down in the ground
I don't give a shit about Star Wars and even I'm triggered.
Star Wars dubs checked
What is? That Luke is a pinball wizard?
for fuck sake just give him a normal lightsabre, the weapon is not important, why does nobody listen to yoda
yeah this
He didn't make it like that because it's "better", I am sure he would take Darth Vader's lightsaber instead of his if he could.
He made it like that because the crystal inside the hilt is cracked and therefore unstable so the lightsaber can't go in one beam so he made 2 vents to the side so it can function properly. It's not like there is a lightsaber factory full of crystals so he can make whatever he wants
And the sabre isn't just for show, it is the extension of his character: highly unstable, crude and amateur build but very powerful. The new design actually has some purpose and meaning unlike Darth Maul's double lightsaber just for the hell of it
You don't get it. His saber is a literal burning cross. He's the KKK.
So is that dude even a threat? I mean he already got beaten by someone who never trained in the force. I mean I guess he could threaten side characters
Star wars lul
He tried to get vaders light saber but rey is just too powerful
I always assumed the saber was like that because he fucked up when making it/he used fucked up materials.
I guess they never did state that in the movie though.
There was something about Kylo becoming weakened by killing his father that wasn't stated explicitly in the film...
anyway I'm basically flogging a broken record of a dead horse sounds.
You gotta read the books :^)
They tried to make him medieval look.
So why didn't he at least make the """vents""" point forward a little then? Even if it couldn't function as a proper guard it would at least reduce the risk of self-injury.
well gee, wouldn't it be nice for that to matter whatsoever in the movie?
Everything to do with Star Wars, starting with the special editions, is just an endless hot dumpster fire.
>Emperor's guards
So is Snoke Sheev, Vader, or some lame new Disney character. I have no faith that they'd have the balls to make him one of the existing characters.
Only white ones.
>that pic
Apparently she becomes one with the force and transforms into a dildo?
So a trained Sith got weakened by killing his dad up to the point where he got completely destroyed by someone whose only knowledge of the force was that it exists?
>So is Snoke Sheev, Vader
What if he's both?
Sheev's spirit inhabiting the shriveled-up corpse of Vader?
That sounds stupid enough to happen.
The Goonies did it better, 30+ years ago. Or maybe Goonies takes place in the same cinematic universe as Star Wars, and the two have the same bloodline.
Is he sticking it in the ground, or just holding his saber upside down to the ground, maybe scoring the surface?
Bravo Kathleen, Star Wars really needed an extra pinch of mid-2000's emo cringyness.
current redd*t theory is that he's darth plagueis who taught palpatine as his pupil or whatever the fuck.
He's not Sheev, sheev is definitely dead
in an ideal world they go back to before the prequels (KotOR-era) and would make Anakin's soul split into two, one half being his pure, Jedi force ghost body and the other being his evil resurrected sith corpse, I mean the director said that Snoke isn't injured, just regenerating, so maybe it'll happen
in the real world however he's a new retarded character called Victor Snoke who looks like fucking Goldmember
Who the fuck is sheev?
These characters don't look like Star Wars at all. Even the weirdest, stupidest EU trash felt like it was part of Star Wars. These look like fan fiction or chinese knockoffs, made by someone who has never even seen the old films.
snoke's fookin soak
Sheev Palpatine, who else?
Those red things are so damn ugly. Maybe they'll look better in motion.
>accidentally click on this thread
wtf is wrong with you people? Sorry I entered your containment thread.
Why the fuck don't you just call him palpatine then?
In an ideal world they would basically steal all the canon of KoToR and turn it into post-Return stuff.
They won't though and it will be retarded as you say
>Kylo will become a good guy
do you call your friends with long surnames by their surname?
because his name is Sheev Palpatine and people find Sheev to be funny.
>that armor design
Wow neat toy- I mean characters
>they still make these
Don't you?
is Jim Carrey a costume designer for Star Wars now? Wouldn't surprise me and the man is an artist too.
I don't unless their first name is too generic or stupid.
official soundtrack
He goes by 'the senate' now
I was hoping at the VERY LEAST they'd go with, and I know it's just retarded fanfic/fan theory stuff atm, but:
>Rey is convinced by Snoke to extend her force powers by joining him and learning about the dark side
>Kylo wants redemption and joins Luke
>Captain Phasma activates some kind of Stormstrooper sleeper solider code that turns everyone indoctrinated as a stormtrooper into a submissive soldier once again
>Rebels/resistance teams that were made up of ex-stormtroopers all suddenly take down the resistance from the inside
>Poe Dameron left on death's door from the attack
>an actual dark ending
leaks have said it just ends with everyone's fine barring Finn who gets kidnapped by Snoke so they all go to save him
It's a cross and white christians are the bad guys
so is anyone related to sheev in the new epidose?
rey is
is she the senate? or you just trolling
he likes gold
also hes one of the kids anakin missed
No, you're behind, he's "The Emperor Formerly Known as Senate" now.
Do you think to hold it up, espcially close to the face would look very Templar like, they would not want that
>Finn getting kidnapped
What the fuck? Why is he so useless?
He's the goofy sidekick meant to make Rey look better by association.
So he's the one fat girl in the group?
fanfic tier
now I know how old fans felt about the prequels
s-shut up
Cause he's meant to be Han Solo v2?
>Kylo is (still)a dork
>Goofy imperial guards in red cuetip armor
Honestly, I don't see any issue here.
Who the fuck approved those guard costumes? Seriously.
Its a metaphor for his unstable personality. And pretty much all other sith had a signature lightsaber too. Also, toys.
>futuristic weapon
>phillips screws
Is it even possible to make a good Star Wars story?
I know some people love the EU or some video games, but it always seems like they're about gray jedi's or anti-heroes
I've always wondered how a story that wasn't centered around jedi/force-users would be, the best I can think of are the clone episodes in that CGI cartoon which were pretty good if I recall. Some of the class quests in TOR are allegedly pretty good too but I can't confirm that since I dropped it a month after release. Source material doesn't really support much outside of space samurai and their laser katanas it seems.
Wouldn't the lightsaber just go through the floor?
Wouldn't his light saber be cutting through the ground? The prequels already established that light sabers can easily cut through the thickest of steel in an instant.
>made by someone who has never even seen the old films.
Very close to slitting his wrist with that lightsaber.
isn't he Mace Windu after he got fucked up by Sheev?
She dies on the way back to her home planet
It's Mace Windu
Patrician comment
this is the funniest post I have ever seen on Sup Forums. it's so dense
Planet Cocainium