Will Cuckmeran ever recover?
Will Cuckmeran ever recover?
patty def sympathizes more with camerons sentiments but you cant badmouth wonder woman when its doing so well and being championed for womens rights.
patty is not a dum dum - this is standard pr
Avatar 2-9 should be cancelled. I don't even know what Cameron said but it was sexist
Well yeah
You'll need him to defend Zack "numale" Snyder when real Sup Forums says he's shit
>ok here
What a non response lmao
Jesus christ she's a girl with unlimited strength and unbreakable skin, and the movie was utterly forgettable. Get out of your own ass, lady.
>Feminists are desperately anxious to prove that women are as strong and capable as men. Clearly they are nagged by a fear that women may NOT be as strong and as capable as men
This from the guy who once made a scene of a giant space maggot stripping off a woman's uniform, then raping her to death.
What movie?
This is why I avoid woman directed or written movies. I wouldn't understand them
Isn't she also saying that women are unable to understand leading male characters from that statement?
>Galaxy of Terror was one of the earliest films for director James Cameron, who served as Production Designer and Second Unit Director on the film. It was the second Corman film on which Cameron worked as a crewman
He was hardly responsible for the script
She's right
Hey Patty
why the fuck do shitty ass movies all have to have this political angle to them? can't people just shut the fuck up?
She has a point.
Fun fact: the woman raped is in an episode of Wonder Woman
It was a Very Special Episode
Patty Jenkins is someone important?
She made the most important film of the century
>will speak out against cameron
>won't speak out about the fact that gal gadot killed innocent pali kids
Really gets the soup simmering, huh?
Galaxy of Terror is kino desu
>make a shitty film
>know its a shitty film
>tack on the newest flavor of the week political issue
>call anyone who bashes it for being shitty a rasist/sexist/whatever
This is the new future
Based Cameron is literally INCAPABLE of doing anything wrong.
Patty is 100% right
Im so sick of every "strong" female character being an edgy mess or a massive bitch.
He has quickly become my favorite director recently. As meme worthy as it was, his announcement for the avatar films was unprecedented.
>Im so sick of every "strong" female character being an edgy mess or a massive bitch.
Like Wonder Woman was in BvS and everyone still praised her
>every female character should be a dyke who needs no man
James "Genysis is great, Emilia Clark is great" Cameron, 2017
Gadot was in the army but its not like she was a frontline soldier.
She was a model for fucks sake. They had her in some administrative role like a glorified secretary. Armies are comprised of more than just killing machines, so i doubt Gadot did any fighting or killing.
Even Chris Pine bullied her saying she only cooked in the military
But based cammy wasn't wrong either - hollywood is patting itself on the back. WW wasn't even that strong of a character.
The weirdest part in all this is she says Monster portrays a "strong yet damaged woman."
Could you imagine someone describing John Wayne Gacy or Ted Bundy as a "strong yet damaged man"?
how was she a bitch in BvS? She acted a little mysterious, and thats it.
I can only imagine thinking this way if I was so opposed to the idea of a female hero that I was determined to do so.
They're both right and wrong
Isn't that interesting?
I doubt he actually thinks that. But you cant just come out and say it, not this early at least. The rule in hollywood is that you don't name names, and if you do, you make sure to praise them at the same time.
Sup Forumsmbler needs to stick to their board
You're missing Based Jim's point. He's not saying he's against female characters, he's saying the virtual signaling "GIRL POWER" stuff is tied to meet modern day politics to further a narrative.
By saying that, he would automatically be ousted from Hollywood, but he's billion dollar Jim. He owns Hollywood.
what is this concept called? it must be invented by the jews, so that they can never be proven wrong, right?
yeah I hope they keep bending this political tension until it either snaps, or there's some massive terrorist attack like 9/11 that turns things back to normal
Big gigantic money making machine that produces billions of hours of footage also secretly makes art... the only art they truly make is their marketing.
>WW wasn't even that strong of a character.
She left the safety and comfort of her home to stop a war that threatened a world she never saw with her own eyes before. Her resolve never wavered, even when her life was at stake. She was willing to die to protect people she never met.
But yeah, she wasn't a strong character because some keyboard warrior said so.
>frequent a board that literally constantly complains about the STRONK WOMYN trope
>patty says its stupid to criticize wonder woman for not being that
>gives us a female character that is feminine, loving, but still determined
>suddenly Sup Forums now loves the idea of every female hero being the punisher with a vagina
>innocent pali kids
Sure bro. Believe what Pallywood tells you
James Cameron opinion or literally who opinion... i wonder who knows more of cinema here? mhhh.
Wonder woman value is solely on giving the female audience an icon par with what Superman is for men.
Otherwise it´s a competently made but forgettable movie specially if compared to something like Terminator 2, a Cameron film that still holds.
Wonder woman is also inferior to Sarah Connor and tons of other female leads and characters. There is just nothing special or memorable about her.
I blame Hollywood for focusing so much on the political agenda that they seem to have forgotten how to write characters like people instead of stereotypes.
He's doing fine
>I blame Hollywood for focusing so much on the political agenda that they seem to have forgotten how to write characters like people instead of stereotypes
Ever since Trump rustled their jimmies, they've been on nuclear meltdown mode
I like him, too bad he only care about Avatar now, I wish he'd go back to "serious" SF and action movies
>But if women have to always be hard, tough
Disingenuous AF. Ripley, one of the greatest female hero characters ever, wasn't hard or tough, just determined.
>and troubled
I want her to name one good movie hero who is not troubled.
>John McClain in Die Hard
Marriage is disintegrating
>Batman in Batman
Nigga is mentally ill
Social outcast who doesn't know how to open his eyes
>John Rambo in First Blood
Whole life is in shambles.
the list goes on.
Why is Wonder Woman supposed to be a role model for girls? What is she meant to teach them? That they should kill people with a sword? Yes, it's true that boys had role models in superheroes, but why are they so sure that that's a positive good?
Jesus fuck what a condesending bitch. This is just intellectually insulting to both man an woman. Just empty, dishonest rhetoric. Sickening.
She lives in a bubble nested in an echo chamber
Past costume design issues and a couple of dubious fan service incidents aside, Motoko Kusanagi should have been the strongest of all feminist heroines. I haven't seen the film, have no idea if this comes across.
At least in GITS:SAC & 2ndGIG she is (a) better than everyone at everything, all the time (b) in charge (c) not actually a massive bitch, just exactly commensurate with command (d) frequently criticises other characters for being over emotional and seems to be the only person with her life together even if she's been turned into an android (for example, we briefly see that she apparently has a life outside work in a way that other characters don't share either apart from Togusa).
But with a troubling enough back story that she isn't a total Mary Sue.
Conclusion: Patty must be a racist not to know this.
>In B4 don't bring Malaysian kite building onto a Malaysian kite building board.
BDSM fetishist's creation.
>An icon of women everywhere