Name a better TV show

Name a better TV show.

I can't.

Is this secret to getting on tv as an ugly person to cut my dick off

Asking for a friend


>I Am a Boy With Such Extreme Levels of Autogynephilia I Have Convinced Myself That Living My Wanktime Fetish is a Good Life Decision
>but you can just call me Jazz

>ja like Jazz?

I think she's hot.

I hope she keeps her tiny girl cock.

I'm assuming the suicide will be the series finale.

First off, it's male. Use the proper pronouns. Secondly, he's ugly.

She's a girl (male).

I still can't comprehend why would his family do something as vile as this

Did he drop that gut yet?


Or maybe just attention. People's standards are pretty low these days.

that's gotta be a lot of money then

someone post the pasta. You know which one

The one about Jazz jumping on your lap while her small girlcock twitches and bouces helplessly like a flesh metronome?


It looks like it smells funny. I hope it kills itself soon

So when is he going to kill himself? When he realize finding love is hard because he's not a real female? When he approaches 30 and can no longer pass? When his fake vagina doesn't make him feel more like a female?


He can't have a neovagina because he never went through puberty, so his penis is too small to invert.

They already said parts of his colon and intestines can be used to make one.

As the previous school year drew to a close earlier this summer, the teacher in question read two books that addressed transgenderism to her class of kindergarten students at Rocklin Academy.

One of the books the teacher read students, "I Am Jazz," is the story of transgender activist Jazz Jennings, the star of a reality show on TLC. The book includes an illustration of a feminine child drawing a mermaid that's captioned, "I have a girl brain but a boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way!"

The books were given to the teacher by a transgender pupil who "at some point during class also changed clothes and was revealed as her true gender," according to CBS Sacramento.

"My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy," one parent explained at the meeting

Jennings isnt their real last name it is something, "long and jewish" according to the mother.

When his ass is so stretched out after taking my massive dick that he can't keep his shits in.
I fucking hate degenerates but at the same time I want to sodomize all of them, Jesus Christ.

That's fucking disgusting. So, basically, he'll have an axe wound that smells like shit? This is nothing other than a mental illness and they're enabled because there's profit to be made off these freaks.

You'd have to be pretty gay to not want to suck her small dick dry.

Extreme Couponing

>anal and vaginal at the same time
Ok, now I'm hard


Fucking kikes and their bullshit evil agendas. No fucking wonder Hitler was so extreme. He could have prevented this. The life of their own son means so little to them its just fucking disgusting. I bet he only has a few years left before he becomes part of the 40-45%

How hung do you think his brothers are? Do they have small dicks, or normal dicks. Or huge dicks.

Do you think his small tiny Jew dick is also circumcized?

>"My daughter came home crying and shaking so afraid she could turn into a boy," one parent explained at the meeting

Mom made that up. You can literally replace it with "We went to eat Korean BBQ and my little retard shit her pants. She thought the qt 13 who brought the Pepsi had nukes.

>[Laughing]She has a very, very small penis.
What exactly did she mean by this?


She's not even a convincing trap.

shemales with small dicks are kino


The Schnozzes?

>is about to have a fake vagina
>still doesn't have his/her/its kikenose removed


What the fuck is this guy up to now?

c'mon user tell me you wouldn't

>They made him into a eunuch

Looks fun

cosmeme wears a wig and speedruns sonic mania