>start watching rick and morty due to excessive shilling on Sup Forums
>literally the first episode includes rick saying that there is no god
How the fuck is this edgy, fedora tier garbage getting so popular? What the fuck is wrong with you retards
>start watching rick and morty due to excessive shilling on Sup Forums
>literally the first episode includes rick saying that there is no god
How the fuck is this edgy, fedora tier garbage getting so popular? What the fuck is wrong with you retards
Other urls found in this thread:
>has a few scenes where jaded fucked up characters talk about nihilism and how there's no god
>the entire premise of the show must be atheism my tiny christfag brain can't possibly think about anything else now
fuck off these threads stopped being funny like half a year ago
rip that band-aid off
>getting upset over a cartoon
You are the type of a person who thought this is funny
Imagine living in a country where it is 'edgy' not to believe in a sky wizard
Literally Iran tier
>>literally the first episode includes rick saying that there is no god
thats what all of Sup Forums does every single day but when a cartoon does it its a problem
It's a show that caters to braindeads that have a childish sense of humour.
Garbage, and I'm sick of having to hear people rant about it.
Season 3 is even worse than this
>women are strong too lol
>woman self insert instructs rick
>scientist character doesn't believe that there's a god
Woow how was I supposed to know that?
Hahaha religious pussy getting offended. They're in a universe which has portal guns don't get offended you little bitch
Reading you people's pretentious whinging about the show simply because it's popular makes me like it even more.
Imagine if South Park came out today. How hysterically mad would thin-skinned fags be?
Yeah man, 100% agreed. Praise God. The Republican Party is cool, unlike Rick and Morty. Shadilay and onward to Kekistan, my fellow 'pede!
You can't seriously believe in god in this day and age. I guarantee you that 90% of the people here who say that they're christian are just doing it for cultural or social reasons. The other 10% is probably schizophrenic or schizotypal.
holy fucking shit I am a Sup Forumsack but you retard spergs really piss me off. He must say this like 3/4 times in the entire show nut you're so blinded by your ""ideological"" war that you can't get over ONE fucking line. Stop whining all the time and make 1000 threads when there's tiny little thing you don't like. Fuck, life must be tough when you lose your shit for literally nothing. This show is enjoyable without being a masterpiece. No one claims that (except reddit maybe I don't know you tell me). It isn't as LOL SO RANDOM and politically oriented as you think, it's just a fun animated show with some shitty gags here and there. When will Sup Forums stop being so autistic about Rick and Morty?
inb4 the sjw in disguise pic
To be fair, it takes a high iq to really appreciate the depth of creativity and science in rick and morty. Most of the jokes will go over an average 100iq persons head
It's time to stop posting, /r/atheism
t. I speak of things I dont understand
>god is real because I feel it
Can someone explain this one?
>God is not real because I feel it
Pretty sure that should be...
>God is not real because there is not even a shred of evidence to suggest that he is or that the idea of God existing is even worth entertaining
Learn how burden of proof works, user.
Why are atheists so closed minded?
Speaking as a Christfag, that was an objectively horrible movie, although like two of the subplots of were fucking hilarious.
You are the type of person who is triggered by it.
imagine getting triggered by a cartoon
MY I.Q. has been tested at 93, can I enjoy this show?
The first episode establishes what kind of show it will be. Now you won't watch anymore, right? Isn't that a good thing?
>believing in magic sky-daddy
Sup Forums is the land of Sneed's, Game of Thrones, Riverdale, and The 100. And you're surprised that they like shit like R&M.
>year of the false prophet 2017
>thinking atheism is edgy
Go outside.
wait till you get to the third episode
>Rick says there's no god
>When shit really hits the fan, he prays to God
Makes me think
The fact that such a meme show like Rick and Morty is pushing Atheism actually makes me want to believe in God again.
The universe existence seems to point to a divine prime mover moreso than "dude nothing just spontaneously exploded and created the universe XD"
True that doesn't prove it was YHWH but a prime mover jumpstarting the universe needs less faith than what atheist believe.
>it's another "Sup Forumstard OP needs a safe space" thread
>True that doesn't prove it was YHWH
Nope, the fact that the universe exists proves The Bible specifically
I felt that was some kinda stab at people who say they dont believe in God but give up that idea as soon as they're in life-threatening situations
how much of a beta faggot do you have to be to unironically worship some pussy god who hates fun and gives bone cancer to kids
lol... why don't you read The Bible and find out? Or go to church and listen? There are a million ways to find out the truth for yourself. I guess it's true what they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink
If Thors so great why did the snowniggers that invented him convert to Christianity?
>Rick literally plays to God in the season finale
>make claim
>can't support it
Maybe you should worship a pagan god that actually managed to keep its people worshiping him even after Christianity showed up.
God isn't real though
Lisa has become a regular customer of Chuck's Fuck & Suck, so Marge decided a confrontation is in due order. You can see the mixed look of anguish and fear on Lisa's face, because she knows that what she has done will bear a heavy price for the whole family.
The truth is everywhere. It's not my fault that you CHOOSE to shut it out. As long as you won't open your heart to God, you may as well go back to watching Rick and Morty
How the fuck is stating a simple fact edgy?
>Imagine living in a country where it is 'edgy' not to believe in a sky wizard
This. Americans are really weird and stupid.
It's not even edgy. It's fedoracore.
Edgy would be holocaust/jew jokes, nigger jokes and trashing woman to name a few subjects.
But guess what, real edgy dont fly on TV. especially not in america.
Ad hom from christfags who don't understand reason or logic. It's far easier to post fedora memes and accuse people of being redditors than to forumlate an argument in defense of a sky fairy.
well there is no god so it is not edgy.
>theres no god, morty
>automatically edgy fedora garbage
imagine being the type of mouthbreathing mongoloid who sincerely replies to an obvious bait thread that's been posted at least half a dozen times before
Not believing in gods is "edgy"? You sound like a complete fucking moron.
>true facts are edgy
how does it feel to be that mouthbreathing mongoloid?
playing it safe,posting a meme strawman gets the job done,but a well thought out bait post will get you more replies.i see you got the skill but you still have a long way to go before you can play with the big boys. i say you keep up the memeing,but try to step out of your comfort zone; it's the only way you'll ever improve.don't get discouraged and good luck!
That's what you get for watching a show Reddit users love
Because the old Gods were all about the rule of the strong and democracy.
The Christian god is a great tool to subjugated the masses by the means of "divine law".
tl;dr Christianity is the shield of the beta against a true democratic rule by strength.
*tips fedora*
Every believer I know finds the there-is-no-god jokes either funny or utterly harmless. How are there so many people on Sup Forums who are so sensitive about it? Are they really Christians who are offended by the mere premise of the joke? Are they US Republicans who are looking too hard for things in pop culture that they can point to as personal affronts to their ideologies? Or is there an actual rational critique they have outside of faggot ass outrage-based sociopolitics (that they somehow forget to elaborate on every time they make these posts)?
Desire to be victims. To be able to point and say, "look how oppressed we are, pity us"
Imagine seeing the glory of all creation,a nd the obvious craftmanship of everything and everyone, and believing it all just assembled by a random chance.
Imagine being so angry about niggers that you can't even laugh at the idea of an old lady getting fucked by one while her husband watches from a closet. As though it's so real to you that it's actually
upsetting. It's like extremist Muslims who can't laugh about anything because every joke offends their religion in some retarded way.
this. it's pretty sad how far and how fast western culture, especially in the US, is descending into religious and ideological extremism and the hatred of education. who's going to be the dominant global culture when every part of the planet is full of tribe-based rock-throwing hate-filled little-dicked screamers? fucking Japan? dear god.
Because if they didn't then they would be murdered. What a cool religion you have :)
Yes, it was assembled by chance, biological molecules could easily form in primitive conditions on Earth, and there's nothing inherently ordered about the observable universe that lends credence to the assumption that it was created by a higher power.
Just give it up, my man, the only thing you have is faith, which is fine but pointless in any logical discussion
Why does Morty stutter so fucking much? They could get double the story into each episode if they just had him talk normally.
t. sperg
If only blacked wasn't a jewish propaganda
why does anything with "no god" instantly considered edgy? It's a tv show and you barely hear him ever talk about god or religion.
I don't know about that... Everybody instantly ripped apart season 20 for some reason.
Go back to reading dawkins faggot
You're a retard. The "Buuurp there's no god, Morty" meme was making fun of pretentious fedora redditors. It didn't spring up because of the line itself. It's about the shitty fanbase. If that line actually triggered you, then you need to take some time away from Sup Forums and stop trying to fit in with strangers you'll never meet.
*tips in reddit*
We live in a world where everyone is encouraged to kill white people, God is seen as a funny magic grandpa and women are being brainwashed to whore themselves as much as possible.
And you wonder why would someone who want to preserve a normal world is mad about fedora cartoon trying to undermine christians in the most stupid way possible.
>everyone is trying to kill whites
>god is a funny magic grandpa
That was the fault of the New Testament, bit late to cry now.
>women are brainwashed into whoring themselves out
Women naturally seek out partners, this is what animals do in nature. Why do you see nature as bad?
>fedora cartoon trying to undermine christians
So one throwaway joke in one episode is suddenly trying to undermine all of christianity? Especially in a universe where it's shown rick does pray when he's in danger, the devil exists, and cosmic forces have been hinted at.
Fucking cry more you bitch, its one line from a guy who's character is that he's a nihilistic asshole.
Go find a safe space to cry in you loser.
Look at the absolute state of this post.
Massive cocks.
inhale some nail polish and you'll be good to go.
How old are you? Sup Forums used to be overwhelmingly atheist before the whole Sup Forums-kike conspiracy theories became popular. Why did you even choose this website to be religious on?
8 please
No way, retard. Being a Conservative Christian posting on a porno anime board is way cooler.
gimme drunk rick!
5 or 6 later
Staunch anti religious people have always been laughed at here, specially after people discovered r atheism
The real problem is the brainlets that only think about the Jewish god. Plenty of amazing gods out there and they pick the kosher one.