Also, Terminator 2
Your dad's favorite film
Anything with Clint, but pic related and Outlaw Josey Whales in particular.
Sometimes my dad's patrish other times he's a pleb.
In this case he's patrician
Patrician dad
Huge faggot holy shit
I don't know. I am not black.
A lot. Pretty standard dadcore.
The Great Escape
The Bridge on the River Kwai
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Blazing Saddles
Cannoball Run
The Sting
Cool Hand Luke
And most Bond before the 90s
One of my dad's top five.
Pic related, number one.
>The Bridge on the River Kwai
>The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Going to have to say A Christmas Story.
My Dad's got cancer, lads ;_;
wot do?
Hunt for Red October
Be there for him, do the things with him that you've always wanted.
my dad died when i was 11
It's a tie between this and Friday, oddly enough. My dad's white and sober as they come.
My mom's favorite, since my dad has even worse taste.
You're da lad from Sup Forums ay? I'd probably talk about it on Sup Forums too...
>one evening when I was a teenager, about to go out and do some dumb shit with my friends
>walking out the door
>dad's on the couch
>"user, come here. Look, Deer Hunter is about to start, have you seen it?"
>"Uh, no."
>"Sit down, watch this with me, this is an excellent movie."
>don't do a whole lot with my dad, so when he asks me to hang out with him I usually always do, even if it means changing plans
>bailed on my friends, watched the whole thing with him
Fucking good shit, man. Very fond memory.
It used to be Empire strikes back, not so sure any more.
I miss my dad he was a cool motherfucker
Then y did he raise such a fag?
He was probably more of a Belushi than an Aykroyd.
I used to watch that together with mine.
He married a 9/10 autistic wife
This or blazing saddles
My Dad has good taste.
My dad mostly likes classic comedies like
Blazing Saddles
He also loves Marvel Movies. Though he thinks half of them are shit, I don't know why he's always so insistent on seeing them all.
Very nice. every now and again my Dad would see a movie that he recognized at get excited. He would insist I watch and every time it was kino. A few that come to mind are:
The Man Who Would be King,
The Guns of Navarone,
Escape from Alcatraz,
Das Boot,
Doctor Strangelove
He really influenced my taste.
Your dad's a cool guy, OP.
Platoon, Die Hard 2, Shooter and True Lies
Take him fishing. Tell him you love him. Shoot him behind the ear with no less than a .32 caliber hollow tip. Weigh him down and shove him out.
Beats the alternative.
This. Mercy killing should be legal.
Yours is as well. GBU is my #1 favorite film ever.
I'm not sure which exact Bond film, but he's watched every single one in the cinema when they first came out. So he knows his shit
>dude you can't watch Friday if you're not black and smoking a blunt
>rating his mom
Not sure of his favorite film, but this is definitely his favorite western.
>It's another retard who thinks Princess Bride is Princess Diaries
Get some taste, pleb.
>plot twist: my dad is The IMDb Top 250
His favorite is Chinatown, he also likes Citizen Kane and he loves The Thing (Carpenter).
pretty good taste, ty dad
oh, and my mom has pretty mom taste but she loves Rififi, which is pretty awesome.
Yes he is Italian. Yes he does own a pizzeria. Wanna fight about it?