Movies like HEAT, Drive, Sicario?
Recommend movie
Other urls found in this thread:
The Simpsons, Dark Knight Rises, Game of Thrones
Sicario is fucking shit and doesn't belong with those other two. Drive is less shit but it still pales in comparison to Heat.
I'm tired of insulting you. Just watch Blackhat.
Bump for interest.
I'm sorry op
i don't watch tidder movies so i can't help you
>like HEAT
>like Drive
Baby Driver
>like Sicario
Man on Fire
Anything by Johnnie To. He's basically the Asian Michael Mann.
No he's not his movies are awful contrived messes with none of the sensuality that makes Mann unique to the crime genre.
>Man on Fire
such an underrated movie
Films with people who are operator as fuck? The Way of the Gun (2000). Christopher McQuarrie is so based as fuck, Tom Cruise has trusted him to make not one but TWO Mission: Impossible films.
Whoa, film school student detected.
Mouth breathing pseud detected.
Why is sicario praised so much? Fuck this shit
The Score
The Town
The Killer
best one
is Leon the professional any good?
Yes, it is a very good film.
Watch it, you wont regret it
Didn't age well
But why is it shit?
Sneed, Feed, Seed.
The Guest
I would also like recommendations for movies like Drive and The Guest.
And also feeling like watching some shitty comedy. Something dumb like the Hangover, Jump Street, Baywatch. Trash that will make me laugh don't care how retarded it is or how low the ratings are
It's ok. Pretty overrated
Denzel is the greatest nigga alive
>Recommend movie
>Movies like
Dark Knight
Baby Driver
>Denzel is the most overrated actor alive
fixed that for you
Nice Guys
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Nobody believes me about how good this movie is, unless I can convince them to watch it.
The Score is pretty overrated. I like Edward Norton in it though, and I was rooting for him the whole time
Is he honorary white?
Oh, also this movie works as a crime story AND a stupid comedy.
I posted that movie list, and I agree with you about The Score. But it's still worth mentioning.
Young ginger Zooey Deschanel hhnnnnnnnggg
Robert Downey Jr. and Emilia Clarke are still alive, though.
>>like HEAT
wut ?
Hell or High Water
Great cast, realism-porn
No Country for Old Men
Why don't they make them like this anymore?
This movie is surprisingly good. I watched it again, hadn't seen it since the 90s. It holds up. Although, you won't see too many more films about NSA being the bad guys, I would guess.
Shit this movie is amazing.
Hell or High Water is a modern classic.
That "movie" was utter trash.
This is actually a great movie. Good thriller
kys my dude
deniro's last good film
I would love to debate this, but you're just right.
Bro lol what's your fucking problem?
That movie had more plot holes than Swiss cheese.
>le cool will Smith tho
Jon voight carried it
you gonna name the plotholes or just random shit that (((wouldn't happen now)))
GOAT movie, really set the stage for what the world is.
>literally everything in that movie is possible now and much easier than depicted
That's one of the things that makes the movie so good. All of the shit they did in that movie, they do now. Except easier, and to all of us. Not blowing us up obviously, but all the invasion-of-privacy and spying-on-us stuff.
Oh holy shit, this movie. I forgot all about it, gotta find a copy now. BTW for anyone turned off by it, the cast does not actually wear those stupid costumes in the film.
If you liked Drive, of course you have to watch (or have already seen) The Driver.
>dude Peugeot and Citroën LMAO
yea they're not really analogous but Sorcerer is a fucking boss movie
Also check out La Femme Nikita, OP. Has some cool operator stuff, the lead is qt, and has a bonus Jean Reno cameo.
Bruce Dern is GOAT
The Friends of Eddie Coyle
Animal Kingdom
Really enjoyed him in Silent Running and The Burbs.
If you havent seen it I would recommend Nebraska. Super comfy and I love the father/son(s) relationship.
Fast and Furious 1,4,5,6,7,8
Encino Man
Not him, but it's on my watchlist. Does it have comfy music like in the trailer?