What are some films about hate crimes against whites that will go unpunished?
What are some films about hate crimes against whites that will go unpunished?
no one cares honkey
please go back to your containment board
Absolute madman.
stop posting this you pol virgin
So is this just gonna be spammed on here endlessly now?
Until you realize that blacks are savage animals, most likely.
Fucking savage niggers
Stretching, getting ready to take that BBC. Whyte bois BTFO
>Leftists ever admitting their token voter base are filled with savages.
We're all the same, goy.
>hate crimes
They did the same to crying black girls, only the while girls are suing though.
Is there a name for this fetish?
Remember to report this post as it will land a pedo ban if redwood gets it ;^)
Saving Private Ryan
>he thinks blacks vote for anyone but Obama
how retarded are you
The coach probably uses the audio as fappiing material pretending that this is what it sound like when he tries to fuck them.
And these coons wonder why they're so hated. Not only by whites, but by literally everyone else.
This is like day 4, right? Find a new Sup Forums story to latch onto, austist
Why are Sup Forumstards so obsessed with Sup Forums ?
>already fired
Why is she joining the cheerleading squad if she can't even do splits? They were trying to do her a favor t b h.
Nigger apologists.
They forced black girls too. There was no racial perspective too it.
Reminder that Sup Forums has to lie about these things BECAUSE reality doesn't fit ther narrative
They should all be suing
White people are so fucking fragile. I guess that's why y'all had to institute slavery and colonialism.
>forcing someone's body into a position and tearing their ligaments is helping them
Neck yourself
ill force her into splits too if you know what i mean
>participate in activity where you need to do splits or you'll get cut
>there is a proven way to teach this, even the highest ranking ballet schools do it
>suburban white people get upset
>american education
>white knighting for high school roasties just because they're white
>there is a proven way to teach this
Yes and what the coach was doing wasn't the proven way you troglodyte
Are there more videos like this? I need to research more of these interethnic conflicts in schools.
>not being an edgy kid is white knighting
You have to be 18 to post here
>he thinks her ligaments were actually torn and she's not just whining for attention
Probably any video of the knock out game
Shows how often this image is appropriate.
They're not gonna fuck you, Sup Forums.
Even the highest ranking fucking ballet schools know that as soon as the stretching causes legitimate pain, and not just normal stretching pain, you need to stop. Learning to do the splits properly takes time, you work up to it gradually, you don't force someone into the position and rip their fucking muscles and have them screaming in agony. That's how you get injured to the point that you can never do the splits, idiot.
>4 pages of Sup Forums bitching and crying outside of Sup Forums
>not the rantings of an insufferably-retarded moron
White or black doesn't matter you massively stupid cunt.
>it's only person that would like Sup Forums to fuck off
Did the last 7 threads before this not give you enough recommendations?
I really hate niggers desu, not black people just niggers
>Inb4 waves of angry leftists
I too want to see films about hate crimes against whites.
You posted this yesterday user
Would they be red pill kino?
Fuck off pol, and take your shitty "what are some film where"/Colbert/Bill Nye/Sneed/HAHAHAHAHAHA threads with you. Saged.
This is fuckin retarded. Why not quit for fuck's sake? This is the parents' fault. They saw a video of practice and it hurt their feefees so they coached their daughters on what to say to reporters.
The weak sure love to complain. Whites are no different than blacks bitching about their failures in life and blaming others for their shortcomings.
>black girls force white girls into splits
>white girls
There are no White people in America, Esteban Gonzalez.
>visibly being held down
>screaming to stop
>why didn't they just quit lol
I really don't understand how someone can be this retarded
She did quit.
>The weak
U mad black boi?