As a Star Trek fan, should I give Babylon 5 a try?
How is it?
As a Star Trek fan, should I give Babylon 5 a try?
How is it?
it's DS9.
with better multiple season arcs, a couple of GOAT characters, but less budget/production quality.
As the world's leading authority on science fiction, I can assure you that if you like Star Trek, you will like Babylon 5. It shares a similar humanist outlook, but unlike Star Trek, is not set in a world where man's problems with himself have been solved. As a tv show, it is much less episodic than Star Trek, with an extremely strong overarching narrative (maybe the best-written of any tv show) and becomes incredibly gripping partway through Season 2.
Season 1 is worthy but dull. But then again, it's no worse than S1 of any offering from the Star Trek franchise, and is instrumental in laying the foundation for the rest of the story. If you have the patience to watch S1 of Star Trek: Next Generation, then you can certainly cope with S1 of Babylon 5.
Season 5 of Babylon 5 is shit and you can skip all but the last episode. Seriously.
>Season 5 of Babylon 5 is shit and you can skip all but the last episode. Seriously.
this is a massive exagerration, season 5 isn't as good as 2-4, but it's not worse than 1.
Babylon 5's a big pile of shit!
Suprisingly accurate assessment.
They basically rebooted the series after season 1. They brought in a new captain and even the characters that stayed the same had slightly different petsonalities.
Once the last part of London's arc kicks in Season 5 is great.
The first half is weak though due to the fuckers with season 4 leading to the Earth arc being wrapped before S5.
pretty much
you'll understand some of the complaints about ripping off too
It is worse. Season 1 does some really excellent world building, introduces fantastic characters who we grow to love, and has standout episodes like "Signs and Portents".
Season 5 introduces a useless bimbo commander, a long haired teep faggot, doesn't have any memorable episodes, doesn't do any world building or character development, and doesn't contribute anything to the overall story. It's half-baked.
As a Star Trek fan, should I give Andromeda a try?
Babylon 5 was great.
It will blow your mind Trekfag, you will never go back to gene roddingberry's turd ever again.
More than any other show B5 needs to be digitally remastered but i think i read somewhere that the shows dated digital effects are extremely difficult to transfer to 1080p and would basically have to be re done in order to not look like complete ass when upscaled.
It's basically "Missed opportunities" the show.
Some interesting ideas but poor execution.
>not complete dogshit
Pick one.
Season 3 is America this year.
Season 4 is America next year.
I look forward to the civil war.
Season 1 is boring but necessary for world building and understanding the story. The last season is a mess because they originally were scheduled to be canceled but that chaged and they had to rush things.
Sticj with season 1 as it has some cringy elements. Once you are used to some of the goofier aspects of the show, it starts getting pretty fucking serious and the drama and action deliver. Seasons 2 through 4 are some of the best TV ever. Season 5 of OK.
Reason: Strakzinski had planed for a 5 year story. Ratings down so 5th season denied. Crams story wrap-up into season 4. Rating spike huge! Season 5 reinstated. Ummm ... filler episodes and attempt to salvage what was dropped for space in S4.
Followup movies mixed bag of eh, meh, and ok.
It's an ok show. Lots of waifu bait and half assed plot execution.
Farscape is the superior ripoff series.
It's a great show with a great story in terms of the drama and the real life production. The common refrain of Star Trek meets LOTR is correct. nailed it with the "goofy" aspects yeilding to drama and action. These eccentricities are part of the fun though.
A lot of people who try to get into this show in 2017 sometimes find it difficult simply because the show was first produced in 1993. Yes. That's 1993 for fucks sake. For the time the CGI was fantastic, but today looks like a video game. That's okay. For those of us who watched the show as kids it holds a very special place.
Wasn't it In the Beginning that caused the greenlight for season 5?