No one won. It is a terrible plight on this earth.

I already know the movie is shit but why leave it open ended if there wont be a fucking sequel?


bLack won. Light lost her girl and is caught no matter what happens.

Ryuk also won. He got his fun by manipulating the retarded Light. Not Psycho Japanese Light fun, but fun to see an autist school shooter unravel his life nonetheless

>not Nig-L

>caught no matter what happens
>implying he wont kill his dad or have him join in

we lose

>phenomenal cinematography and visual motifs

>killer synth soundtrack

>Great acting all round

My favourite film of 2017 so far. Up there with BvS in terms of being misunderstood by critics



>Netflix finally release true kino
>Animeme shits shit on it so they can make sure everyone knows how hardcore they are for having seen the original

Wait, how is that a question?

L did. Nothing Light can do can stop him from writing his name down.

>14 years ago for manga and 10 for anime
>remember anything
Newfags always loud about Death Note.

>Not Psycho Japanese Light fun, but fun to see an autist school shooter unravel his life nonetheless

It was hard to root for America Light, because he was such an unwilling pussy and a huge pushover by his girlfriend.

Yeah gave autist school shooter vibes, but then again so did anime/manga Light. The difference is anime Light wasn't just more of a psycho or more power hungry, he was a true idealist that even at his last moments truly believed what he was doing was the absolute good. America Light was ready to drop it all because his gf dropped a few FBI agents.

>The power of love - air supply starts playing

His dad's on his side. He can have him shoot L in the face. L won't actually write his name because he needs a checkmate, and doesn't know where the note will go afterwards.

>Great acting
>We are not good guys anymore

Light ruined everything. His "movie" version is awful. His actor is awful

L looked vengeful as shit, but him staring at Light's photo makes me feel like he didnt have the balls to go with that kind of perverse justice.

Something tells me he wrote his own name down to have a painless death.

L is at Mia's house and about to write something down. Light is dead.

Pure experimental kino

The sound track was dope, especially in the chase scene.

Ryuk costume(?) looked like shit. They should've gone for just some makeup on Dafoe since he has the perfect look for live action Ryuk already.

The pacing was terrible and characters were underdeveloped, did not give a shit when they died.

He wrote the name. His crazy actions followed by the calm make it look like he made a decision. Then with Ryuk showing up to tease him seems to fit. The book takes people with good intentions and makes them evil.

>He wrote the name.

Did L write down lights name on that page that he found? I'm so fucking confused.


You'll find out in the sequel

literally a cliffhanger


I dont even want to imagine how much they will change Near and Mello.

Near will probably be a chick. Have big tits. Curvy hips. Dick sucking lips. All that stupid shit.

And Mello will be latina.


>not a superbangable white woman and her black lover
It'll be shit then

They will also be dykes

I doubt there will be Near and Mello. L was publicly shamed, and still immature in many ways. He will become the real L and go into hiding and only operate from the shadows.