Death Note is pure KINO

>phenomenal cinematography and visual motifs

>killer synth soundtrack

>Great acting all round

My favourite film of 2017 so far. Up there with BvS in terms of being misunderstood by critics.

I just watched it. It was ok, not as good as the Japenese films though.

Also that ugly cunt ruined everything. I would of put her name in the note the second I figured out she killed the fbi dudes

I liked it.
The relation between Mia and Light was involuntary Humor.

>Netflix finally release true kino
>Animeme shits shit on it so they can make sure everyone knows how hardcore they are for having seen the original

Sup Forums will make sure to champion this film like they do with BvS

>My favourite film of 2017 so far. Up there with BvS in terms of being misunderstood by critics
Please don't.

If you think this is kino you would had an orgasm watching the original where light isnt a pussy and L is actually smart

I like how they tried to have good cinematography but it was just fucking annoying.

>Up there with BvS in terms of being misunderstood by critics.
Not even close

>cinematography makes a movie

Why not just go outside you turbo faggot

visuals >>>> plot


but then again plebs

Adam, get the fuck off Sup Forums and hire a decent writer
The only good film you ever made was The Guest

its shit

>good cinematography
Choose one

>dude pretty still shots lmao

I just watched it. L ruined it entirely.

This was a genuine mastapiece. It is better than my grandmother's pasta noodles. In fact, I wonder even claim that it is far superior to my (now) 2nd best movie - Suicide Squad.
If you do not have Netflix, instantly purchase it and watch. 5/5 stars

I know you're all memeing but is this actually worth watching? Is Keith Stanfield at least passable in his performance?

I dont know if you are trying too hard to fit in or are genuinely autistic.

It was okay I guess. 6/10 and I'm being generous. that ending was honestly a better way for Light to erase any suspicion of himself vs the manga version where he put himself into jail and asked Ryuk to remove it only to get it back later anyways.

The moments when it's not trying to pretend it's smarter than it is, it's a so bad it's good high school movie.

it's pure shit

>everything is neon now

>fuck composition, just throw some colorful lights in brah that's the same thing right?

worth watching but nothing great

>Why spend thousands on proper lighting when we can just crack open some glow sticks and throw a rave in front of the camera

>we are so inventive no one else has thought of doing this

>Our film will definitely stand out with our unconventional color scheme


This is actually the best version of Death Note I've seen. They should have worked it as a series however; the movie does feel rushed.

Is that the gun from Blade Runner?

okay but this was actually good

No. It's the gun from Death Note.

Only God Forgives is one of the most beautiful films ever made. Literally fuck off back to plebville where you came from

Borderline experimental.


I made it 12 minute in. Shit sucks.

No fuck you with your "omg gosling stares blankly with the color purple projected onto his face. so deep." shit

You tasteless cunt

>tasteless videogame playing capshitters like it
Of course
/film/ can't come soon enough to purge this pleb scum

The Guest is a great movie but you're next was good too, and VHS was decent. Everything else he's done has been bad

It wasn't bad at all. Mainly because I watched it with nearly zero expectations due to muh animu adaptation and mandatory diversity casting. Turn outs that the nigger was the best actor instead. I wouldn't call it pure kino though.

In a way it's worth watching. It actually has less conisistency with the original plot and characters then m.night's avatar. Defoe at least probably had a good time.

I have feeling Netflix planned TV instead of movie.

>fuck composition, just throw some colorful lights in brah that's the same thing right?
>But this is absolutely kino! Kino my dudes the way the red neon clashes with the purple everywhere. UPBOAT THIS POST!
I'd agree, if the board wasn't all trying to fit in some elitist circle jerk

>being this proud of being a pleb


>I have no response so I'll call you a pleb and hope that ends the discussion

That film was shit. Even RLM hated it and Jay is a big enough faggot to like anything remotely hipster-ish

True pleb here. They should work together.

>wanting a response to a baseless exaggeration that isn't at all reflective of the film
Speak like an adult, and prove you deserve to be treated like o---
>Even RLM said!!
Nevermind. You're clearly a child who's incapable of thinking for themselves

>implying appeal to authority isnt a logical argument when it comes to gauging film quality

It's why we have critics you dumb motherfucker.

>It's why we have critics
Oh yeah, I forgot that Ghostbusters (2017) was a really good film and that The Force Awakens was amazing in every aspect
Unironically neck yourself you underage shit

Refn is color blind, hence the crazy oversaturated colors.

>being so dumb you cant figure out the difference between a paid hack and a critic

Only reason I'd neck myself is so I would no longer have to share the planet with retards like you

That chase was kinotastic

>phenomenal cinematography
The movie was shit, but, yeah, the cinematography was amazing.

Go look up a no true scottsman fallacy and then fuck off
Seriously, never reply to me again with that level of idiocy

Thats not a no true scotsman you fucktard.

Refn is a genius.
I almost feel sorry for cinematographers working on hollywood films. But then I realise that they're probably so far up their own asses, from awards and the yes-men around them, that they probably think they're hot shit

You should consider looking it up yourself, johnny foreigner

>Samefagging this hard
I want underage little fuckstains off my board!
For fuck's sake
(And yes it is, you're choosing arbitrary parameters to decide who counts as a critic based solely on whether or not you like them you fucking brainlet)

holy shit you are such a fucking retard lmao
back to plebbit you spineless cuck

Kill yourself you subhuman retard.

There is an obvious distinction between a critic who presents arguments for why a film is either bad or good based on set criteria established through analysis of plot structure, cinematography, and overall composition...and a paid shill who only exists to mindlessly promote whatever bullshit sony is pooping out while toeing the company line.

Fuck off.

t. brainlet who doesn't know anything about cinematography.

>200 hours in photoshop

>colored lights = cinematography

This nonsense is so inorganic to any sense of globetrotter restlessness or anything explicitly or metaphorically to do with British or American colonialism that it just feels derivative. That Kubrickian scene in Drive of dead-eyed strippers watching an assault gets extended here in a more elaborate whorehouse sequence where catatonic hookers bear mute witness to instances of police corruption. Refn’s tableau of organdy-gowned call-girls listening to pop while watching violence in a bouquet-bedecked whorehouse is the ultimate David Lynch parody.

Gosling and Refn have art ambitions–a strange sense of fun. But how can film culture progress with fantasies like this? There’s no shock or outrage left. Refn relies upon a level of menace (unerotic, non-provocative) that precludes caring about or responding to violence, vulnerability, mortality. This is cinema for unsophisticated viewers who don’t already know Bunuel’s eye-slashing, Altman’s Coke bottle assault or Shakespeare/Julie Taymor’s Titus. Children of Kubrick, Friedkin, Lynch and Tarantino, they remain infantile about movies.

This thread is full of retards holy shit. Why do I still come here

>gets B T F O
>"lol i troll u"

Eat shit, lad.

I saw suicide squad recently. Although no masterpiece I think it's better than people bitched about

Black L was an improvement

>clawing this desperately to try and save face after outing himself as an underaged brainlet

Ah the tried-and-tested attempt to just claim that you've won the argument after you realise you're out of your depth so that you don't have to actually continue the argument
Well played

>My argument style revolves entirely around using buzzwords I read on Sup Forums

Suicide Squad is a decent movie with great cinematography and that's it. No more, no less.

So did L kill him or not?

Holy hell. I thought all the plebs fucked off after they realised we hated Nolan
What is this shit?

>suggesting I would bother to photoshop something as stupid as a (you)

Another internet argument victory for me. Good luck next time kiddo

death note has the worst story ever

Your life has the worst story ever

my nigger from another mother

the editing is terrible the actors are awful, the action is stupid, the concept is for children

The original anime has one of the greatest stories ever told, you dumb bitch, and Yagami Raito is one of the best and most complex characters ever written, but you're too much of a brainlet to understand his genius.

> No scene were Light indulges in killing bad guys to fuel his ego to be a god
> No claiming to be a god himself, just a random thought during a Montage
> No heart attack kills, all deaths are gory and graphic because DEATH IS UGLY AND IMPACTFUL XD
> L acting was superv, but was too passional and a few bad events were enough to easily break him to do wrong
> Light's dad suddenly became a paragon of justice when Kira appeared, when we got presented with a random cop that seemed to hate his job
> Mia suddenly became a killer bitch because IM NOT A PUSSY I'LL BE KIRA GET OUT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT
> Watari is some random Asian dude with a Mohawk that doesn't really look like a butler
> L came our of nowhere and we were supposed to believe he was a world renowned detective
> Light is just "a brilliant kid" and not "the most promising and brilliant mind of his generation" like Yagami Light
> No real trap to corner Kira into a single area like in the manga, L just assumed Kira was in Seattle because the killings started there

The movie was a mess, but it was very well shot. The characters were surprisingly likeable. It could have benefited greatly of the Series format instead of being a movie.

> Light Turner

im intelligent intelligent!!! plot device, plot device , im intelligent ,plot device the end

But it made me feel so smart when i was a teen and watched it for the first time

It had a lot of scenes that made me laugh out loud thinking "what the fuck is this shit" but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
>what is what?
>your book
>uuuuh I can't tell you
>do you really wanna know?
>ok then I'll tell you

Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it's bad.

can't believe weebs still says that event tho the story is super simplistic and obviously for teenagers